614 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitude and practice of preventing spread of COVID-19 amongst orthopaedic surgeons and residents in a tertiary care hospital in Navi-Mumbai

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    Background: With on-going coronavirus pandemic, there is high incidence of COVID-19 occupational risk exposure among health care professionals. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) amongst orthopaedic surgeons and residents regarding prevention of spread of COVID-19 at a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A cross-sectional, observational, web-based questionnaire study was conducted at orthopaedic department of a tertiary care hospital in Navi Mumbai. The study included orthopaedic surgeons and residents of either sex. A predesigned KAP questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding prevention of spread of COVID-19. The web-based questionnaire was circulated to eligible participants and the responses obtained were analysed.Results: Overall, the knowledge regarding hand hygiene, mask etiquette and COVID-19 diagnoses was high. Majority participants knew the proper technique of personal protective equipment (PPE), but few 25% and 35% lacked correct technique for donning and doffing of PPE respectively. Majority participants knew the indications and pre/post-operative protocols for orthopaedic surgeries in COVID-19. Around 40% only knew the type of pressure system used in the COVID-19 operation theatre (OT). Majority felt that mask, hand hygiene and PPE were essential kit for prevention. In practice, majority participants were taking drug prophylaxis and were adequately practicing mask/hand hygiene.Conclusions: Overall, KAP regarding prevention of spread of COVID-19 among orthopaedicians were adequate. Further formal preventive education on COVID-19 and structured hands-on experience workshops are necessary to advance the proper techniques of PPE handling

    Effet du chlorure de sodium sur la germination de graines de Ricinus communis L.

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    Ricinus communis L (ricin) figure parmi les espèces du Programme biocarburant au  Sénégal. Sa culture sur des terrains incultes (terres salées) constitue une alternative pour éviter une concurrence sur les terres à vocation agricole. C’est pourquoi le taux de germination (TG) de sept accessions de graines de ricin a été étudié pendant 15 jours sous des concentrations croissantes de NaCl (0; 20; 50; 80; 100; 150 et 200 mM). Les résultats ont montré une large variabilité de tolérance au sel au stade de la germination. Les accessions 3 et 8 ont été très sensibles avec des TG réduits seulement à la concentration 20 mM NaCl. Les accessions 1, 6 et 7 n’ont pas toléré la concentration 50 mM. L’accession 5 n’a toléré que les teneurs < 80 mM. L’accession 4 a germé dans les milieux ≤ 100 mM NaCl. Elle n’a manifesté une perte significative de TG qu’en présence de 150 mM NaCl. Elle a été la moins affectée par l’effet ralentisseur du sel sur la vitesse de germination. Ces résultats permettent de dire que le mode d’action de NaCl sur la germination est de nature osmotique et/ou toxique.Mots clés : Ricin, espèce, biocarburant, tolérance au sel, teneur en sel, Sénégal

    Effet du sel sur le comportement des jeunes plants de palmier Ă  huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) en Basse Casamance

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    En Casamance, les palmeraies occupent une place primordiale dans l’équilibre écologique mais la pression anthropique, la baisse de la pluviométrie et la salinisation des sols ont affecté cet écosystème. Le présent travail a été entrepris pour étudier le comportement des jeunes plants d’Elaeis guineensis en milieu salin. Le dispositif expérimental comprend quatre parcelles élémentaires en blocs randomisés répétées quatre fois. Les plants ont été maintenus en conditions naturelles et irrigués avec une gamme de solution de NaCl (0 ; 4 ; 10 ; 35 g.l-1). Après 6 mois de traitement, les résultats ont montré une hauteur moyenne T0 (230,44) ; T1 (109,13) ; T2 (90,81) et T3 (78,125). Le taux de survie a diminué dans le temps. Il a été de 79,6% et 50,1% à trois mois pour T2 et T3 respectivement. Aucune mortalité n’a été observée pour T1. A 4 mois, il a été de 36 % pour T2 et 0% pour T3. A 5 mois, les premières mortalités ont été enregistrées pour T1 (5,3%). Cependant, aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre T0 (100%) et T1 (94,7%). Le nombre moyen de feuilles par plant a été de T0 (5,75); T1 (5,5) ; T2 (4) et T3 (3,2).Mots clés : Elaeis guineensis Jacq, Basse Casamance, jeunes plants, sel, concentration, comportement

    Criblage in vitro des graines d’accessions locales de ricin (Ricinus communis L.) en conditions de stress salin

