15 research outputs found

    Promjene u strukturama stanovništva grada Knina

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    Grad Knin je specifična društvena i kulturna sredina koja je u razdoblju nakon Domovinskog rata 1991. godine doživjela značajne promjene u strukturi stanovništva. Važnost proučavanja struktura stanovništva proizlazi iz činjenice da su promjene u njima ovisne o širim društvenim, gospodarskim i političkim kretanjima. S druge strane, promjene u strukturama stanovništva koje nastaju pod utjecajem društvenog i gospodarskog razvoja povratno djeluju na ekonomski i socijalni razvitak zajednice, te ga mogu stimulirati ili usporavati. Temeljni cilj rada je prikaz stanja i promjene u socijalnim strukturama Grada Knina, u razdoblju od 1991. do 2011. godine, u okviru čega su analizirana demografska kretanja, ukupan broj, spol i dob, te narodnosna, obrazovna i struktura stanovništva prema aktivnosti. Korišteni izvori podataka su primarno Popisi stanovništva, te drugi izvori statističkih podataka. U pogledu ukupnog broja stanovnika, nakon znatnog smanjenja, u razdoblju od 1991. do 2001. godine, novije razdoblje između dva popisa pokazuje stabilizaciju i blagi porast. Promjene u dobnoj strukturi pokazuju se sukladnima općem procesu demografskog starenja u Hrvatskoj. Nakon intenzivnih promjena, narodnosna struktura se stabilizira uz homogenizaciju i većinsku hrvatsku nacionalnost, te lagani porast stanovništva srpske nacionalnosti. U obrazovnoj strukturi bilježe se pozitivni pomaci. Većina stanovništva je sa završenim srednjoškolskim obrazovanjem, uz porast visokoobrazovanih žena. Obrazovna struktura Grada Knina, u aspektu udjela pojedinih razina školske spreme, usporediva s istom strukturom Hrvatske. U 2011. godini, u strukturi aktivnog stanovništva, najzastupljenije je neaktivno stanovništvo, među kojim je najviše umirovljenika. Nezaposlenog stanovništva je manje, a u porastu je zaposlenost žena. Među nezaposlenima je najviše onih koji traže drugi posao


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    Pojam ličnost često se koristi u području psihologije i izvan nje te je izuzetno važan u razumijevanju čovjekove prirode. Osobine ličnosti reflektiraju se na dojam koji neka osoba ostavlja prema drugima, poziciju koju ima u odnosu na druge, intenzitet želje za postignućem određenih ciljeva te strategije kojima nastoji postići svoje ciljeve. Stoga, ličnost zasigurno utječe na načine individualne interakcije unutar socijalne okoline. Osobine ličnosti smatraju se općenito relevantnima za radno ponašanje, djelujući kroz individualnu i grupnu radnu uspješnost na kvalitetu timskog izvođenja zadataka. Danas u vrijeme brzih promjena i rastućih zahtjeva za prilagodbu novim načinima poslovanja fleksibilnost postaje jedna od glavnih karakteristika uspješnog poslovanja. Iz tih je razloga postojanje timske organizacijske strukture percipirano kao iznimno popularan i poželjan oblik dizajna poslovanja. U usmjeravanju tima prema postizanju ciljeva, vođa putem vizije, odluka i postupaka nastoji motivirati članove tima na ulaganje dodatnih napora kako bi uspješnost tima bila što veća. Pri takvom vođenju tima ističe se stil vodstva uvjetovan i osobinama ličnosti vođe. U ovom diplomskom radu nastojalo se istražiti postoji li povezanost između stila vodstva predodređenog osobinama ličnosti vođe i radne uspješnosti tima te je li prisutan značajan utjecaj nezavisnih varijabli na odabir vođina stila vodstva i timsku radnu uspješnost. Provedenim istraživanjem ustanovljena je prisutnost povezanosti stila vodstva i radne uspješnosti tima.The concept of personality is frequently used in the field of psychology, but also on a wider scale and is extremely important for understanding human nature. Personality traits affect the impression a person makes on other people, his/her position in relation to others, intensity of his/her desire to achieve his/her goals and the strategy he/she uses to achieve them. Personality therefore doubtlessly affects individual interactions within a social environment. Personality traits are generally considered relevant for work behaviour, affecting individual and group performance and thus the quality of execution of tasks by the team. In the times of fast changes and growing demands for adjustment to new business practices, flexibility is becoming one of the main features of successful businesses. For these reasons, existence of a team organizational structure is perceived as an extremely popular and desirable form of business design. In directing his or her team toward the achievement of goals, a leader uses vision, decisions and procedures to motivate the team members to invest additional efforts to increase the team's performance. Leading a team in this way involves a leadership style, affected by the leader's personality traits. This master’s thesis aims at researching if there is a relationship between leadership style predetermined by the leader's personality traits and the team’s performance and if there is a significant influence of independent variables on the leader’s selection of leadership style and the team's performance. The research has established a relationship between leadership style and the team’s performance


