3 research outputs found

    Simulated practice in healthcare

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    Needs analysis on lifelong simulation-based learning of nurses

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    Uvod: Simulacije se kot aktivna metoda učenja in poučevanja uporabljajo tako v formalnem kot neformalnem usposabljanju strokovnjakov na področju zdravstva, vendar je njihov potencial v Sloveniji premalo izkoriščen. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, katere simulacije zanimajo vodilne medicinske sestre, ki odločajo o usposabljanjih medicinskih sester. Metode: V anketi, ki je potekala od 30. 11. do 24. 12. 2010, so sodelovale vodilne medicinske sestre primarne, sekundarne in terciarne ravni zdravstvene dejavnosti ter socialnovarstvenih zavodov. Končni vzorec je zajemal 78 anketirancev. Anketiranci so med 146 simulacijami, razdeljenimi v enajst sklopov, izbrali tiste, ki bi jih glede na njihovo naravo dela potrebovali in bi jih bilo smiselno vključevati v programe vseživljenjskega učenja. Za analizo podatkov je bila uporabljena univariatna analiza in test hi-kvadrat. Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo izjemno veliko zanimanje za simulacije stanj, ki zahtevajo nujno obravnavo pacienta, še zlasti za simulacijo Uporaba zunanjega avtomatskega defibrilatorja v primeru srčnega zastoja (62,8 %). Prav tako rezultati kažejo na nekoliko višje, statistično značilno zanimanje za simulacije s strani primarne (I) in terciarne (III) ravni zdravstvene dejavnosti: Akutna alergična reakcija (I: 69 %, III: 67 %, p = 0,036), Supraventrikularna tahikardija (I: 73 %, III: 56 %, p = 0,02) in Ventrikularna fibrilacija in ventrikularna tahikardija (timska obravnava) (I: 73 %, III: 50 %, p = 0,014). Diskusija in zaključek: Glede na izkazano zanimanje za simulacije je smiselno razmisliti o načinih, kako bi se ta pristop bolje vključil v dodiplomsko izobraževanje in kontinuirano profesionalno izobraževanje na področju zdravstvene nege. Ugotovljene razlike v zanimanju za simulacije je smiselno upoštevati pri načrtovanju prihodnjih usposabljanj medicinskih sester.Introduction: Simulations are used in both formal and informal training of health professionals as an active teaching and learning method. In Slovenia, however, simulation-based medical training has not been widely accepted and used in spite of the benefits and opportunities it can offer. The aim of the study was to identify the types of simulations that nurses responsible for nurse education find interesting and useful. Methods: The survey took place from November 30 to December 24, 2010. Leading nurses from primary, secondary and tertiary levels of healthcare and social welfare institutions participatedin the study. The final sample included 78 respondents. Among the 146 simulations divided into 11 sets, the respondents selected those which aremost useful and relevant enough to be included in the lifelong learning programs. For the data analysis univariate analysis and Chi-square test were used. Results: Results of the study showed great interest in simulations of conditions that require urgent treatment of patients, particularly the simulation Use of automated external defibrillator in the event of cardiac arrest (62.8 %). Statistically significant interest was expressed by the participants from the primary (I) and tertiary (III) levels of healthcare for the following simulations: Acute allergic reaction (I: 69 %, III: 67 %, p = 0,036), Supraventricular tachycardia (I: 73 %, III: 56 %p = 0.02), and Ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia (teamwork) (I: 73 %, III:50 %p = 0.014). Discussion and conclusion: As relatively high level of interest is shown for the simulation-based education and training, it would be reasonable to introduce this learning/teaching method into nursing undergraduate curricula and lifelong learning programmes. The different interests identified should be taken into consideration when developing nursing training courses and programmes