32 research outputs found
School and Violence
In this paper the authors present different incidences of violence in the school environment. Different factors influencing the phenomenon and existence of violence in school are also subject to different conceptualizations and definitions of violence in school. Special attention is paid to school as an institution, which in its essence is not a democratic, but a hierarchically structured organization. Because of the fundamental problems that are associated with the problem of violence in school, most countries require that schools systematically deal with this issue, and the formation of an integrated policy in tackling violence. In the second part of the paper, the authors analyse the policies of various countries (Canada, Sweden, France, Germany, the UK) to the problems of school violence and link them to the factors that influence the onset of violence in school. Special attention is paid to the analysis of official documents that enable violence in school in Slovenia to be resolved, and thus seeking an answer to the question about what can schools do about this
The school counsellor\u27s role in recognizing eating disorders and implementing preventive measures
Neformalno izobraževanje dijakov in izobraževalne naloge družine
The' author speaks about the role of informal learning for young people and their family, differences about spending free-time and possibilities of using free-time for informal learning. The presupposition is that while learning scope is constantly expanding, also learning tasks of the family are increasing. Because of different social environments of young people, there is a question, what are actual possibilities for informal learning in their domestic environment and how this affects their development. The most important question, which must be asked according to the author is, whether parents are ware of their influence, of the influence of their actions on development and learning of their children.Avtorica v prispevku govori o pomenu neformalnega izobraževanja za mlade in njihove družine, o razlikah glede preživljanja prostega časa ter o možnostih izkoriščanja prostega časa za neformalno učenje. Izhaja iz predpostavke, da z naraščajočim obsegom izobraževanja naraščajo tudi izobraževalne naloge družine. Zaradi različnosti kulturnih okolij, iz katerih te izhajajo, pa se pojavlja vprašanje, kakšne so dejanske možnosti za neformalno učenje v njihovem domačem okolju in kako to okolje vpliva na njihov razvoj. Bistveno vprašanje, ki si ga po njenem mnenju moramo zastaviti, je, ali se starši zavedajo vpliva svojih dejanj na razvojno in izobraževalno pot svojih otrok
The school counsellor's role in recognizing eating disorders and implementing preventive measures
The present article discusses eating disorders. Eating disorders
are defined as a serious health threat due to an abnormal
relation to food which has become a way of coping with
stress. They are also often linked to personality disorders.
We have focused mainly on the three most common types of
eating disorder – anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive (binge)
eating – their recognizable features, the causes that lead to
eating disorders, and on preventive measures practiced in
schools. Our survey sought to determine the degree to which
primary and secondary school counsellors devote attention
to the problem of eating disorders, how they recognize individual
cases of disorders, and the amount of focus dedicated
to preventive efforts. Results show that the most common
eating disorders dealt with in primary and secondary schools
are anorexia and bulimia. Furthermore, it is evident that
school counsellors are thoroughly familiar with the issue,
and that schools provide various preventive programs to
grapple with eating disorders
The school counsellor\u27s role in recognizing eating disorders and implementing preventive measures
V prispevku obravnavamo motnje hranjenja. O motnjah hranjenja
govorimo takrat, ko gre za resno ogrožanje zdravja
zaradi nepravilnega odnosa do hrane, ki postane način spoprijemanja
s stresom, z motnjami prehranjevanja pa so pogosto
povezane še motnje na osebnostnem področju. Osredotočili
smo se predvsem na tri vrste motenj hranjenja, ki se pojavljajo
najpogosteje – na anoreksijo, bulimijo in kompulzivno
prenajedanje, na prepoznavne znake, vzroke za nastanek
motenj hranjenja ter na preventivno delovanje v šolskem
prostoru. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, koliko so svetovalni
delavci v osnovnih in srednjih šolah pozorni na problematiko
motenj hranjenja, kako jo prepoznavajo in koliko pozornosti
namenjajo preventivnemu delovanju na to temo. Rezultati
kažejo, da se v osnovnih in srednjih šolah najpogosteje
pojavljata anoreksija in bulimija, da so svetovalni delavci
dobro seznanjeni s to tematiko in da se na področju motenj hranjenja v šolskem prostoru izvajajo različni preventivni
programi.The present article discusses eating disorders. Eating disorders
are defined as a serious health threat due to an abnormal
relation to food which has become a way of coping with
stress. They are also often linked to personality disorders.
