11 research outputs found

    Ključni izazovi za daljnji razvoj društvenog poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj

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    The specific goal of this paper is to contribute to the discussion of key problems and necessary steps to be undertaken in the further development of social entrepreneurship in Croatia. Quantitative research was applied through a survey questionnaire, the sample included 526 respondents divided into several target groups: unemployed persons, members of social cooperatives, youth, farmers and employees of social enterprises. Findings regarding relevant constraints relate mainly to legal, financial and tax system constraints, constraints in the segment of education and capacity building, inefficient bureaucracy and administration, ineffective support from the part of local and regional policy makers and stakeholders, the lack of horizontal and vertical coordination and numerous other. Despite the limitations, the potential for further development of social entrepreneurship is based on the excellent examples of good practice realized so far, on the relevant achieved results from the part of civil society organizations as well as on the existing initial scientific research on the topic

    The competitiveness of national (Croatian) economies through Development of industrial clusters

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    This article reflects upon some Croatian industrial and R&D conditions with the aim of providing an answer to the hypothetical question, what the possible role of the National science and technology (S&T) potential could be within the existing embryos or clusters to be developed in the forthcoming period. Particular attention is given to the national automotive industry, which is continuously struggling with tough international competition. Clustering, as a worldwide accepted industrial organizational model based on inter firm linkages and industrial and technological networking; could be an excellent source of competitive advantage, not only in comparison with the countries in the surrounding geographical area, but also much wider. Based on the first most recent experience with cluster development in Croatia, and having in mind Croatia\u27s existing research and development potential, the question arises as to whether Croatia is ready to initiate its automotive cluster and what the role of R&D could be in this process. Should the analysis of the automotive sector result as unfavourable for future organizational networking, further research will be necessary related to cluster development in the framework of better performing industry sectors, within which, after all, the first Croatian cluster development initiatives are precisely at the moment being triggered. Understanding current worldwide processes; even if the answer to a research question regarding cluster development in Croatia under present circumstance turns out to be unfavourable, a logical hypothetical question that arises could be: is there any alternative?

    Can Evaluation Trigger Change? The Case of the Interim Evaluation of the Croatian Tourism Development Strategy

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    The paper is focused on the results of the first conducted sectoral interim evaluation in Croatia, that of the Croatian Tourism Development Strategy till 2020. The authors reflect on the methodology used, the applied approach, the objectives and scope of the recently implemented interim evaluation of the mentioned Strategy. They comment on the purpose and functions of this sectoral evaluation and observe objectively its role from the point of view of achieving effectiveness, long term, and concrete and sustainable development impacts in the sector of tourism. The main findings of the conducted evaluation are presented, based on a number of held interviews and a survey with the main policy makers, civil servants as well as all key stakeholders in the tourism industry. Particular focus is given to evaluation questions and judgement criteria based on the evaluation criteria of effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The authors indicate some of the positive achievements, and particularly the current problems and challenges in the segment of tourism in Croatia in the period until 2020 and beyond. Along with observations related to the issues of accountability in the sector, the paper also provides reflections on the learning effects as the end result of such an evaluation, contributing to further policy development and policy learning in the sector of tourism. The authors indicate that their experience with this first interim evaluation could serve as a good practice example for conducting similar sectoral evaluations in Croatia as well as a tool for further long term development of tourism in the country, since the sector is of pivotal importance for Croatia’s local, regional and urban development as well as its overall economic competitiveness. Particular attention is given to some of the noted deficiencies and needs for further improvements in this sector, vital for Croatia’s further development. Recommendations are provided for improvements of the overall Croatian tourism development policy, with specific focus on the effectiveness of the so far achieved results as well as sustainable implementation of the Strategy and overall policy, aiming at reaching major and more concrete development impacts in the field of tourism