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    Pojam ličnost često se koristi u području psihologije i izvan nje te je izuzetno važan u razumijevanju čovjekove prirode. Osobine ličnosti reflektiraju se na dojam koji neka osoba ostavlja prema drugima, poziciju koju ima u odnosu na druge, intenzitet želje za postignućem određenih ciljeva te strategije kojima nastoji postići svoje ciljeve. Stoga, ličnost zasigurno utječe na načine individualne interakcije unutar socijalne okoline. Osobine ličnosti smatraju se općenito relevantnima za radno ponašanje, djelujući kroz individualnu i grupnu radnu uspješnost na kvalitetu timskog izvođenja zadataka. Danas u vrijeme brzih promjena i rastućih zahtjeva za prilagodbu novim načinima poslovanja fleksibilnost postaje jedna od glavnih karakteristika uspješnog poslovanja. Iz tih je razloga postojanje timske organizacijske strukture percipirano kao iznimno popularan i poželjan oblik dizajna poslovanja. U usmjeravanju tima prema postizanju ciljeva, vođa putem vizije, odluka i postupaka nastoji motivirati članove tima na ulaganje dodatnih napora kako bi uspješnost tima bila što veća. Pri takvom vođenju tima ističe se stil vodstva uvjetovan i osobinama ličnosti vođe. U ovom diplomskom radu nastojalo se istražiti postoji li povezanost između stila vodstva predodređenog osobinama ličnosti vođe i radne uspješnosti tima te je li prisutan značajan utjecaj nezavisnih varijabli na odabir vođina stila vodstva i timsku radnu uspješnost. Provedenim istraživanjem ustanovljena je prisutnost povezanosti stila vodstva i radne uspješnosti tima.The concept of personality is frequently used in the field of psychology, but also on a wider scale and is extremely important for understanding human nature. Personality traits affect the impression a person makes on other people, his/her position in relation to others, intensity of his/her desire to achieve his/her goals and the strategy he/she uses to achieve them. Personality therefore doubtlessly affects individual interactions within a social environment. Personality traits are generally considered relevant for work behaviour, affecting individual and group performance and thus the quality of execution of tasks by the team. In the times of fast changes and growing demands for adjustment to new business practices, flexibility is becoming one of the main features of successful businesses. For these reasons, existence of a team organizational structure is perceived as an extremely popular and desirable form of business design. In directing his or her team toward the achievement of goals, a leader uses vision, decisions and procedures to motivate the team members to invest additional efforts to increase the team's performance. Leading a team in this way involves a leadership style, affected by the leader's personality traits. This master’s thesis aims at researching if there is a relationship between leadership style predetermined by the leader's personality traits and the team’s performance and if there is a significant influence of independent variables on the leader’s selection of leadership style and the team's performance. The research has established a relationship between leadership style and the team’s performance


