13 research outputs found

    Infraoptic azygous anterior cerebral artery

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    Isolated acetabular osteochondroma of the hip

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    We present a case of isolated intra-acetabular osteochondroma in a 21 year-old male who presented with history of right hip pain for 5 years and difficulty in walking. Patient was managed with excision of intra-articular exostoses through surgical hip dislocation. Intra-articular hip osteochondromas can be a rare cause of hip pain in patients with unexplained etiology, and their diagnosis and management can be challenging. Keywords: Acetabulum, Osteochondroma, Surgical dislocation, Hi

    Brief Report - Economics of head injuries

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    Summary: Head injuries account for significant proportion of neurosurgical admissions and bed occupancy. Patients with head injuries also consume significant proportions of neurosurgical resources. A prospective 6-month study has been carried out to evaluate the expenditure incurred on head injury patients in a modern neurosurgical center equipped with state of the art infrastructure. Costing areas included wages / salaries of health care personnel, cost of medicines / surgical items / crystalloids, general store items, stationary, all investigation charges, equipment cost, overhead building cost, maintenance cost, electricity and water charges and cost of medical gases, air conditioning and operation theatre expenses. Expenditure in each area was calculated and apportioned to each bed. The statistical analysis was done using χ2 test. The cost of stay in ward was found to be Rs. 1062 / bed / day and in neurosurgical ICU Rs. 3082 / bed / day. The operation theatre cost for each surgery was Rs. 11948. The cost of hospital stay per day for minor, moderate and severe head injury group was found to be Rs. 1921, Rs. 2569 and Rs. 2713 respectively. The patients who developed complications, the cost of stay per day in the hospital were Rs. 2867. In the operative group, the cost of hospital stay per day was Rs. 3804. The total expenditure in minor head injury was Rs. 7800 per patient, in moderate head injury was Rs. 22172 per patient, whereas in severe head injury, it was found to be Rs. 32852 per patient. Patients who underwent surgery, the total cost incurred was Rs. 33100 per operated patient

    The role of conservative treatment in lumbar disc herniations: WFNS spine committee recommendations

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    Objective: To formulate the most current, evidence-based recommendations for the conservative management of lumbar disc herniations (LDH). Methods: A systematic literatüre search was performed 2012–2022 in PubMed/Medline and Cochrane using the keywords ‘’lumbar disc herniation’’ and ‘’conservative treatment,’’ yielding 342 total manuscripts. Screening criteria resulted in 12 final manuscripts which were summarized and presented at two international consensus meetings of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Spine Committee. The Delphi method was utilized to arrive at three final consensus statements. Results and conclusion: s: In the absence of cauda equina syndrome, motor, or other serious neurologic deficits, conservative treatment should be the first line of treatment for LDH. NSAIDs may significantly improve acute low back and sciatic pain caused by LDH. A combination of activity modification, pharmacotherapy, and physical therapy provides good outcomes in most LDH patients

    In vivo and in vitro MR spectroscopic profile of central neurocytomas

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    The metabolic differences between the muscle biopsies of patients with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) and normal controls were characterized using high-resolution 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. In all, 44 metabolites were unambiguously assigned in the perchloric acid extracts of skeletal muscle tissue, using 2D double quantum filtered (DQF COSY), total correlation (TOCSY), and 1H/13C heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) spectroscopy. The concentrations of glycolytic substrate, glucose (p=0.03), gluconeogenic amino acids, glutamine (p=0.02) and alanine (p=0.009) together with glycolytic product, lactate (p=0.04), were found to be significantly lowered in LGMD patients as compared with controls. The reduction in the concentration of glucose may be attributed to the decrease in the concentration of gluconeogenic amino acids in the degenerated muscle. Reduction in the rate of anaerobic glycolysis and lowered substrate concentration appear to be the possible reasons for the decrease in the concentration of lactate. A significant reduction in the concentration of choline in LGMD patients was also observed compared with controls. Lower concentration of choline may be the result of decreased rate of membrane turnover in LGMD patients. The data presented here provide an insight into the potentials of in-vitro NMR spectroscopy in the study of muscle metabolism

    Cauda equina, conus medullaris and syndromes mimicking sciatic pain: WFNS spine committee recommendations

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    Introduction: Cauda equina syndrome (CES), conus medullaris syndrome (CMS), and sciatica-like syndromes or “sciatica mimics” (SM) may present as diagnostic and/or therapeutic dilemmas for the practicing spine surgeon. There is considerable controversy regarding the appropriate definition and diagnosis of these entities, as well as indications for and timing of surgery. Our goal is to formulate the most current, evidence-based recommendations for the definition, diagnosis, and management of CES, CMS, and SM syndromes. Methods: We performed a systematic literature search in PubMed from 2012 to 2022 using the keywords “cauda equina syndrome”, “conus medullaris syndrome”, “sciatica”, and “sciatica mimics”. Standardized screening criteria yielded a total of 43 manuscripts, whose data was summarized and presented at two international consensus meetings of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Spine Committee. Utilizing the Delphi method, we generated seven final consensus statements. Results and conclusion: s: We provide standardized definitions of cauda equina, cauda equina syndrome, conus medullaris, and conus medullaris syndrome. We advocate for the use of the Lavy et al classification system to categorize different types of CES, and recommend urgent MRI in all patients with suspected CES (CESS), considering the low sensitivity of clinical examination in excluding CES. Surgical decompression for CES and CMS is recommended within 48 h, preferably within less than 24 h. There is no data regarding the role of steroids in acute CES or CMS. The treating physician should be cognizant of a variety of other pathologies that may mimic sciatica, including piriformis syndrome, and how to manage these