6 research outputs found
The Implementation of Vulva Hygiene Treatment in Postpartum Women to Prevention of Rupture Perineum Infection
Perineal rupture or tear of the birth canal is usually experienced by postpartum mothers or mothers in labor. Either because of the episiotomy or naturally due to the pressure of the fetal head. Perineal rupture affects women’s physical. The impact of perineal rupture in women who are not properly treated is infection perineum. As the treatment efforts that can be done to prevent infection, namely by performing vulva hygiene care. The research explores quantitative evidence published in an electronic database, Google Scholar. Studies have shown that proper care of vulva hygiene can be 10 times greater in preventing infection in perineal rupture. The results showed that vulva hygiene treatment was able to prevent infection in perineal rupture
Efektivitas Perineal Massage Dalam Menurunkan Tingkat Laserasi Perineum Pada Ibu Postpartum Primipara
Introduction: Perineal laceration is a rupture in the birth canal or tearing of tissue in the perineal area that is in the area between the vaginal and muscles, which occurs due to labor too quickly and the baby's head is born large.
Aims: To identify a decrease in the rate of perineal lacerations in postpartum primipara mothers.
Method: The design of this research methodology approach is a literature review to determine various quantitative and qualitative evidence using electronic databases, namely: Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Garuda, then restrictions based on criteria include producing 876 respondents. The analysis uses an extracted data map on the article's search results table including author, year of publication, country, destination, sample, research design, type of research, length of intervention, results, and research conclusions.
Results: Showed that this action effectively lowers the degree of laceration and maintains the laceration's wholeness with the appropriate implementation of the recommended time.
Conclusion: This therapy is safe and very retired to be included in the list of classes of pregnant women and is recommended to do health education for mothers to increase knowledge on how to prevent perineal lacerations.Pendahuluan: laserasi perineum adalah ruptur pada jalan lahir atau robeknya jaringan pada area perineum yaitu pada area antara otot vagina dan anus, yang terjadi akibat persalinan terlalu cepat dan kepala bayi lahir besar.
Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi penurunan tingkat laserasi perineum pada ibu postpartum primipara.
Metode: desain dari pendekatan metodologi penelitian ini adalah literature review agar dapat menentukan berbagai bukti kuantitatif dan kualitatif menggunakan database elektronik yaitu: Pubmed, Google Scholar dan Garuda, lalu dilakukan pembatasan dengan berdasarkan kriteri inkluis sehingga menghasilkan 876 responden. Analisis menggunakan peta data yang diekstrasi pada tabel hasil pencarian artikel termasuk penulis, tahun publikasi,Negara, tujuan, sampel, desain penelitian, jenis penelitian, lama intervensi, hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian.
Hasil: menunjukkan bahwa tindakan ini efektif dalam menurunkan tingkat derajat laserasi dan mempertahankan keutuhan laserasi dengan pelaksaan yang sesuai dengan waktu yang dianjurkan.
Kesimpulan: bahwa terapi ini aman dan sangat disarakan untuk masuk dalam list kelas ibu hamil serta di sarankan untuk melakukan pendidikan kesehatan pada para ibu agar menambah pengetahuan tentang cara mencegah terjadi laserasi perineu
Uji Validitas Dan Reabilitas Caring Behaviors Inventory (CBI) Di Beberapa Negara : Literature Review
Perilaku caring menjadi sorotan utama dalam menilai kualitas perawatan pasien. Untuk mengukur persepsi perilaku caring perawat sudah ada beberapa alat ukur yang tersedia. Salah satunya adalah dengan Caring Behaviors Inventor (CBI). Sebelum menggunakan instrumen tersebut harus dilakukan uji validitas dan reabilitas. Tujuan dari studi literatur ini adalah untuk mengidentivikasi validitas dan reabilitas Caring Behaviors Inventory di beberapa Negara. Metode : Data base yang digunakan dalam pembuatan literature review ini adalah Pubmed, Willey dan Google Schoolar. Hasil : Terdapat 134 artikel yang diidentifikasi dan telah di terbitkan. Dari artikel yang diperoleh ada 4 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai validitas dan reabilitas yang baik, meskipun ada item yang koefisien korelasinya rendah, tapi jika item tersebut dihapus nilai Cronbach alpha tetap > 0,80. Kesimpulan: Caring Behaviors Inventory yang telah diadaptasi dibeberapa negara sebanding dengan versi aslinya, dan dapat digunakan. Data validitas dan reabilitas instrument CBI akan memberikan kemudahan peneliti serta praktisi mengidentifikasi instrumen yang handal dalam mengukur persepsi perilaku caring perawat
Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Covid-19 Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