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    Le ricin (Ricinus communis L.) est une plante peu exigeante dont la culture offre d’énormes potentialités économiques pour les exploitants agricoles sénégalais. L’identification de génotypes performants avec des rendements acceptables en conditions de stress salin constitue une des solutions pour promouvoir cette culture sur des sols inaffectés aux cultures vivrières. Quatre accessions locales de ricin ont été cultivées durant un mois sur le milieu de Murashige et Skoog (MS) modifié et additionné de 0 ; 25 ; 50 ; 100 et 150 mM de chlorure de sodium (NaCl). Les réponses des accessions ont été évaluées en conditions in vitro sur la base de paramètres morphologiques, biochimiques et de survie des vitroplants. L’effet de la salinité sur ces paramètres mesurés a permis de classer les accessions en groupe tolérant (acc1), moyennement tolérant (acc7) et sensible (acc3 et acc4). La concentration 50 mM de NaCl a été identifiée comme un seuil de tolérance critique et discriminant permettant une classification des accessions de ricin selon leur sensibilité au NaCl. La biomasse aérienne est apparue comme un critère pertinent pour classer les accessions de ricin. Les mesures des teneurs en chlorophylle des feuilles des vitroplants ont permis d’aboutir à la même classification des groupes.Mots clés: criblage, Ricinus communis, salinité, SénégalEnglish Title:  In vitro screening of local accessions of castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis l.) Under conditions of salinity stressEnglish AbstractCastor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is an undemanding plant whose cultivation has enormous economic potential for Seneg alese farmers. The identification of efficient genotypes tolerant to salt stress condition could constitute a significant result to promote ricin culture specifically in margin soils. Four local accessions of castor were cultivated, using in vitro conditions for four weeks on MS modified medium supplemented with 0, 25, 50, 100, 150 mM NaCl. In vitro plants responses to salinity were recorded in terms of morphological and biochemical parameters and the rate of plant survival. The effect of different levels of salinity on these parameters was used to classify the accessions in tolerant group (acc1), moderately tolerant (acc7) and sensitive (acc3 and acc4). The concentration 50 mM of NaCl was identified as a discriminant level for castor accessions classification and a critical level of tolerance. The in vitro plants shoot biomass, appeared a relevant parameter to be used for classification of castor accessions under in vitro conditions. The content of leaf chlorophyll for in vitro plants confirmed the classification of Castor bean accessions obtained with morphological parameters according to their sensitivity to the salinity.Keywords: screening, Ricinus communis, salinity, Senega

    Genetic Diversity Analysis and Barcoding in Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) Cultivars Using RAPD and ISSR Markers

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    Tuberose is one of the most important bulbous ornamentals grown commercially for loose as well as cut flowers. RAPD and ISSR markers used in the study revealed 53% and 73% polymorphism, respectively, among ten tuberose varieties. Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) and Resolving Power (RP) for RAPD varied from 0.35 - 0.46 and 0.8 - 3.6, respectively, and that for ISSR was 0.36 - 0.49 and 0.91 - 4.55, respectively. The dendrogram (UPGMA), based on Jaccards co-efficient as similarity index for RAPD and ISSR, grouped ten varieties into two major clusters, and, combined RAPD-ISSR cluster analysis formed three major clusters based on their genetic relatedness/variation. PCA revealed that the spatial arrangement of these 10 cultivars was congruent with dendrogram analysis. Mantel's test indicated very good correlation, with r = 0.86 for combination of ISSR and RAPD-ISSR. To facilitate identification of tuberose cultivars, a cultivar identification diagram (CID) was developed in which seven ISSR loci could differentiate all the ten cultivars used in the study. Barcodes were developed for five cultivars released by IIHR using 57 polymorphic loci generated by 11 ISSR primers. The size of these loci ranged from 252bp to 2.2kb. These barcodes can be used as a standard reference source for quick identification of cultivars

    Maturity determination of red and white pulp dragon fruit

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    There is a huge potential for dragon fruits grown in India but insufficient information may hamper its production and postharvest handling. The aim of this study was to investigate the right harvest time and maturity indices for red and white pulp dragon fruit. Growth and developmental studies were undertaken using destructive (total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity and TSS: acid ratio) and non-destructive methods (fruit weight, specific gravity, peel colour and heat units). Fruits were collected at seven intervals (7, 14, 21, 26, 31, 36 and 41 days after flowering) to assess the right maturity. All these methods were used to standardize the optimum maturity and right time for the harvest of red and white pulp dragon fruit. Harvesting dragon fruits between 31-36 days after flowering (DAF) was found ideal for optimum maturity and quality. Both red and white pulp fruits harvested at 31 DAF showed better quality in terms of physic-chemical and sensory attributes

    Polymethyl Methacrylate as a Binder for Pyrotechnic Compositions

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    Studies on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) as a binder for igniter and delay compositions are reported. Igniter compositions based on magnesium and boron as fuels and potassium nitrate as oxidiser, delay compositions comprising ferrosilicon and red lead, have been investigated. These compositions were subjected to various tests, such as linear burning rate, sensitivity, calorimetric value, compatibility, pelleting properties, spark sensitivity, ignition temperatures and performance characteristics. The results indicate that the igniter compositions Mg:KNO/sub 3/:PMMA (42:50:8) and B:KNO/sub 3/:PMMA (30:70:10) as well as the delay composition comprising FeSi:Pb/sub 3/O/sub 4:PMMA (25:75:1) have improved properties and therefore could find practical applications
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