1,941 research outputs found


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    Projectification has become an important phenomenon in the field of project studies. Projectification represents an important portion of the gross national product gathering significant resources in all types of industries. There is significant number of micro-level studies investigating this phenomenon but only few have investigated the macro-level design. This paper adopted approach originally implemented in Germany, Norway and Iceland. Aim of this paper is to broaden the scale of the previous research including Croatia as one of the Eastern European post transition countries. This paper offers unique results from the first projectification research of the Croatian economy based on the analysis of 250 companies. Primary data was collected through interviews with company employees. Results reveal the level of Croatian national economy projectification being below 30% enabling sector and cross country comparison. According to results Croatia is still within the range of the European Union countries. These results add to the existing body of knowledge regarding an ongoing research of the projectification phenomenon.Projektifikacija je postala važan fenomen u području istraživanja projekata. Projektifikacija predstavlja važan udio nacionalnog domaćeg proizvoda obuhvaćajući značajne resurse u svim industrijskim sektorima. Postoji značajan broj istraživanja mikro razine, ali svega nekoliko onih koje istražuju fenomen projektifikacije na makro razini. Ovaj rad koristi pristup originalno primijenjen u istraživanju projektifikacije na primjeru Njemačke, Norveške te Islanda. Cilj istraživanja je proširiti opseg prethodne studije uključivanjem Republike Hrvatske kao istočno europske post-tranzicijske zemlje. Rad nudi jedinstvene rezultate prve studije projektifikacije nacionalnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske koji se temelje na uzorku 250 poduzeća. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni putem intervjua zaposlenika. Rezultati ukazuju na postojeću razinu projektifikacije nacionalnog gospodarstva ispod razine od 30% omogućujući usporedbu sektora i zemalja. Prema rezultatima Republika Hrvatska se nalazi unutar raspona zemalja Europske unije. Rezultati istraživanja doprinose postojećem skupu znanja istraživačkog područja fenomena projektifikacije

    Ruminal degradability of leaves of Morus alba and Fraxinus excelsior managed as pollards or high stem trees

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    Ruminal degradability of leaves of [i]Morus alba[/i] and [i]Fraxinus excelsior[/i] managed as pollards or high stem trees. 4. World Congress on Agroforestr

    Tl’azt’en Learning Circle: Information Technology, Health and Cultural Preservation

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    A Community Learning Centre (CLC) is an innovative model of delivering health care and health information based firmly on the idea of community engagement. It has two interrelated components: 1) a community-based facility with Internet-linked computers accessible to all community members; and 2) community developed web-based resources relevant to community defined needs and priorities. This article describes a pilot CLC implementation in a remote British Columbia First Nations community. A CLC supports the acquisition of health information as well as research and technology skills by facilitating access to, and uptake of, relevant resources developed by and for community members

    Nutritional Composition of Different Varieties of Apple Purees Sweetened with Green and White Stevia Powder

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical composition of apple purees of four different apple varieties: ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Idared’, ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Cripps Pink’, in the fresh state (FP) and after thermal treatment by process of pasteurization with added green (PG) or white stevia powder (PW) derived from the leaves of the stevia plant. Also, to determine whether there is a significant influence of sweetening with stevia on the change of analyzed nutritional parameters of apple purees based on the results. Significant increase of dry matter content in PG and PW samples of apple purees was determined for approximately 10%, and also for total soluble solid content for 1%. High increase of natural invert content, for approximately five times higher, and some lower increase of total invert content of analyzed purees was determined in PG and PW samples in comparison with the FP samples. Total acid content and pH value did not show any significant change during the process of pasteurization and sweetening with stevia. The pasteurization significantly influenced the slight vitamin C reduction as well as the high reduction of total phenols in PG and PW samples. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the thermal processing by pasteurization significantly affects the degradation of high antioxidant activity compounds. Adding a green and white stevia powder significantly influenced the alterations of some nutritional components analyzed in apple purees: the dry matter content, soluble solids, and natural invert content (sugar glucose). It is important to emphasize, that the main effect of green and white stevia powder was the increase of natural invert content i.e. content of glucose and fructose, thereby increasing the sweetness of product, without increasing the content of “harmful” sugars e.g. sucrose

    Obveznopravni odnos studenta i javnoga veleučilišta

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    U ovom radu analiziran je obveznopravni odnos studenta i javnoga veleučilišta, pojašnjeni su osnovni elementi Ugovora o studiranju, te način na koji se uređuju prava i obveze ugovornih strana, s naglaskom na obveze ugovornih strana. Prvi dio rada govori o pravnom uređenju obveznopravnih odnosa u visokom obrazovanju i prirodi istih. U drugom dijelu rada analiziran je Ugovor o studiranju, pojašnjeni su elementi istoga i dani su razlozi zbog kojih su pojedini elementi ugovora važni. Svrha rada bila je prikazati specifičnosti obveznopravnoga odnosa studenta i visokoga učilišta, te razložiti potrebu i smisao elementa Ugovora o studiranju kao pojedinačnoga pravnoga akta kojim se uređuje obveznopravni odnos studenta i visokoga učilišta, kao glavnih aktera visokoga obrazovanja

