9 research outputs found

    Talking Culture, Crying Health, Hoping for Nothing: Surviving the Many Flyers above the Human Rights Global Cuckoo’s Nests

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    Today’s talk about any health issue is part of a wider web of neoliberal destructive processes of which all fall into the category of discriminating populations and their cultures, downgrading their right to life and violating their human dignity. Poor health, poverty stricken health systems and screaming epidemiological factors make just one more triangle of the successive visible consequences of destruction that equals to the violation of human dignity, to begin with. Yet no correction is possible since every problem is tied to the double standard perceivement of Human Rights. The author is engaged in presenting a need of a deeper auto-reflexive work-through of our human approachments and biological realities. This urgent stance is based on the new, set by Kalny (2009) and Baxi (2006), orientation towards a critical reading of the Human Rights and the advocacy toward differentiating between the politics for human rights and politics of human rights (the later being the politics of rights instrumentalization). Health and its un-sustainability is one of the most dramatic areas in which this differentiation of ones approaches is dramatically felt and needed. The end conclusions are envisioned to support the already existing field of a number of dedicated critical medical anthropologists, as well as authors across all fields, in their demand for, nothing more or less than, the dignity for the populations that they/we daily represent

    Novi pogled na "hrvatske odselidbe"

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    U povodu knjige Ivana Rogića i Ivana Čizmića Modernizacija u Hrvatskoj i hrvatska odselidba, Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Biblioteka Studije, Zagreb, 2011., 471 st


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    Istraživanje opisano u ovom radu dio je antropoloških istraživanja biološke i kulturne (mikro)diferencijacije izoliranih seoskih populacija istočnog Jadrana. Korišteni su migracijski podaci prikupljeni od ispitanika i u župnim knjigama otoka Brača, Hvara, Korčule i poluotoka Pelješca. Primjenom temporalne migracijske analize proučene su migracijske karakteristike parentalnog i ancestrainog podrijetla ispitanika. Dobiveni rezultati potvrdili su pretpostavku da je utjecaj (mikro)evolucijskih trendova izraženih kroz migraciju (alela) djelovao različitim intenzitetom kroz četiri analizirane vremenske kohorte, na svakom od otoka i na poluotoku. Iako postoje sličnosti u migracijskim kretanjima stanovništva u smislu vrlo velike zatvorenosti populacija otoka, s obzirom na općenito velike vrijednosti endogamija i male vrijednosti unutarotočnih i izvanotočnih migracija, brzina je promjena obrazaca migriranja jedinstvena na svakom od otoka i na poluotoku.The study is part of a wider anthropological study devoted to the biological and cultural (micro)differentiation among isolated village populations in the Eastern Adriatic. The migration data are collected from lntervlews and from the church registers of each island\u27s and peninsula parish. Using a well established methodology of temporal migration analysis conducted on the island of Brač, parental and ancestral origin of proposed populations of the Eastern Adriatic and their migrational characteristics were investigated. All results clearly confirm our presumption of the existence of various forms of (micro)evolutionary trends for each island and the peninsula, which are expressed through the migration of alleles on each of the islands and peninsula. Although similar/ties can be observed in migrational movements over the region in the sense of high endogamies and small values of within-island and off-island migrations, the change of migrational patterns for every island and the peninsula is unique.Die in dieser Arbeit durchgefUhrte Forschung stellt einen Teil der anthropologischen Forschungen der biolog ischen und kulturellen (Mikro) Differenzierung der isolierten Dorfpopulationen der Ostadria dar. Es wurden die von den Befragten und aus den PfarrbOchern der Insel Brač, Hvar, Korčula und der Halbinsel Pelješac gesammelten Angaben gebraucht. Mit der Anwendung der temporalen migratorischen Analyse wurden die migratorischen Charakteristiken des parentalen und ancestralen Ursprungs der Befragten erforscht. Die erzielten Resultate haben die Voraussetzung nachgeprOft, daB der EinfluB der (Mikro)Evolutionstrends, die durch die Migration ausgedrOckt sind, mit unterschiedlicher lntensitat durch vier analysierten Zeitkohorten, auf jeder von den Insein und auf der Halbinsel gewirkt hat. Obwohl es gewisse Ahnlichkeiten bei den Migrationsbewegungen der Bev61kerung im Sinne der sehr groBen Geschlossenheit der Inselbev61kerung im Hinblick auf den allgemein groBen Wert der Endogamie und den kleinen Wert der inneninsularen und auBerinsularen Migrationen gibt, ist die Geschwindigkeit der Anderung der Migrationsmuster auf jed er von den Insein und auf der Halbinsel einzigartig


