20 research outputs found

    A question of time: Do economists and strategic managers manage time or do they even care?

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    The article explores the notion of time in an economic thought. Opposite to the importance of time, it has been shown that economic thought has no clear conceptual frame of the relevance of time in its investigations. The usage of time as a context of economic processes is being discussed. Different approaches toward the future are presented. Management science forecasting tools are systematized and presented as a tool for controlling and perpetuating present behavior instead of creating future behavior. Management science needs to adopt a new form of the question eligible to it, as well as to adopt a new quality of the answers relevant in management science. Future development depends on the imagination and passion for creating a future behavioral pattern more than the passion for explaining and rationalizing the future as the continuity of the present behavioral pattern that management science has historically inclined to do

    Trgovina poljoprivrednim i prehrambenim proizvodima Jugoslavije i Hrvatske s Europskom ekonomskom zajednicom

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    Vanjskotrgovinska razmjena poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih proizvoda između Jugoslavije te posebno Hrvatske, i Europske ekonomske zajednice, okarakterizirana je selektivnim nastupom i visokom ovisnoŔću o efektima trgovinske razmjene s nekoliko zemalja, te forsiranjem slabo diverzificiranog asortimana poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih proizvoda. Mogućnosti uspjeÅ”nijeg nastupa Hrvatske na tržiÅ”tu EZ, u uvjetima stabilne političke situacije mogu se naći u intenziviranju razmjene voća, povrća, mediteranskih kultura, začina, ljekovitog bilja, te razvijanju i unapređenju trženja tzv. marka proizvoda koje Hrvatska može ponuditi (npr. maraska, Å”ljivovica itd.

    Dugi privredni ciklusi - od teorije do poslovne igre

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    Uzroci i karakteristike cikličnosti privredne konjukture predmet su znanstvene analize već dugi niz godina. Relativno je skroman broj pokuÅ”aja ilustriranja ove problematike putem poslovnih igara. Poslovna igra STRATEGEMā€”2 namijenjena je analizi i demonstraciji makroekonomskih efekata Kondratieff-og dugog privrednog ciklusa koji se ispoljavaju uz određeno zakaÅ”njenje. Značaj spoznavanja odgođenih efekata, indukcije i kontrole privredne konjukture, a u obliku prepoznatljivom i razumljivom studentima čini se dostatnim motivom za uvođenje sličnih simulacija u redovnu predavačku praksu

    Business models of micro businesses: Empirical evidence from creative industries

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    Business model describes how a business identifies and creates value for customers and how it organizes itself to capture some of this value in a profitable manner. Previous studies of business models in creative industries have only recently identified the unresolved issues in this field of research. The main objective of this article is to analyse the structure and diversity of business models and to deduce how these components interact or change in the context of micro and small businesses in creative services such as advertising, architecture and design. The article uses a qualitative approach. Case studies and semi-structured, in-depth interviews with six owners/managers of micro businesses in Croatia provide rich data. Structural coding in data analysis has been performed manually. The qualitative analysis has indicative relevance for the assessment and comparison of business models, however, it provides insights into which components of business models seem to be consolidated and which seem to contribute to the diversity of business models in creative industries. The article contributes to the advancement of empirical evidence and conceptual constructs that might lead to more advanced methodological approaches and proposition of the core typologies or classifications of business models in creative industries. In addition, a more detailed mapping of different choices available in managing value creation, value capturing or value networking might be a valuable help for owners/managers who want to change or cross-fertilize their business models

    A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods in a High-Dimensional Classification Problem

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    Background: Large-dimensional data modelling often relies on variable reduction methods in the pre-processing and in the post-processing stage. However, such a reduction usually provides less information and yields a lower accuracy of the model. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to assess the high-dimensional classification problem of recognizing entrepreneurial intentions of students by machine learning methods. Methods/Approach: Four methods were tested: artificial neural networks, CART classification trees, support vector machines, and k-nearest neighbour on the same dataset in order to compare their efficiency in the sense of classification accuracy. The performance of each method was compared on ten subsamples in a 10-fold cross-validation procedure in order to assess computing sensitivity and specificity of each model. Results: The artificial neural network model based on multilayer perceptron yielded a higher classification rate than the models produced by other methods. The pairwise t-test showed a statistical significance between the artificial neural network and the k-nearest neighbour model, while the difference among other methods was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Tested machine learning methods are able to learn fast and achieve high classification accuracy. However, further advancement can be assured by testing a few additional methodological refinements in machine learning methods