2,528 research outputs found

    An Overview of the Engagement with Stakeholders to Determine Logical Subject Headings

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    Xerxes is an interface application, used by over 40 institutions around the world (see http://code.google.com/p/xerxes-portal/wiki/Implementations) including several UW System Libraries. For these UW System Libraries, Xerxes serves as the user interface to MetaLib and also provides sophisticated citation management functionality and integration options. It\u27s developed by libraries for libraries, and therefore designed to be completely customizable. One of the more challenges aspects of the Xerxes implementation is determining logical subject headings. The experiences of UW-Eau Claire, UW Colleges, and UW-Madison will be discussed

    A Latino advantage in oral health-related quality of life is modified by nativity status

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    Explanations for the social gradient in health status are informed by the rare exceptions. This cross-sectional observational study examined one such exception, the ā€œLatino paradoxā€ by investigating the presence of a Latino advantage in oral health-related quality of life and the effect of nativity status on this relationship. A nationally representative sample of adults (n = 4208) completed the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003ā€“2004. The impact of oral disorders on oral health-related quality of life was evaluated using the NHANES Oral Health Impact Profile. Exposures of interest were race, ethnicity and nativity status. Covariates included sociodemographic characteristics, smoking status, self-rated health, access to dental care and number of teeth. Unconditional logistic regression models estimated odds of impaired oral health-related quality of life for racial/ethnic and nativity groups compared to the Non-Latino white population. Overall prevalence of impaired oral health-related quality of life was 15.1%. A protective effect of Latino ethnicity was modified by nativity status, such that Latino immigrants experienced substantially better outcomes than non-Latino whites. However the effect was limited to first-generation Latinos. U.S. born Latinos did not share the oral health-related quality of life advantage of their foreign-born counterparts. This advantage was not attributable to the healthy migrant phenomenon since immigrants of non-Latino origin did not differ from Non-Latino whites. The excess risk among Non-Hispanic Blacks was rendered non-significant after adjustment for socioeconomic position. A protective effect conferred by Latino nativity is unexpected given relatively disadvantaged socioeconomic position of this group, their language barrier and restrictions to needed dental care. As the Latino advantage in oral health-related quality of life is not explained by healthy immigrant selection, cultural explanations seem more likely than explanations based on characteristics of individuals

    Studies in contemporary Australian sculptural practice: Hilarie Mais and Fiona Hall

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    The subject of this thesis is contemporary Australian sculptural practice. Within the limitations of a Master of Arts sub-thesis, it aims to provide an analysis of developments in contemporary Australian sculptural practice since 1980. This analysis is conducted within the context of the theoretical frameworks of postmodernism, feminism and postcolonialism. The first chapter seeks to establish a general overview and context, both nationally and internationally, for the significant changes and developments in contemporary sculptural practice in Australia. Specifically, three key theoretical concepts are identified as major protagonists of these changes. The second and third chapters seek to provide specific examples of these theoretical concepts identified in chapter one within the context of two monographic case studies of mid-career sculptors, Hilarie Mais and Fiona Hall

    Stellar and Gaseous Nuclear Disks Observed in Nearby (U)LIRGs

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    We present near-infrared integral field spectroscopy of the central kiloparsec of 17 nearby luminous and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies undergoing major mergers. These observations were taken with OSIRIS assisted by the Keck I and II Adaptive Optics systems, providing spatial resolutions of a few tens of parsecs. The resulting kinematic maps reveal gas disks in at least 16 out of 19 nuclei and stellar disks in 11 out of 11 nuclei observed in these galaxy merger systems. In our late-stages mergers, these disks are young (stellar ages <30<30 Myr) and likely formed as gas disks which became unstable to star formation during the merger. On average, these disks have effective radii of a few hundred parsecs, masses between 10810^{8} and 1010MSun10^{10} M_{Sun}, and v/Ļƒv/\sigma between 1 and 5. These disks are similar to those created in high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of gas-rich galaxy mergers, and favor short coalescence times for binary black holes. The few galaxies in our sample in earlier stages of mergers have disks which are larger (reffāˆ¼200āˆ’1800r_{eff}\sim200-1800 pc) and likely are remnants of the galactic disks that have not yet been completely disrupted by the merger.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Following Black Hole Scaling Relations Through Gas-Rich Mergers

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    We present black hole mass measurements from kinematic modeling of high-spatial resolution integral field spectroscopy of the inner regions of 9 nearby (ultra-)luminous infrared galaxies in a variety of merger stages. These observations were taken with OSIRIS and laser guide star adaptive optics on the Keck I and Keck II telescopes, and reveal gas and stellar kinematics inside the spheres of influence of these supermassive black holes. We find that this sample of black holes are overmassive (āˆ¼107āˆ’9\sim10^{7-9} MSun_{Sun}) compared to the expected values based on black hole scaling relations, and suggest that the major epoch of black hole growth occurs in early stages of a merger, as opposed to during a final episode of quasar-mode feedback. The black hole masses presented are the dynamical masses enclosed in āˆ¼\sim25pc, and could include gas which is gravitationally bound to the black hole but has not yet lost sufficient angular momentum to be accreted. If present, this gas could in principle eventually fuel AGN feedback or be itself blown out from the system.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Shocked Gas in IRAS F17207-0014: ISM Collisions and Outflows

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    We combine optical and near-infrared AO-assisted integral field observations of the merging ULIRG IRAS F17207-0014 from the Wide-Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) and Keck/OSIRIS. The optical emission line ratios [N II]/HĪ±\alpha, [S II]/HĪ±\alpha, and [O I]/HĪ±\alpha reveal a mixing sequence of shocks present throughout the galaxy, with the strongest contributions coming from large radii (up to 100% at āˆ¼\sim5 kpc in some directions), suggesting galactic-scale winds. The near-infrared observations, which have approximately 30 times higher spatial resolution, show that two sorts of shocks are present in the vicinity of the merging nuclei: low-level shocks distributed throughout our field-of-view evidenced by an H2_{2}/BrĪ³\gamma line ratio of āˆ¼\sim0.6-4, and strong collimated shocks with a high H2_{2}/BrĪ³\gamma line ratio of āˆ¼\sim4-8, extending south from the two nuclear disks approximately 400 pc (āˆ¼\sim0.5 arcsec). Our data suggest that the diffuse shocks are caused by the collision of the interstellar media associated with the two progenitor galaxies and the strong shocks trace the base of a collimated outflow coming from the nucleus of one of the two disks.Comment: accepted to MNRA

    Tooth loss and obstructive sleep apnea signs and symptoms in the US population

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between tooth loss and signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in a representative sample of the general US population

    A new way to estimate disease prevalence from random partial-mouth samples

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    Standard partial-mouth estimators of chronic periodontitis that define an individualā€™s disease status solely in terms of selected sites underestimate prevalence. This study proposes an improved prevalence estimator based on randomly sampled sites and evaluates its accuracy in a well characterized population cohort
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