    Institutional Capacity for Regional Development in Croatia on the County Level

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    The paper presents some of the results of a research of the institutional capacity in all Croatian counties and county development agencies, with the aim of analysing and assessing the currently existing institutional capacity for preparing and implementing regional development projects on the county level. The research was based on an implemented survey in which all counties and county development agencies were included. Views are also given related to the importance of institutional capacity for Croatia’s regional development from the point of view of overall absorption capacity of both the EU, as well as other international and Croatian financial sources, as well as its relevance from the point of view of ensuring good governance and the implementation of effective regional development initiatives and actions on the local and regional level. On the basis of identified problems and needs in the Croatian counties in the process of preparing and implementing projects financed through, primarily, international financial sources, the paper identifies some of the necessary steps for further strengthening of institutional structures, coordination mechanisms, capacities and procedures related to planning and programming on the county level

    A multivariate methodology for modelling regional development in Croatia

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    This paper proposes a multivariate statistical approach based on covariance structure analysis for assessment of the regional development level with an application to development ranking of 545 Croatian municipalities. Municipality-level data ware collected on economic, structural, and demographic dimensions and preliminary factor and principal component analysis were computed to analyse empirical groupings of the variables. Next, confirmatory factor analytic models were estimated with the maximum likelihood technique and subsequently their implied structure was formally tested. Testing was extended to a joint model including all three dimensions (economic, structural and demographic) and their covariance structure was modelled with a recursive structural equation model. Finally, scores were estimated for latent variables thereby allowing (i) estimation of the latent development level of the territorial units, (ii) ranking of all units on an interval scale in respect to their latent development level, and (iii) selection of a given percentage of units for inclusion into special state-care subsidy programme

    A multivariate methodology for modelling regional development in Croatia

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    This paper proposes a multivariate statistical approach based on covariance structure analysis for assessment of the regional development level with an application to development ranking of 545 Croatian municipalities. Municipality-level data ware collected on economic, structural, and demographic dimensions and preliminary factor and principal component analysis were computed to analyse empirical groupings of the variables. Next, confirmatory factor analytic models were estimated with the maximum likelihood technique and subsequently their implied structure was formally tested. Testing was extended to a joint model including all three dimensions (economic, structural and demographic) and their covariance structure was modelled with a recursive structural equation model. Finally, scores were estimated for latent variables thereby allowing (i) estimation of the latent development level of the territorial units, (ii) ranking of all units on an interval scale in respect to their latent development level, and (iii) selection of a given percentage of units for inclusion into special state-care subsidy programme

    Učinkovitost javne uprave u Hrvatskoj u postupcima odabira projekata sufinanciranih putem fondova Europske unije

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    Kvalitetan proces odabira projekata za financiranje jedan je od ključnih elemenata koji određuju uspjeh kohezijske politike. Razvoj i primjena kriterija odabira projekata u nadležnosti su pojedinih zemalja članica Europske unije (EU), ali uz obvezu poštivanja ključnih načela utvrđenih propisima EU-a. Cilj je rada ocijeniti kvalitetu sustava odabira projekata u okviru provedbe Operativnog programa konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. – 2020. (OPKK) kao financijski najvažnijeg programa sufinanciranog iz proračuna EU-a u Hrvatskoj u proračunskom razdoblju 2014. – 2020. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je sustav odabira projekata vrlo složen te zahtijeva vrlo visok angažman uključenih sudionika. Po tome se Hrvatska svrstava u skupinu novih zemalja članica EU-a koje obilježava visok stupanj standardiziranosti procesa s prilično kompleksnim postupcima odabira. Uz određene pozitivne učinke u vezi s odabirom relevantnih projekata, posljedica je takva pristupa vrlo sporo donošenje odluka o odabiru projekata, što je doprinijelo slabijem povlačenju raspoloživih sredstava EU-a

    Croatian Regional Policy Fostering Competitiveness

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    regional development, regional policy, economic competitiveness,

    Decentralisation and regional policy in Croatia: the impact of EU accession and the prospect of territorial reorganisation

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    The paper sets out the main elements of the decentralisation and regional policy in Croatia. It describes the inherited as well as current circumstances influencing both policies, and provides an overview of the institutions involved in their implementation. It comments on some of their major drawbacks, and analyses the driving forces promoting administrative and fiscal decentralisation, the new territorial organisation, and the implementation of the new regional policy. The paper investigates the relationship between decentralisation and the new regional policy. The study is based on a literature review and on interviews with the key actors at national and local government levels, as well as with several non-governmental organisations. The paper concludes with some recommendations on future policy development