    Obveznopravni odnos studenta i javnoga veleučilišta

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    U ovom radu analiziran je obveznopravni odnos studenta i javnoga veleučilišta, pojašnjeni su osnovni elementi Ugovora o studiranju, te način na koji se uređuju prava i obveze ugovornih strana, s naglaskom na obveze ugovornih strana. Prvi dio rada govori o pravnom uređenju obveznopravnih odnosa u visokom obrazovanju i prirodi istih. U drugom dijelu rada analiziran je Ugovor o studiranju, pojašnjeni su elementi istoga i dani su razlozi zbog kojih su pojedini elementi ugovora važni. Svrha rada bila je prikazati specifičnosti obveznopravnoga odnosa studenta i visokoga učilišta, te razložiti potrebu i smisao elementa Ugovora o studiranju kao pojedinačnoga pravnoga akta kojim se uređuje obveznopravni odnos studenta i visokoga učilišta, kao glavnih aktera visokoga obrazovanja

    Iritativni i alergijski kontaktni dermatitis - obilježja lezija kože

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    Contact skin lesions may be the consequences of contact with various irritants or allergens, or due to other factors (e.g., UV radiation, microbials), intrinsic factors (e.g., in autoimmune responses), or even their combination. There are many substances related to irritant contact dermatitis (CD), causing irritant or toxic effects, e.g., chemical and physical agents, plants, phototoxic agents, airborne irritants, etc. Impaired barrier function (e.g., aberrancies in epidermal pH buffering capabilities) also participates by promoting bacterial biofilms and creating an environment favoring sensitization. Development of allergic CD skin lesions includes complex immune pathways and inflammatory mediators, influenced by both genetic (predominantly filaggrin mutations) and environmental triggers. In the pathogenesis of allergic CD, antimicrobial peptides play a prominent role; they are produced by various skin cells (e.g., keratinocytes, sebocytes) and move to inflamed lesions during an inflammation process. Also, in allergic CD skin lesions, the skin shows different types of immune responses to individual allergens, although clinical manifestations do not depend on the causative allergen type, e.g., nickel stimulates immune activation primarily of the Th1/Th17 and Th22 components. Also important are alarmins, proteases, immunoproteomes, lipids, natural moisturizing factors, tight junctions, smoking, etc. We expect that future perspectives may reveal new pathogenetic factors and scientific data important for the workup and treatment of patients with CD.Kontaktne reakcije kože mogu biti posljedice kontakta s različitim iritansima ili alergenima ili mogu nastati zbog drugih čimbenika (npr. UV zračenja, mikroorganizama), unutarnjih čimbenika (npr. kod autoimunih reakcija) ili njihovom kombinacijom. Postoje mnoge tvari koje su povezane s pojavom iritativnog kontaktnog dermatitisa (KD) te uzrokuju iritativne ili toksične učinke: kemijske i fizikalne tvari, biljke, fototoksične tvari, okolišni čimbenici itd. Također oštećena funkcija kožne barijere (npr. odstupanja u epidermalnim pH puferskim sposobnostima) sudjeluje u tome promicanjem bakterijskih biofilmova i stvaranjem okruženja koja pogoduju senzibilizaciji. Razvoj kožnih oštećenja kod alergijskog KD-a obuhvaća kompleksne imunosne puteve i upalne medijatore koji su pod utjecajem i genetskih čimbenika (pretežno mutacija filagrina) i okidača iz okoliša. U patogenezi alergijskog KD-a istaknuta je uloga antimikrobnih peptida koji nastaju kao proizvod različitih kožnih stanica (npr. keratinociti, sebociti) i potom prelaze u kožne lezije tijekom procesa upale. Također, kod kožnih lezija u alergijskom KD-u koža pokazuje različite tipove imunosnih odgovora na pojedine alergene, iako kliničke manifestacije ne ovise o vrsti uzročnog alergena; npr. nikal stimulira imunosnu aktivaciju prvenstveno Th1/Th17 i Th22 komponenata. Također su važni alarmini, proteaze, imunoproteomi, lipidi, prirodni hidratantni čimbenici, međustanične veze, pušenje itd. Očekujemo da će se istraživanjima u budućnosti otkriti novi patogenetski čimbenici i znanstvene spoznaje važne za rad i liječenje bolesnika s KD-om

    A quantitative model for cyclin-dependent kinase control of the cell cycle: revisited

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    The eukaryotic cell division cycle encompasses an ordered series of events. Chromosomal DNA is replicated during S phase of the cell cycle before being distributed to daughter cells in mitosis. Both S phase and mitosis in turn consist of an intricately ordered sequence of molecular events. How cell cycle ordering is achieved, to promote healthy cell proliferation and avert insults on genomic integrity, has been a theme of Paul Nurse's research. To explain a key aspect of cell cycle ordering, sequential S phase and mitosis, Stern & Nurse proposed ‘A quantitative model for cdc2 control of S phase and mitosis in fission yeast’. In this model, S phase and mitosis are ordered by their dependence on increasing levels of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) activity. Alternative mechanisms for ordering have been proposed that rely on checkpoint controls or on sequential waves of cyclins with distinct substrate specificities. Here, we review these ideas in the light of experimental evidence that has meanwhile accumulated. Quantitative Cdk control emerges as the basis for cell cycle ordering, fine-tuned by cyclin specificity and checkpoints. We propose a molecular explanation for quantitative Cdk control, based on thresholds imposed by Cdk-counteracting phosphatases, and discuss its implications