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    Između primorskih padina Velebita, južno od Senja, prostire se Podgorje koje bi se u svjetskim razmjerima usporedbi slobodno moglo opisivati kao podnožje hrvatskog Tibeta. Štoviše, naš prerano preminuli etnolog i antropolog, Tomo Vinšćak, koji je pohodio oba nebeska doticališta ustvrdio je da su Kailash i Velebit planinski srodnici – himalajski i hrvatski Olimp (1991). U ovom će se radu progovarati iz (iskustvom) prizemnijih uvida, no s jednakom upornošću zagovarati potreba smislenijeg upoznavanja specifičnosti ovog kraja i njegovih ljudi. Pa ako je podnožje hrvatskog Olimpa naizgled (nedostatkom iskustvene usporedbe) moguće definirati kao pretencioznom idealizacijom, ostaje faktografija mnogih disciplina, koje sinergijski presložene omogućavaju manje depresivno tumačenje kraja po njegove ljude. U ovom radu se takvo znanstveno združivanje pokušava doseći ispreplitanjem upotrebe antropoloških perspektiva (emsko-etsko) i Jungijanske analize iskustvene arhetipske sekvence koja povezuje autoricu s ovim krajem. Kraj je to čestog kolektivnog zaborava svih historiografskih činjenica koje potvrđuju da unatoč surovosti prirode koja se kroz buru i sušu stoljećima tu slijevala, te opisa da se iz toga kraja \u27samo\u27 bježalo i nestajalo zbog težine života, on ostao stjecište brojnih naroda i populacija. Sidrište mnogobrojnih kulturalnih, sakralnih i imaginativnih dimenzija za Hrvate, baš kao i jedna od konačnih destinacija najvećih hrvatskih migracijskih tijekova. U današnjim doslovnim i otrcanim postmodernističkim tumačenjima – kraj multikulturalnih susretišta unatoč in loco teških narativa života. Slijedom iste površnosti on postaje i kraj za kratkotrajno navraćanje u maniri sasvim ritualnog oblika pohoda na izazov divljine – od turistički brendiranog bazanja po Velebitu, pod geslom očuvanja neobuzdane prirode, do sasvim planiranog doživljaja išibanosti burom na senjskoj rivi. Kako sve navedeno ne bi ostalo samo na eko(nomsko)historijskoj potrazi simbolike, metafora i brikolaže mitova ovdje valja proširiti tumačenje specifičnosti lokaliteta i pridodati realitet biokulturalne povijesti. Tako, doprinosi istraživanja viševrsnih disciplina u području medicine već više dekada ukazuju na svojevrsni, rekli bismo, paradoks podgorske specifičnosti koji se ogleda u kontrastu mjesta teškog za življenje naspram poželjnog mjesta za doživjeti duboku starost, ili ako se hoće kozmološki i manje antropocentrično, starost neusmjerenu uživanju i ugodi. Konačni cilj analize ovog rada je (pre)usmjeravanje mogućih interesa za Podgorje s turistički-egzotično-isplativih kolonijalnih matrica na kozomološki-etičko shvaćanje, u kojem sprega čovjeka, prirode i povijesti zaslužuje puno šire sagledavanje njegove \u27izdrživosti\u27 u mjestu \u27održivosti\u27 ili \u27revitaliziranosti\u27. Kozmološkim pristupom rečeno, svaka jednadžba neoliberalne ugode je ovdje neprimjenjiva, baš sasvim suprotno, obrnuto je proporcionalna povijesnim i biokulturalnim dokazima. Ustvrditi je – ništa začuđujuće u odnosu na mogućnost tumačenja tog kraja kao podnožja hrvatskog Olimpa.Between the littoral slopes of Velebit, south of Senj, stretches Podgorje, which in global dimensions could freely be described as the foothill of the Croatian Tibet. Moreover, our prematurely departed ethnologist and anthropologist, Tomo