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    Pojam ličnost često se koristi u području psihologije i izvan nje te je izuzetno važan u razumijevanju čovjekove prirode. Osobine ličnosti reflektiraju se na dojam koji neka osoba ostavlja prema drugima, poziciju koju ima u odnosu na druge, intenzitet želje za postignućem određenih ciljeva te strategije kojima nastoji postići svoje ciljeve. Stoga, ličnost zasigurno utječe na načine individualne interakcije unutar socijalne okoline. Osobine ličnosti smatraju se općenito relevantnima za radno ponašanje, djelujući kroz individualnu i grupnu radnu uspješnost na kvalitetu timskog izvođenja zadataka. Danas u vrijeme brzih promjena i rastućih zahtjeva za prilagodbu novim načinima poslovanja fleksibilnost postaje jedna od glavnih karakteristika uspješnog poslovanja. Iz tih je razloga postojanje timske organizacijske strukture percipirano kao iznimno popularan i poželjan oblik dizajna poslovanja. U usmjeravanju tima prema postizanju ciljeva, vođa putem vizije, odluka i postupaka nastoji motivirati članove tima na ulaganje dodatnih napora kako bi uspješnost tima bila što veća. Pri takvom vođenju tima ističe se stil vodstva uvjetovan i osobinama ličnosti vođe. U ovom diplomskom radu nastojalo se istražiti postoji li povezanost između stila vodstva predodređenog osobinama ličnosti vođe i radne uspješnosti tima te je li prisutan značajan utjecaj nezavisnih varijabli na odabir vođina stila vodstva i timsku radnu uspješnost. Provedenim istraživanjem ustanovljena je prisutnost povezanosti stila vodstva i radne uspješnosti tima.The concept of personality is frequently used in the field of psychology, but also on a wider scale and is extremely important for understanding human nature. Personality traits affect the impression a person makes on other people, his/her position in relation to others, intensity of his/her desire to achieve his/her goals and the strategy he/she uses to achieve them. Personality therefore doubtlessly affects individual interactions within a social environment. Personality traits are generally considered relevant for work behaviour, affecting individual and group performance and thus the quality of execution of tasks by the team. In the times of fast changes and growing demands for adjustment to new business practices, flexibility is becoming one of the main features of successful businesses. For these reasons, existence of a team organizational structure is perceived as an extremely popular and desirable form of business design. In directing his or her team toward the achievement of goals, a leader uses vision, decisions and procedures to motivate the team members to invest additional efforts to increase the team's performance. Leading a team in this way involves a leadership style, affected by the leader's personality traits. This master’s thesis aims at researching if there is a relationship between leadership style predetermined by the leader's personality traits and the team’s performance and if there is a significant influence of independent variables on the leader’s selection of leadership style and the team's performance. The research has established a relationship between leadership style and the team’s performance

    The social context of reading and book: opinions and attitudes of students

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    Čitanje obogaćuje osobnost i iskustvo pojedinca. Važnost čitanja predmet je znanstvenog interesa, a od 1980-ih istraživanja čitanja počinju uključivati sociološke koncepte. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako današnje generacije mladih čitaju manje nego njihovi prethodnici. U radu je istražen društveni kontekst čitanja i knjige kod populacije učenika. Na uzorku (N=262) osnovnoškolaca i srednjoškolaca, ispitani su čitateljski interesi i navike, odnos prema knjizi i njezino značenje. Nalazi su promotreni u zavisnosti od dobi, odnosno školskog uzrasta, ispitanika. Preferirani sadržaji učenika su prilično raznoliki, dok su čitateljski ukusi promjenjivi s dobi. Tiskana izdanja su aktualna, ali prihvaća se i trend čitanja „s ekrana“. Školska lektira procjenjuje se vrijednom, ali i neadekvatnom. Knjige se posjeduju u manjem broju. Najčešće se posuđuju iz knjižnica ili od prijatelja. Knjiga nije među poželjnim potrošačkim robama. Vrijednost knjige je nematerijalna, simbolička.Reading enriches an individual’s personality and experience. The importance of reading is a subject of the scientific interest. From the 1980’s, the researches based on reading begin to include sociological concepts. The results show that today’s generations of young people read less than their predecessors. This paper examines a social context of reading and book, within the population of the students. Reading habits and interests, relation towards the book and the meaning of the book were studied on a sample (N=262) of primary and secondary school students. Research findings were examined depending on the age of the participants. Student’s reading subjects are very diverse. Reading preferences change with age. Print reading is present, but ‘on screen’ reading also appears as a trend. School-reading is considered valuable, but also as inadequate. The books are being owned in a smaller amount. They are most frequently borrowed from libraries or friends. The book is not among the desirable consumer goods. The value of the book is immaterial, symbolic

