3,103 research outputs found

    Preparing Undergraduates for Research Careers: Using Astrobites in the Classroom

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    Because undergraduate participation in research is a longstanding and increasingly important aspect of the career path for future scientists, students can benefit from additional resources to introduce them to the culture and process of research. We suggest the adoption of the web resource Astrobites as a classroom tool to increase the preparation of undergraduate physics and astronomy students for careers in research. We describe the content and development of the website, discuss previous university courses that have made use of Astrobites, and suggest additional strategies for using Astrobites in the classroom.Comment: Published in the Astronomy Education Revie

    Simulating Quantum Dynamics On A Quantum Computer

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    We present efficient quantum algorithms for simulating time-dependent Hamiltonian evolution of general input states using an oracular model of a quantum computer. Our algorithms use either constant or adaptively chosen time steps and are significant because they are the first to have time-complexities that are comparable to the best known methods for simulating time-independent Hamiltonian evolution, given appropriate smoothness criteria on the Hamiltonian are satisfied. We provide a thorough cost analysis of these algorithms that considers discretizion errors in both the time and the representation of the Hamiltonian. In addition, we provide the first upper bounds for the error in Lie-Trotter-Suzuki approximations to unitary evolution operators, that use adaptively chosen time steps.Comment: Paper modified from previous version to enhance clarity. Comments are welcom

    AI hype in the classroom

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) tools, especially generative tools based on large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, raise critical concerns for academic integrity, for ensuring genuine assessment of student learning, and for equity. Public understanding of these tools is clouded by hype about their capabilities, as they are often treated as knowledgeable and even sentient, and thus suitable for any human task. Of particular concern for instructors is how, and how much, students rely on these tools to complete their coursework. We address some of these issues in our classrooms by reporting on a recent pedagogical initiative within the Department of Linguistics at the University of Toronto during Summer 2023. As part of the initiative, we highlight the crucial role that linguistics can play in these discussions, by shifting the focus to LLMs as objects of study that are directly relevant to the linguistics classroom and to educate students on what linguistic tasks they are and are not good at. We offer strategies and sample assignment questions to help instructors deflate AI hype and facilitate greater AI literacy by demystifying the technology

    Model Averaging with AIC Weights for Hypothesis Testing of Hormesis at Low Doses

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    For many dose–response studies, large samples are not available. Particularly, when the outcome of interest is binary rather than continuous, a large sample size is required to provide evidence for hormesis at low doses. In a small or moderate sample, we can gain statistical power by the use of a parametric model. It is an efficient approach when it is correctly specified, but it can be misleading otherwise. This research is motivated by the fact that data points at high experimental doses have too much contribution in the hypothesis testing when a parametric model is misspecified. In dose–response analyses, to account for model uncertainty and to reduce the impact of model misspecification, averaging multiple models have been widely discussed in the literature. In this article, we propose to average semiparametric models when we test for hormesis at low doses. We show the different characteristics of averaging parametric models and averaging semiparametric models by simulation. We apply the proposed method to real data, and we show that P values from averaged semiparametric models are more credible than P values from averaged parametric methods. When the true dose–response relationship does not follow a parametric assumption, the proposed method can be an alternative robust approach
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