Vinšćak, who visited both heaventouching points, claimed that Kailash and Velebit were mountain relatives – the Himalayan and Croatian Olympus (1991). In this paper the need of a coherent familiarisation of the specificity of this region and its people will be brought up and also argued for with the same persistence from ground level insights (with experience). So if it is seemingly possible to define the foothill of the Croatian Olympus (with a lack of empirical comparison) as a pretentious idealisation, it remains the factography of many disciplines, which synergistically rearranged allow a less depressing interpretation of the region by its people. In this paper such a scientific association is sought to be reached with the intertwining of the use of anthropological perspectives (emic-etic) and a Jungian analysis of an empirical archetypal sequence that links the author with this region. This is a region of the frequent collective forgetfulness of all the historiographic facts, which confirm that despite the harshness of nature which has poured the \u27bura\u27 and drought down here over the centuries, and the description that from this region people just escaped and disappeared because of the difficulty of life, it has remained a junction of numerous peoples and populations. The anchor point of many cultural, sacral and imaginative dimensions for Croats, just like one of the final destinations of the largest Croatian migratory flows. In today’s literal and trite post modernistic interpretations – a region of multicultural encounters despite the in loco of the difficult narratives of life. Following the same superficiality, it also becomes a region for a brief drop by in the manner of an altogether ritual form of an expedition at the challenge of the wilderness – from the touristic branding of wandering through Velebit, under the motto of the preservation of untameable nature, to the altogether planned experience of being beaten by the \u27bura\u27 on the quayside of Senj. In order that everything mentioned is not left to just an eco(nomic)historical search of symbolism, metaphors and bricolages of myths, it would be good here to widen the interpretation of the specificity of the locality and to add the reality of bio-cultural history. Thus, the contributions of the research of many kinds of disciplines in the area of medicine have for decades already pointed to a kind of, let’s say, paradox of the Podgorje specificity,which is reflected in the contrast of a place of hard living compared to a desired place to live out old age or if wanted cosmologically and less anthropocentrically, an old age of open-ended enjoyment and comfort. The final aim of the analysis of this paper is the (re)direction of the possible interests for Podgorje with the touristic-exotic-profitable colonial matrices onto a cosmological-ethical understanding in which the interconnection of man, nature and history deserves a much wider perception of its \u27endurance\u27 instead of \u27sustainability\u27 or \u27revitalisation\u27. With the cosmological approach said, each equation of neoliberal comfort here is inapplicable, quite the opposite, it is reversely proportionate to the historical and biocultural evidence. To conclude – nothing surprising in relation to the possibility of the interpretation of this region as the foothill of the Croatian Olympus

