1,052 research outputs found

    Nivel de riesgo para presentar diabetes mellitus 2 en una comunidad rural del Estado de México

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    La diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 es una enfermedad crónica que se caracteriza por el aumento de la glucosa en la sangre conocido como hiperglucemia, se presenta en personas mayores, siendo algunos de los factores pre disponentes la obesidad, el sedentarismo, la alimentación y la genética por mencionar algunos ya que es una enfermedad multicasual (DOHME 2006

    Propuesta didáctica: tabletas algebraicas como una alternativa de enseñanza del proceso de factorización de algunos polinomios de segundo grado

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    Este trabajo va dirigido a aquellos docentes de matemáticas y maestros en formación interesados en el tema de factorización de algunos polinomios de segundo grado. La idea se inspira en el trabajo de los árabes (e incluso Euclides, sin ser explícito) al relacionar términos de un polinomio con áreas, usar figuras para representarlas y posteriormente encontrar la solución a algunas ecuaciones relacionadas con problemas propios de su cotidianidad. Teniendo en cuenta el potencial que tienen los materiales manipulativos en la enseñanza, se optó por proponer un material didáctico que, bajo un marco de referencia, permitiera hacer llegar a los estudiantes esta idea y que de esta manera se convierta en una alternativa para enseñar el tema

    On the Use of Smart Hybrid Contracts to Provide Flexibility in Algorithmic Governance

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    The use of computer technology to automate the enforcement of law is a promising alternative to simplify bureaucratic procedures. However, careless automation might result in an inflexible and dehumanise law enforcement system driven by algorithms that do not account for the particularities of individuals or minorities. In this paper, we argue that hybrid smart contracts deployed to monitor rather than to blindly enforce regulations can be used to add flexibility. Enforcement is a suitable alternative only when prevention is strictly necessary; however, we argue that in many situations a corrective approach based on monitoring is more flexible and suitable. To add more flexibility, the hybrid smart contract can be programmed to stop to request the intervention of a human or of a group of them when human judgement is needed.Comment: Eleven pages in total. Four pdf figures. Paper accepted for publication in Data and Policy Journa