    The social context of reading and book: opinions and attitudes of students

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    Čitanje obogaćuje osobnost i iskustvo pojedinca. Važnost čitanja predmet je znanstvenog interesa, a od 1980-ih istraživanja čitanja počinju uključivati sociološke koncepte. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako današnje generacije mladih čitaju manje nego njihovi prethodnici. U radu je istražen društveni kontekst čitanja i knjige kod populacije učenika. Na uzorku (N=262) osnovnoškolaca i srednjoškolaca, ispitani su čitateljski interesi i navike, odnos prema knjizi i njezino značenje. Nalazi su promotreni u zavisnosti od dobi, odnosno školskog uzrasta, ispitanika. Preferirani sadržaji učenika su prilično raznoliki, dok su čitateljski ukusi promjenjivi s dobi. Tiskana izdanja su aktualna, ali prihvaća se i trend čitanja „s ekrana“. Školska lektira procjenjuje se vrijednom, ali i neadekvatnom. Knjige se posjeduju u manjem broju. Najčešće se posuđuju iz knjižnica ili od prijatelja. Knjiga nije među poželjnim potrošačkim robama. Vrijednost knjige je nematerijalna, simbolička.Reading enriches an individual’s personality and experience. The importance of reading is a subject of the scientific interest. From the 1980’s, the researches based on reading begin to include sociological concepts. The results show that today’s generations of young people read less than their predecessors. This paper examines a social context of reading and book, within the population of the students. Reading habits and interests, relation towards the book and the meaning of the book were studied on a sample (N=262) of primary and secondary school students. Research findings were examined depending on the age of the participants. Student’s reading subjects are very diverse. Reading preferences change with age. Print reading is present, but ‘on screen’ reading also appears as a trend. School-reading is considered valuable, but also as inadequate. The books are being owned in a smaller amount. They are most frequently borrowed from libraries or friends. The book is not among the desirable consumer goods. The value of the book is immaterial, symbolic

    Potential of Tamoxifen-based Copper(II) Dichloride in Breast Cancer Therapy

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    Background: Estrogen receptor-posiƟ ve (ER+) breast cancer accounts for approximately 70% of all cases and, concordantly, anƟ -estrogen therapies present a leading therapeuƟ c choice. InteresƟ ngly, tamoxifen, which is the most commonly used drug, has also been proven eff ecƟ ve in hormone-independent forms of breast cancer, suggesƟ ng the existence of intracellular off -targets. Frequent acquisiƟ on of therapy resistance presents a plaƞ orm for the design of tamoxifen derivaƟ ves with a 2,2’-bipyridine unit enabling the coordinaƟ on of transiƟ on metal moieƟ es, such as copper(II) dichloride. Copper (Cu) is an essenƟ al element involved in the regulaƟ on of cellular growth and development. DisrupƟ on of its delicate homeostasis results in severe toxicity and hard medical condiƟ ons. Increased demand of cancer cells for this micronutrient makes it a valuable candidate for drug design in cancer treatment. The mechanism of acƟ on of Cu complexes is typically based on their ability to induce deadly oxidaƟ ve stress. This study evaluated the effi cacy of a copper–tamoxifen hybrid drug on a panel of breast cancer cell lines with varying receptor expression status. Material and Methods: The viability of breast adenocarcinoma cell lines MCF-7, MDA-MB-361, MDA-MB-231, 4T1 and glioma U251 was esƟ mated by MTT and CV assays. Flow cytometric analysis of cells stained with annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide, ApoStat, acridine orange, dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR), dihydroethidium (DHE) or 4-amino-5-methylamino-2’,7’-difl uorofl uorescein diacetate (DAF) was used to evaluate cell death, caspase acƟ vity, autophagy, producƟ on of reacƟ ve oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS), respecƟ vely. Results: The Cu-tamoxifen hybrid drug displayed substanƟ ally higher hormone-receptor (HR) independent cytotoxic acƟ vity compared to previously reported metal complexes with a similar tamoxifen vector. Massive caspase-dependent apoptoƟ c cell death is parƟ ally aƩ enuated by an autophagic process that counteracts death signals. In contrast to the plaƟ num analogue, the copper-based tamoxifen derivaƟ ve reduces ROS/RNS that may be associated with the intracellular accumulaƟ on of the reduced form of CuI which is important for cuproptosis. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the potenƟ al of the copper–tamoxifen hybrid drug as an intriguing alternaƟ ve to commonly used plaƟ num complexes in treatment of cancer. Its safety and effi ciency will be further esƟ mated in vivoThe first number of Oncology Insights includes Proceedings book of The Sixth Congress of the Serbian Association for Cancer Research with international participation (Oct 2-4, 2023, Belgrade

    2,2'-Bipyridine-Modified Tamoxifen: A Versatile Vector for Molybdacarboranes.