We have focused mainly on the three most common types of
eating disorder – anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive (binge)
eating – their recognizable features, the causes that lead to
eating disorders, and on preventive measures practiced in
schools. Our survey sought to determine the degree to which
primary and secondary school counsellors devote attention
to the problem of eating disorders, how they recognize individual
cases of disorders, and the amount of focus dedicated
to preventive efforts. Results show that the most common
eating disorders dealt with in primary and secondary schools
are anorexia and bulimia. Furthermore, it is evident that
school counsellors are thoroughly familiar with the issue,
and that schools provide various preventive programs to
grapple with eating disorders
In-service teacher education and training: motives, objectives and evaluation
In this article the author focuses on the purpose of in-service teacher education and training for professionals in education and analyzes in-service teacher training as a form of life-long learning for professionals in education in terms of (1) the motives, challenges for education and (2) the objectives of the various forms of education and training that this form of education offers – the possibility of renewing, extending and deepening of the knowledge, familiarizing with the developments in the sector, acquiring the basic license to the development of new competencies. The purpose of this paper is to show the opinion of participants of various programs of in-service teacher education and training, which are carried out at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana about their motives for education and training and for the effectiveness of those programs
Priročnik z naslovom 100 jezikov otrok je nastal v okviru projekta Profesionalno
usposabljanje strokovnih delavcev za izvajanje elementov posebnih pedagoških načel
koncepta Reggio Emilia na področju predšolske vzgoje v letih 2008–2013, ki ga je
pridobila Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani konec leta 2008 in ga financirata
Evropski socialni sklad ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport.
Med cilji projekta je bila tudi implementacija posameznih elementov posebnega
pedagoškega koncepta za predšolsko vzgojo Reggio Emilia, kot so: vpetost vrtca v
kulturo okolja, različnost otrok, razvoj in uporaba vseh čutov v spoznavnem procesu,
spodbujanje in omogočanje različnih oblik izražanja, prednost učenja pred
poučevanjem, kakovostna interakcija in komunikacija, timsko delo vzgojiteljev in
drugih delavcev v vrtcu, projektno delo, dokumentacija in arhiviranje izdelkov ter
življenja in dela v vrtcu pa tudi prostor v vrtcu
Including elements of Reggio Emilia concept in Slovene curriculum for preschool education
When monitoring the achievements in preschool education around the world, it is impossible to overlook a contemporary concept, whose institution extends well in the year of 1963 and is today practiced in 22 kindergartens in Reggio Emilia (northern Italy). The concept became interesting after the year of 1983, when children from Reggio Emilia kindergartens introduced their products (pictures, drawings, statuettes, models, photographs, projects shown on panels…) on exhibition in Stockholm. They challenged the attention of professional, cultural and lay public because of exceptional display of children’s creativity and achievements. Concept Reggio Emilia derives from many different theories and leans mostly on involvement in cultural environment, diversity of children, development and use of all senses in cognitive development and quality interaction and communication. In this paper authors are focusing on three specific elements of Reggio Emilia concept (participation, cooperation with local community and project work) and their implementation in Slovene curriculum for preschool education
Kindergarten and local community as providers of quality preschool education: slovene kindergartens and the Reggio Emilia concept
Avtorici v prispevku prikazujeta pomembnost sodelovanja med vrtcem in
lokalno skupnostjo za zagotavljanje kakovostnega varstva in vzgoje predšolskih
otrok. V teoretičnih izhodiščih se osredinita na razlago osnovnih pojmov, iz
katerih v nadaljevanju izhajata in ki so potrebni za razumevanje delovanja
predšolske institucije v javni domeni ter za njeno kakovostno delovanje. V
razpravi o kakovosti vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa se nato osredinjata na
pojem, naloge in na izvajanje nalog lokalne skupnostianalizirata vlogo občine,
ki je po Zakonu o lokalni samoupravi, Zakonu o vrtcih in po Zakonu o
financiranju vzgoje in izobraževanja zadolžena za organizacijo in izvedbo
predšolske vzgoje na svojem področju. Poudarita tudi vlogo ravnatelja pri
načrtovanju, pripravi, izvedbi, evalvaciji in pri vrednotenju procesa vzgoje in
izobraževanja na področju predšolske vzgoje ter pomen avtonomije ravnatelja
za kakovosten vzgojno-izobraževalni zavod ter spremljanje in (samo)evalviranje
dejavnosti predšolske vzgoje, kjer poudarita model »6 E«. Hkrati predstavljata
tudi poglede na sodelovanje med lokalno skupnostjo in vrtcem v Italiji oz. v
konceptu Reggio Emilia, kjer t. i. vodenje iz skupnosti vključuje teoretično in
praktično sintezo medosebnih razmerij, sklenjenih med otroki, družinami,
ponudniki storitev in širšo družbo.In the text the authors reveal the significance of collaboration between
kindergarten and a local community for providing quality care and education
for preschool children. In the theoretical part the basic concepts, necessary for
the understanding of the operation of preschool institutions in the public domain
as well as for their quality performance are put forward and explained, and
drawn on in the continuation. In the discussion on the quality of the educational
process the authors focus on the concept, functions and tasks implementation of
the local community and analyze the role of municipalities, which are, pursuant
to the Local Government Act, Kindergarten Act and the Education Finance Act
responsible for the organization and implementation of preschool education in
their respective areas. Further, the authors stress the role of headmasters
regarding the planning, preparation, implementation, evaluation and
assessment of the preschool care and education process and the importance of
their autonomy in order to establish the quality educational institutionsthe
authors also draw attention to monitoring and (self)evaluation of preschool
activities, in particular to the "6 E " model. At the same time they express the
views on the collaboration between the local community and kindergarten in
Italy and the Reggio Emilia concept, respectively, in which the so called
Community management is a theoretical and practical synthesis of
interpersonal relationships among children, families, service providers and the
wider society