    Energy Efficiency in Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks

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    [EN] The transport of sensitive products is very important because their deterioration may cause the value lost and even the product rejection by the buyer. In addition, it is important to choose the optimal way to achieve this end. In a data network, the task of calculating the best routes is performed by routers. We can consider the optimal path as the one that provides a shortest route. However, if a real transport network is considered the shortest path can sometimes be affected by incidents and traffic jams that would make it inadvisable. On the other hand, when we need to come back, due to features that symmetry provides, it would be interesting to follow the same path in reverse sense. For this reason, in this paper we present a symmetric routing mechanism for cooperative monitoring system for the delivery of fresh products. The systems is based on a combination of fixed nodes and a mobile node that stores the path followed to be able of coming back following the same route in reverse sense. If this path is no longer available, the system will try to maintain the symmetry principle searching the route that provide the shortest time to the used in the initial trip. The paper shows the algorithm used by the systems to calculate the symmetric routes. Finally, the system is tested in a real scenario which combines different kind of roads. As the results shows, the energy consumption of this kind of nodes is highly influenced by the activity of sensors.This work has been supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad", through the "Convocatoria 2014. Proyectos I+D -Programa Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia" in the "Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento", (project TIN2014-57991-C3-1- P) and the "programa para la Formacion de Personal Investigador - (FPI-2015-S2-884)" by the "Universitat Politecnica de Valencia".Sendra, S.; Lloret, J.; Lacuesta, R.; Jimenez, JM. (2019). Energy Efficiency in Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks. Mobile Networks and Applications. 24(2):678-687. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-016-0788-3S678687242Derks HG, Buehler WS, Hall MB (2013) Real-time method and system for locating a mobile object or person in a tracking environment. US Patent 8514071 B2. Aug 20, 2013Witmond R, Dutta R, Charroppin P (2006) Method for tracking a mail piece. US Patent 7003376 B2, Feb 21, 2006Lu L, Liu Y, Han J (2015) ACTION: breaking the privacy barrier for RFID systems. Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks 24(1–2):135–159Dhakal S, Shin S (2013) Precise time system efficiency of a frame slotted aloha based anti-collision algorithm in a RFID system. Network Protocols and Algorithms 5(2):16–27. doi: 10.5296/npa.v5i2.3373Ghafoor KZ, Bakar KA, Lloret J, Khokhar RH, Lee KC (2013) Intelligent beaconless geographical forwarding for urban vehicular environments. Wirel Netw 19(3):345–362. doi: 10.1007/s11276-012-0470-zWeinsberg U, Shavitt Y, Schwartz Y (2009) Stability and symmetry of internet routing. In proc of the 2009 I.E. INFOCOM Workshops 2009, April 19–25, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, p 1–2 doi: 10.1109/INFCOMW.2009.5072192Garcia M, Bri D, Sendra S, Lloret J (2010) Practical deployments of wireless sensor networks: a survey. Int Journal on Advances in Networks and Services 3(1&2):163–178Bri D, Garcia M, Lloret J, Dini P (2009) Real deployments of wireless sensor networks. in Proc of the third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM’09), June 18–23. Athens (Greece), p 415–423 doi: 10.1109/SENSORCOMM.2009.69Karim L, Anpalagan A, Nasser N, Almhana J (2013) Sensor-based M2 M agriculture monitor-ing Systems for Developing Countries: state and challenges. Network Protocols and Algorithms 5(3):68–86. doi: 10.5296/npa.v5i3.3787Garcia M, Lloret J, Sendra S, Rodrigues JJPC (2011) Taking cooperative decisions in group-based wireless sensor networks. Lect Notes Comput Sci 6874:61–65. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-23734-8_9Garcia M, Sendra S, Lloret J, Lacuesta R (2010) Saving energy with cooperative group-based wireless sensor networks. Lect Notes Comput Sci 6240:231–238. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16066-0_11Silva FN, Comin CH, Peron TKDM, Rodrigues FA, Ye C, Wilson RC, Hancock ER, Costa LF (2016) Concentric network symmetry. Inf Sci 333:61–80. doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2015.11.014Jedermann R, Schouten R, Sklorz A, Lang W, Van Kooten O (2006) Linking keeping quality models and sensor systems to an autonomous transport supervision system. In proc of the 2nd Int Workshop Cold Chain Management, May 8–9, Bonn, Germany, p 3–18Li J, Cao J (2015) Survey of object tracking in wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks 25(1–2):89–120Shamsuzzoha A, Addo-Tenkorang R, Phuong D, Helo P. (2011). Logistics tracking: An implementation issue for delivery network. In proc of the PICMET’11: Conference Technology Management in the Energy Smart World, July 31–August 4, Portland, (Oregon-USA) p 1–10Torres RV, Sanchez JC, Galan LM (2014) Unmarked point and adjacency vertex, mobility models for the generation of emergency and rescue scenarios in urban areas. Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks 23(3–4):211–233Paxson V (1997) Measurements and Analysis of End-to-End Internet Dynamics. (Ph.D. Thesis). University of California, Berkeley. April, 1997. Available at: ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/vp-thesis/ Last access: 18 Oct 2016Codish M, Frank M, Itzhakov A, Miller A. (2014). Solving Graph Coloring Problems with Abstraction and Symmetry. AarXiv preprint arXiv:1409.5189. Available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.5189 Last access: 18 Oct 2016Chambers D, Flapan E (2014) Topological symmetry groups of small complete graphs. Symmetry 6(2):189–209. doi: 10.3390/sym6020189Gong Y, Zhang W, Zhang Z, Li Y (2016) Research and implementation of traffic sign recognition system. Wireless Communications, Networking and Applications 348:553–560. doi: 10.1007/978-81-322-2580-5_50Waspmote features (2016) In Digi Web Site. Available at: http://www.digi.com/products/wireless-wired-embedded-solutions/zigbee-rf-modules/point-multipoint-rfmodules/xbee-series1-module#specs , Last access: 18 Oct 2016Wang Z, Lu M, Yuan X, Zhang J, Van De Wetering H (2013) Visual traffic jam analysis based on trajectory data. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph 19(12):2159–2168. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2013.228Meghanathan N, Mumford P (2013) Centralized and distributed algorithms for stability-based data gathering in mobile sensor networks. Network Protocols and Algorithms 5(4):84–116. doi: 10.5296/npa.v5i4.4208Alrajeh NA, Khan S, Lloret J, Loo J (2014) Artificial neural network based detection of energy exhaustion attacks in wireless sensor networks capable of energy harvesting. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 22(3–4):109–133Garcia M, Sendra S, Lloret J, Canovas A (2013) Saving energy and improving communications using cooperative group-based wireless sensor networks. Telecommun Syst 52(4):2489–2502. doi: 10.1007/s11235-011-9568-