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    Investigations on the antitumor activity of metallacarboranes are sparse in the literature and limited to a handful of ruthena- and molybdacarboranes. In this study, the molybdacarborane fragment [3-(CO)2 -closo-3,1,2-MoC2 B9 H11 ] was combined with a vector molecule, inspired by the well-known drug tamoxifen or 4,4'-dihydroxytamoxifen (TAM-diOH). The molybdacarborane derivative [3,3-{4-[1,1-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)but-1-en-2-yl]-2,2'-bipyridine-κ2 N,N'}-3-(CO)2 -closo-3,1,2-MoC2 B9 H11 ] (10), as well as the ligand itself 4-[1,1-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)but-1-en-2-yl]-2,2'-bipyridine (6) showed cytotoxic activities in the low micromolar range against breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-361 and MCF-7), human glioblastoma (LN-229) and human glioma (U-251) cell lines. In addition, compounds 6 and 10 were found to induce senescence and cytodestructive autophagy, lower ROS/RNS levels, but only the molybdacarborane 10 induced a strong increase of nitric oxide (NO) concentration in the MCF-7 cells

    Supplementary materials for: Metallodrugs against Breast Cancer: Combining the Tamoxifen Vector with Platinum(II) and Palladium(II) Complexes

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    The luminal A-subtype of breast cancer, where the oestrogen receptor α (ERα) is overexpressed, is the most frequent one. The prodrug tamoxifen (1) is the clinically used agent, inhibiting the ERα activity via the formation of several active metabolites, such as 4-hydroxytamoxifen (2) or 4,4′-dihydroxytamoxifen (3). In this study, we present the tamoxifen derivative 4-[1,1-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)but-1-en-2-yl]-2,2′-bipyridine (4), which was combined with platinum or palladium dichloride, the former a well-known scaffold in anticancer treatment, to give [PtCl2(4-κ2N,N′)] (5) or [PdCl2(4-κ2N,N′] (6). To prevent fast exchange of weakly coordinating chlorido ligands in aqueous solution, a bulky, highly stable and hydrophobic nido-carborate(−2) ([C2B9H11]2−) was incorporated. The resulting complexes [3-(4-κ2N,N′)-3,1,2-PtC2B9H11] (7) and [3-(4-κ2N,N′)-3,1,2-PdC2B9H11] (8) exhibit a dramatic change in electronic and biological properties compared to 5 and 6. Thus, 8 is highly selective for triple-negative MDA-MB-231 cells (IC50 = 3.7 μM, MTT test), while 7 is completely inactive against this cell line. The observed cytotoxicity of compounds 4–6 and 8 against this triple-negative cell line suggests off-target mechanisms rather than only ERα inhibition, for which these compounds were originally designed. Spectroscopic properties and electronic structures of the metal complexes were investigated for possible explanations of the biological activities.Related to published version: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5892]Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics15020682

    Beyond Traditional Use of Alchemilla vulgaris: Genoprotective and Antitumor Activity In Vitro

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    Alchemilla vulgaris L. (lady’s mantle) was used for centuries in Europe and Balkan countries for treatments of numerous conditions and diseases of the reproductive system, yet some of the biological activities of lady’s mantle have been poorly studied and neglected. The present study aimed to estimate the potential of A. vulgaris ethanolic extract from Southeast Serbia to prevent and suppress tumor development in vitro, validated by antioxidant, genoprotective, and cytotoxic properties. A total of 45 compounds were detected by UHPLC–HRMS analysis in A. vulgaris ethanolic extract. Measurement of antioxidant activity revealed the significant potential of the tested extract to scavenge free radicals. In addition, the analysis of micronuclei showed an in vitro protective effect on chromosome aberrations in peripheral human lymphocytes. A. vulgaris extract strongly suppressed the growth of human cell lines derived from different types of tumors (MCF-7, A375, A549, and HCT116). The observed antitumor effect is realized through the blockade of cell division, caspase-dependent apoptosis, and autophagic cell death. Our study has shown that Alchemilla vulgaris L. is a valuable source of bioactive compounds able to protect the subcellular structure from damage, thus preventing tumorigenesis as well as suppressing tumor cell growth. © 2022 by the authors