    Neoliberales Gesundheitswesen, globale Krankheit und Volksmedizin nach den Grundsätzen von Andrija Štampar

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    U ovom se radu kroz protokole kritične antropološke analize mapiraju, definiraju i iscrtavaju osnovni pojmovi u današnjoj politici globalne medicine. Specifično ishodište ovog rada jest analiza lokalnoga slučaja hrvatskoga zdravstva u sferi neoliberalne matrice komodifikacije svih područja života, s najdramatičnijim posljedicama u području zdravlja, bolesti, socijalne pravde i ekološke održivosti. U drugom dijelu rada zagovara se danas toliko spominjana sintagma štamparovske medicine, no ne kao mjesto sjećanja i slavljenja, nego kao izvor novih reinterpretacija kritične štamparovske osviještenosti, toliko potrebne u današnjem uklizavanju u gipsane odljevke neoliberalne neodrživosti, posebno opasne u području "zdravlja" i zdravstva.In this paper, by means of the protocols of critical anthropological analysis, mapped, defined and outlined are the main concepts present in today’s policy of global medicine. A specific starting point for this paper is an analysis of the case of Croatian health care in the sphere of the neoliberal matrix of commodification of all areas of life, with the most dramatic consequences in the fields of health, illness, social justice and ecological sustainability. In the second part of the paper the author supports the concept of "[tampar medicine", so frequently mentioned nowadays, not for the purpose of remembering and celebrating, but as a source of new reinterpretations of critical "[tampar" awareness so much needed in the current reality of sliding into plaster casts of neoliberal unsustainability, which can be especially perilous in the field of health and health care.In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden anhand einer kritischen anthropologischen Analyse die Grundbegriffe der gegenwärtigen globalen Gesundheitspolitik ermittelt und definiert. Der spezifische Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist eine Fallstudie des kroatischen Gesundheitswesens vor dem Hintergrund der neoliberalen Matrix der Kommodifizierung aller Lebensbereiche, die dramatische Folgen im Bereich der Volksgesundheit, der sozialen Gerechtigkeit sowie ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit nach sich zieht. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit widmet sich der heute wieder viel erwähnten Volksmedizin nach den Grundsätzen des kroatischen Sozialmediziners Andrija [tampar (1888–1958), nicht jedoch im Sinne einer feierlichen Reminiszenz, sondern als Versuch, die kritischen Ansichten [tampars neu zu interpretieren. Dies ist heutzutage ganz besonders vonnöten, da die Gesellschaften Gefahr laufen, in den Bahnen neoliberaler Unnachhaltigkeit, die zumal im Bereich der Volksgesundheit und des Gesundheitswesens gefährlich sind, festzufahren

    Biological aspects of the development and self-concept in adolescents living in single-parent families [Biološki aspekti razvoja i smopoimanje adolescenata u jednoroditeljskim obiteljima]

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    In this study we investigate whether there are differences between adolescents who grow up in single-parent families and those who grow up in nucleus families. We have decided that there are no differences in the physical development between the adolescents who are growing up in single parent families and those growing up in nucleus families. There is no difference in the self-concept between these two groups, except in the ethical and moral self-image of adolescents living with one parent. Adolescents living in single-parent families have a weaker moral self-image. It can thus be concluded that physical development and positive self-concept (a favorable image of oneself) in adolescents do not depend on whether an adolescent is growing up in a single-parent or a nucleus family, but on the different characteristics of parents and their relationship with children, whether they are married or not. For the children development the best is healthy marriage of their parents

    Biološki aspekti razvoja i smopoimanje adolescenata u jednoroditeljskim obiteljima

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    In this study we investigate whether there are differences between adolescents who grow up in single-parent families and those who grow up in nucleus families. We have decided that there are no differences in the physical development between the adolescents who are growing up in single parent families and those growing up in nucleus families. There is no difference in the self-concept between these two groups, except in the ethical and moral self-image of adolescents living with one parent. Adolescents living in single-parent families have a weaker moral self-image. It can thus be concluded that physical development and positive self-concept (a favorable image of oneself) in adolescents do not depend on whether an adolescent is growing up in a single-parent or a nucleus family, but on the different characteristics of parents and their relationship with children, whether they are married or not. For the children development the best is healthy marriage of their parents.U ovom radu istraživali smo da li postoje razlike između adolescenata koji rastu u jednoroditeljskim obiteljima i onima iz cjelovitih obitelji. Naši rezultati pokazuju da u fizičkom razvoju nema razlike između adolescenata iz cjelovitih i adolescenata iz jednoroditeljskih obitelji. U psihičkom razvoju izraženom kroz samopoimanje nismo našli veće razlike između dvije skupine osim u samopoimanju morala u adolescenata iz jednoroditeljskih obitelji. Adolescenti koji rastu u jednoroditeljskim obiteljima imaju slabiju sliku o sebi u moralnom smislu. Iz toga možemo zaključiti da fizički razvoj i pozitivno samopoimanje (pozitivna slika o sebi) te zdravi psihički razvoj ne zavisi toliko o bračnom statusu roditelja već o nizu kompleksnih osobina roditelja i njihovom odnosu prema djetetu bili oni u braku ili ne. Za dječji razvoj najbolji je zdravi roditeljski brak