    Cambio climatico y pobreza en el Ecuador

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    Las principales conclusiones de este trabajo son: (i) la mayor vulnerabilidad del cambio climáticopara el año 2020 probablemente se concentrará en las ciudades medianas y pequeñas de las provinciasdel Guayas, Imbabura, Santa Elena y Bolívar. En todos los años analizados, el “índice de riesgo” delGuayas es mucho mayor que otras provincias. En el caso de la población rural, el "índice provincialde riesgo al cambio climático" indica que en la década del 2020, las provincias mayormente expuestasserán Bolívar, Orellana, Los Ríos y Cañar, y (ii) el impacto del cambio climático en la salud de losecuatorianos, probablemente se concentrará en estas áreas de mayor vulnerabilidad socio-económica,y en donde las nuevas condiciones climáticas permiten la reproducción de vectores. Hay granprobabilidad de que el incremento de enfermedades epidemiológicas como la malaria y el dengue,se produzcan en zonas de mayor altitud localizada en las estribaciones del corredor Andino orientaly occidental. Es importante destacar que la definición de "vulnerabilidad socio-económica" que seutiliza para este trabajo, se relaciona con el cambio climático, en función de: (i) la exposición física alos fenómenos climáticos, (ii) la sensibilidad al cambio climático, (iii) nivel de la pobreza medida pornecesidades básicas insatisfechas, y, (iv) la debilidad en las instituciones de los gobiernos locales.Teniendo en cuenta que las variables de control de los responsables de la política pública, son lasrelacionadas a las condiciones de pobreza y de la capacidad institucional para hacer frente a laadaptación al cambio climático, la primera variable del estudio, concluye que existe una tendenciasignificativa al aumento de la dispersión geográfica de la población pobre, que es una característicapeculiar en el Ecuador, lo cual tiene fuerte influencia en el "índice de riesgo al cambio climáticoprovincial". En cuanto a la segunda variable del estudio, hace hincapié en el promedio de la debilidadde autonomía financiera, en las ciudades medianas, la cual llega a 32%, y en las pequeñas el 14,4%,en contraste con el 52,9% de las grandes ciudades (Sierra 2009), condiciones que se ven agravadaspor la mayor precariedad de los servicios públicos. En cuanto al impacto del cambio climático en la salud, la evidencia biológica ha demostrado la relaciónexistente entre la temperatura y la precipitación, variables que inciden en el incremento de la densidadde enfermedades infecciosas transmitidas por vectores, como la Malaria y el Dengue. Lacuantificación de estos efectos biológicos en los casos analizados, con el fin de modelar los probablescambios en los escenarios de clima futuro, presentan una variedad de complejidades metodológicas,agravado por la limitada disponibilidad de información. La evidencia científica indica que la malariaestá estrechamente relacionada con los cambios de las condiciones climáticas, lo cual en efecto "esun problema grave de salud pública", que demuestra la gran vulnerabilidad del país, debido a ladeficiente infraestructura básica de saneamiento y la cultura de la salud. El estudio concluye queexiste la posibilidad de que los efectos negativos del cambio climático sean atenuados si se fortalecenlos sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica en las zonas nuevas de transición, adicionalmente, si semejoran las estrategias de comunicación y generación de incentivos (económicos y no económicos)para las prácticas de salud preventiva; y si se aumentan el suministro de infraestructura desaneamiento básico en las zonas más pobres. Para implementar esta estrategia costo-efectiva, elfortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales de los gobiernos locales es una condición básica,así como también, instituciones locales autosuficientes son necesarias para alcanzar la efectividadde estas medidas de adaptación