Introduction: Covid-19 is an infectious disease that first appeared in the city of Wuhan, China, and was caused by SARS-CoV-2. This literature review aims to identify risk factors for the occurrence of Covid-19 in patients with type 2 DM. Methods: Analytical descriptive literature review design. Data obtained through article search results using five electronic databases namely Pubmed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar identified 10,951 articles with a total sample of 5,464,617 respondents. The analysis uses a map of the extracted data in a grid synthesis table including author, year of publication, country, purpose, sample, design, duration, results, and conclusions of the study. Results: The six articles identified in this review showed that one study reported risk of developing COVID-19 in patients with type 2 diabetes 1,369 times, one study 2,180 times, one study 4.7 times, and another study up to 16.5 times. Patients who are male and aged 53 years have a risk of 1.395 times higher than those who are younger and female. Conclusion: Patients with type 2 diabetes have a significantly higher risk of contracting Covid-19 compared to people without diabetes, especially in patients aged 53 years and male.Pendahuluan: Covid-19 merupakan penyakit menular yang muncul pertama kali di kota Wuhan China dan disebabkan oleh SARS-CoV-2. Tujuan mengidentifikasi faktor risiko terjadinya Covid-19 pada penderita DM tipe 2. Metode: Deskriptif analitis desain literature review. Data diperoleh melalui hasil pencarian artikel menggunakan lima database eletronik yaitu Pubmed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library dan Google Scholar diidentifikasi 10.951 artikel dengan jumlah sampel keseluruhan 5.464.617 responden. Analisis menggunakan peta data yang diekstraksi dalam tabel sintesis grid termasuk penulis, tahun publikasi, negara, tujuan, sampel, desain, durasi, hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian. Hasil: Enam artikel teridentifikasi dalam tinjauan ini menunjukkan bahwa, satu studi melaporlakan risiko terjadinya Covid-19 pada penderita DM tipe 2 sebesar 1.369 kali, satu studi 2,180 kali, satu studi 4.7 kali, dan satu studi lainnya hingga16.5 kali. Pasien yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan berusia ≥53 tahun memiliki risiko sebesar 1,395 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan orang yang berusia lebih muda dan berjenis kelamin perempuan. Kesimpulan: bahwa penderita DM tipe 2 secara signifikan memiliki risiko lebih tinggi terkena Covid-19 dibandingkan dengan orang yang tidak memiliki penyakit diabetes, terutama pada pasien yang berusia ≥53 tahun dan berjenis kelamin laki-laki
Effectiveness of Perineal Massage in Lowering Perineal Laceration Rate in Postpartum Women Primipara
Introduction: Perineal laceration is a rupture in the birth canal or tearing of tissue in the perineal area that is in the area between the vaginal and muscles, which occurs due to labor too quickly and the baby's head is born large.
Aims: To identify a decrease in the rate of perineal lacerations in postpartum primipara mothers.
Method: The design of this research methodology approach is a literature review to determine various quantitative and qualitative evidence using electronic databases, namely: Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Garuda, then restrictions based on criteria include producing 876 respondents. The analysis uses an extracted data map on the article's search results table including author, year of publication, country, destination, sample, research design, type of research, length of intervention, results, and research conclusions.
Results: Showed that this action effectively lowers the degree of laceration and maintains the laceration's wholeness with the appropriate implementation of the recommended time.
Conclusion: This therapy is safe and very retired to be included in the list of classes of pregnant women and is recommended to do health education for mothers to increase knowledge on how to prevent perineal lacerations
Risk Factors for Covid-19 in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Introduction: Covid-19 is an infectious disease that first appeared in the city of Wuhan, China, and was caused by SARS-CoV-2. This literature review aims to identify risk factors for the occurrence of Covid-19 in patients with type 2 DM. Methods: Analytical descriptive literature review design. Data obtained through article search results using five electronic databases namely Pubmed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar identified 10,951 articles with a total sample of 5,464,617 respondents. The analysis uses a map of the extracted data in a grid synthesis table including author, year of publication, country, purpose, sample, design, duration, results, and conclusions of the study. Results: The six articles identified in this review showed that one study reported risk of developing COVID-19 in patients with type 2 diabetes 1,369 times, one study 2,180 times, one study 4.7 times, and another study up to 16.5 times. Patients who are male and aged 53 years have a risk of 1.395 times higher than those who are younger and female. Conclusion: Patients with type 2 diabetes have a significantly higher risk of contracting Covid-19 compared to people without diabetes, especially in patients aged 53 years and male