27 research outputs found
Gli scavi in via Galluppi
The via Galluppi excavations have brought to light buildings dated back to the 2nd century B.C. In the 1st century A.D., a sigillata workshop run by the potter L S M and a building connected with cooking food activities were operating in the area. The workshop stopped the production in the late 1 st century A.D., while the building had various rebuilding interventions. In the second half of the 2nd century an insulated room was built, with a very thick under-floor level consisting of fragments of imported amphorae. In the late 2 nd-early 3rd century A.D. this building was abandoned and from the late 3 rd century the area was occupied by a necropolis
Vada Volaterrana nel network mediterraneo
Vengono presentati, in evoluzione diacronica, i risultati dello studio di tutti i materiali rinvenuti negli horrea dal I al VII sec.d.C., focalizzando l'attenzione sulle dinamiche commerciali nelle quali fu coinvolto il porto di Vada Volaterran
Vada Volaterrana: scavi e ricerche 2011
Il contributo si concentra sulla descrizione e sulla contestualizzazione storica dei risultati delle attività di scavo presso Vada Volaterrana (San Gaetano di Vada - LI)