    Diseño de mobiliario urbano para lograr la dinámica social en la ciudad

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    El mobiliario urbano forma parte fundamental de la infraestructura de apoyo para realizar las actividades cotidianas de los diversos grupos de la comunidad; es por ello que debe ponerse atención especial en su diseño y ubicación en el ámbito urbano. Estos productos de diseño inducen a los sujetos a mejorar su interrelación de forma que se propicie el contacto y la convivencia entre ellos en los espacios públicos. De esta manera se contribuye a la reducción de los males sociales que aquejan a la población e inducen una dinámica urbana más propicia para el desarrollo integral de la sociedad urbana.El mobiliario urbano forma parte fundamental de la infraestructura de apoyo para realizar las actividades cotidianas de los diversos grupos de la comunidad; es por ello que debe ponerse atención especial en su diseño y ubicación en el ámbito urbano. Estos productos de diseño inducen a los sujetos a mejorar su interrelación de forma que se propicie el contacto y la convivencia entre ellos en los espacios públicos. De esta manera se contribuye a la reducción de los males sociales que aquejan a la población e inducen una dinámica urbana más propicia para el desarrollo integral de la sociedad urbana

    Autonomous video compression system for environmental monitoring

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    [EN] The monitoring of natural environments is becoming a very controversial topic because people are more and more concerned about preserving and monitoring these natural spaces. The monitoring tasks are usually complemented with a network infrastructure composed by cameras and network devices that make easy the remote visualization of the monitored environments. This work presents the design, implementation and test of an autonomous video compression system for environmental monitoring. The system is based on a server in charge of collecting the videos and analyzing the network constraints. As a function of the measured parameters and the predominant color of the requested video, the system determines the best compression codec for transmitting the video through the network. Additionally, the server should run an algorithm developed in Python and MATLAB(c) in charge of analyzing the RED-GREEN-BLUE (RGB) components of the video and performing the transcoding tasks. The system has been tested with different videos and the results of Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) shows that H264 is a good option when the predominant color of videos are black or white while XVID is one the codecs that offer interesting results when colors as red, green or blue are predominant in the video.This work has been supported by the Programa para la Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI-2015-S2-884) by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia . The research leading to these results has received funding from la Caixa Foundation and Triptolemos FoundationMateos-Cañas, I.; Sendra, S.; Lloret, J.; Jimenez, JM. (2017). Autonomous video compression system for environmental monitoring. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 9(1-2):48-70. https://doi.org/10.5296/npa.v9i1-2.12386S487091-

    Underwater Acoustic Modems

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Due to the growing interest using underwater acoustic networks, there are more and more research papers about underwater communications. These papers are mainly focused on deployments and studies about the constraints of the underwater medium. The underwater acoustic channel is highly variable and the signal transmission can change according to environmental factors such as the temperature, pressure or salinity of the water. For this reason, it is important to know how these devices are developed and the maximum distance and data transfer rates they can achieve. To this end, this paper presents an exhaustive study of existing underwater acoustic modems where their main features are highlighted. We also review the main features of their hardware. All presented proposals in the research literature are compared with commercial underwater acoustic modems. Finally, we analyze different programs and improvements of existing network simulators that are often used to simulate and estimate the behavior of underwater networks.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through the Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011 within the Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental under Project TEC2011-27516. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Dr. Lei Shu. (Corresponding author: Jaime Lloret.)Sendra, S.; Lloret, J.; Jimenez, JM.; Parra-Boronat, L. (2015). Underwater Acoustic Modems. IEEE Sensors Journal. 16(11):4063-4071. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2015.2434890S40634071161

    Interactive Videos in IPTV using Hypervideo Links

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    [EN] One of the main advantages of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is the capability of full duplex communication between the Television (TV) provider and the clients which permits the interactivity of both. From this interactivity, TV providers can obtain extra information from clients. Moreover, clients can even take profit from this type of communication that allows them surfing between videos. However, this feature cannot be used in Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). This paper shows the design and development of an interactive video for IPTV services that contains hypervideo links with additional information and content that is very useful for viewers. Furthermore, we detail the protocol used to maintain the service between the TV provider and the clients to maintain the service. Finally, the system is tested in a real scenario and the resulting measurements are provided in order to evaluate the network performance needed to offer an adequate service to each client because according to results shows, the use of hypervideo links does not imply an important increase in the ratio of packets per second.This work has been partially supported by the Postdoctoral Scholarship Contratos Postdoctorales UPV 2014 (PAID-10-14) of the Universitat Politècnica de València , by the Programa para la Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI-2015-S2-884) of the Universitat Politècnica de València .Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J.; Abdullah, MT.; Sendra, S. (2017). Interactive Videos in IPTV using Hypervideo Links. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 9(3-4):77-93. https://doi.org/10.5296/npa.v9i3-4.12540S779393-