14 research outputs found

    Static Balancing of SpringLoaded Planar Revolute-Joint Linkages Without

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    Abstract We present a method to statically balance a general treestructured, planar revolute-joint linkage loaded with linear springs or constant forces without using auxiliary links. The balancing methods currently documented in the literature use extra links; some do not apply when there are spring loads and some are restricted to only two-link serial chains. In our method, we suitably combine any non-zero-free-length load spring with another spring to result in an effective zero-free-length spring load. If a link has a single joint (with the parent link), we give a procedure to attach extra zero-free-length springs to it so that forces and moments are balanced for the link. Another consequence of this attachment is that the constraint force of the joint on the parent link becomes equivalent to a zero-free-length spring load. Hence, conceptually, for the parent link, the joint with its child is removed and replaced with the zero-free-length spring. This feature allows recursive application of this procedure from the end-branches of the tree down to the root, satisfying force and moment balance of all the links in the process. Furthermore, this method can easily be extended to the closed-loop revolute-joint linkages, which is also illustrated in the paper

    A Global Constraint On Relative Rotation To Avoid Lumped Compliant Mechanisms In Topology Optimization

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    Some of the well known formulations for topology optimization of compliant mechanisms could lead to lumped compliant mechanisms. In lumped compliance, most of the elastic deformation in a mechanism occurs at few points, while rest of the mechanism remains more or less rigid. Such points are referred to as point-flexures. It has been noted in literature that high relative rotation is associated with point-flexures. In literature we also find a formulation of local constraint on relative rotations to avoid lumped compliance. However it is well known that a global constraint is easier to handle than a local constraint, by a numerical optimization algorithm. The current work presents a way of putting global constraint on relative rotations. This constraint is also simpler to implement since it uses linearized rotation at the center of finite-elements, to compute relative rotations. I show the results obtained by using this constraint oil the following benchmark problems - displacement inverter and gripper

    Special Coordinates Associated With Recursive Forward Dynamics Algorithm for Open Loop Rigid Multibody Systems

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    The recursive forward dynamics algorithm (RFDA) for a tree structured rigid multibody system has two stages. In the first stage, while going down the tree, certain equations are associated with each node. These equations are decoupled from the equations related to the node’s descendants. We refer them as the equations of RFDA of the node and the current paper derives them in a new way. In the new derivation, associated with each node, we recursively obtain he coordinates, which describe the system consisting of the node and all its descendants. The special property of these coordinates is that a portion of the equations of motion with respect to these coordinates is actually the equations of RFDA associated with the node. We first show the derivation for a two noded system and then extend to a general tree structure. Two examples are used to illustrate the derivation.While the derivation conclusively shows that equations of RFDA are part of equations of motion, it most importantly gives the associated coordinates and the left out portion of the equations of motion. These are significant insights into the RFDA

    Static balancing of a four-bar linkage and its cognates

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    Motivated by the need to statically balance the inherent elastic forces in linkages, this paper presents three techniques to statically balance a four-bar linkage loaded by a zero-free-length spring attached between its coupler point and an anchor point on the ground. The number of auxiliary links and balancing springs required for the three techniques is less than or equal to that of the only technique currently in the literature. One of the three techniques does not require auxiliary links. In these techniques, the set of values for the spring constants and the ground-anchor point of the balancing springs can vary over a one-parameter family. Thrice as many balancing choices are available when the cognates are considered. The ensuing numerous options enable a user to choose the most practical solution. To facilitate the evaluation of the balancing choices for all the cognates, Roberts-Chebyshev cognate theorem is extended to statically balanced four-bar linkages. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Note on the Diagonalizability and the Jordan Form of the 4×4 Homogeneous Transformation Matrix

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    The 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix is extensively used for representing rigid body displacement in 3D space and has been extensively used in the analysis of mechanisms, serial and parallel manipulators, and in the field of geometric modeling and computed aided design. The properties of the transformation matrix are very well known. One of the well known properties is that a general 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix cannot be diagonalized, and at best can be reduced to a Jordan form. In this paper, we show that the 44 homogeneous transformation matrix can be diagonalized if and only if displacement along the screw axis is zero. For the general transformation with nonzero displacement along the axis, we present an explicit expression for the fourth basis vector of the Jordan basis. We also present a variant of the Jordan form which contains the motion variables along and about the screw axis and the corresponding basis vectors which contains the information only about the screw axis and its location. We present a novel expression for a point on the screw axis closest to the origin, which is then used to form a simple choice of basis for different forms. Finally, the theoretical results are illustrated with a numerical example

    Perfect Static Balance of Linkages by Addition of Springs But Not Auxiliary Bodies

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    A linkage of rigid bodies under gravity loads can be statically counter-balanced by adding compensating gravity loads. Similarly, gravity loads or spring loads can be counterbalanced by adding springs. In the current literature, among the techniques that add springs, some achieve perfect static balance while others achieve only approximate balance. Further, all of them add auxiliary bodies to the linkage in addition to springs. We present a perfect static balancing technique that adds only springs but not auxiliary bodies, in contrast to the existing techniques. This technique can counter-balance both gravity loads and spring loads. The technique requires that every joint that connects two bodies in the linkage be either a revolute joint or a spherical joint. Apart from this, the linkage can have any number of bodies connected in any manner. In order to achieve perfect balance, this technique requires that all the spring loads have the feature of zero-free-length, as is the case with the existing techniques. This requirement is neither impractical nor restrictive since the feature can be practically incorporated into any normal spring either by modifying the spring or by adding another spring in parallel. DOI: 10.1115/1.4006521

    A Comparative Study of the Formulations for Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms

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    The topology optimization problem for the synthesis of compliant mechanisms has been formulated in many different ways in the last 15 years, but there is not yet a definitive formulation that is universally accepted. Furthermore, there are two unresolved issues in this problem. In this paper, we present a comparative study of five distinctly different formulations that are reported in the literature. Three benchmark examples are solved with these formulations using the same input and output specifications and the same numerical optimization algorithm. A total of 35 different synthesis examples are implemented. The examples are limited to desired instantaneous output direction for prescribed input force direction. Hence, this study is limited to linear elastic modeling with small deformations. Two design parameterizations, namely, the frame element based ground structure and the density approach using continuum elements, are used. The obtained designs are evaluated with all other objective functions and are compared with each other. The checkerboard patterns, point flexures, the ability to converge from an unbiased uniform initial guess, and the computation time are analyzed. Some observations are noted based on the extensive implementation done in this study. Complete details of the benchmark problems and the results are included. The computer codes related to this study are made available on the internet for ready access

    James Watt and his linkages

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