4 research outputs found
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Ceramic Society of Japan'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Guided bone regeneration in dental implant treatment using a bioabsorbable membrane
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) on Healing Bone Defects: A Histological Study in Rabbits
- Author
- Batista EL Novaes AB, Simonpietri JJ, et. al.
- Erdoğan D Hatiboğlu M, Görgün M, Ilgaz C.
- Gotfredsen K Nimb L, Buser D, et. al.
- Hanson LJ Donovan MG, Hellstein JW, et. al.
- Heiple KG Goldberg UM, Powell AE, et. al.
- Lane JM Sandhu HS.
- Machtei EE Peled M, Aizenbud D, et. al.
- Majzoub Z Berengo M, Giardino R, et. al.
- Mundell RD Mooney MP, Siegel MI, et. al.
- Polson MA Garrett S, Stoller NH, et. al.
- Sandberg E Dahlin C, Linde A.
- Zellin G Gritli-Linde A, Linde A.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The role of barrier membranes for guided bone regeneration and restoration of large bone defects: current experimental and clinical evidence
- Author
- A Berner
- A Gerber
- A Kaushiva
- A Linde
- A Matsuo
- A Sculean
- AB Pedersen
- AC Masquelet
- AF Mavrogenis
- AJ Asikainen
- AL Pinheiro
- B Alpar
- B Ogiso
- BS McAllister
- C Dahlin
- C Dahlin
- C Dahlin
- C Ereno
- CA Wu
- CC Humber
- CE Sverzut
- CK Lee
- D Beniker
- D Heck
- D Lacroix
- D Rothamel
- D Taylor
- D Weng
- DC Moore
- E Sandberg
- EA Arisawa
- EJ Hoogeveen
- EJ Lee
- F Farso Nielsen
- F Jégoux
- G Greenstein
- G Polimeni
- G Schmidmaier
- G Zellin
- G Zellin
- George I Mataliotakis
- Giorgio Maria Calori
- GJ Borges
- H He
- H He
- H Jianqi
- H Schliephake
- H Tal
- HA Marouf
- HJ Jaroma
- I Guerra
- I Shabani
- IG Needleman
- J Aronson
- J Behring
- J Gottlow
- J Klawitter
- J Wiltfang
- J Zhang
- J Zhang
- JD Boerckel
- JH Kim
- JP Schmitz
- K Ishikawa
- K Kazakos
- K Klaue
- K Lysiak-Drwal
- K Matsuzaka
- K Stetzer
- KBB Berkovitz
- KC Gupta
- KM Dupont
- KS Hong
- L Hurley
- L Kong
- L Kostopoulos
- LM Pineda
- M Aaboe
- M Chvapil
- M Coïc
- M Peled
- M Retzepi
- M Sampo
- M Simion
- M Spector
- MA Suckow
- ME Fritz
- ME Gerbi
- MG Patino
- MM Bornstein
- N Donos
- N Nicoli Aldini
- NJ Nasser
- NP Rhodes
- P Bunyaratavej
- P Ducheyne
- P Pelissier
- PA Ostermann
- Peter V Giannoudis
- PF Bernabé
- PF Gielkens
- PF Gielkens
- PJ Boyne
- PJ Boyne
- PR Klokkevold
- PV Giannoudis
- PV Giannoudis
- PV Giannoudis
- R Chaturvedi
- R Dimitriou
- R Gutta
- R Hardwick
- R Nyman
- R Nyman
- R Nyman
- R Pilliar
- RB de Santana
- RE Jung
- RE Jung
- RK Schenk
- Rozalia Dimitriou
- RP Meinig
- RP Meinig
- S Amado
- S Caiazza
- S Gogolewski
- S Jovanovic
- S Kung
- S Lu
- S Nakajima
- S Pitaru
- S Tokuda
- S Yokoya
- S Zahedi
- SD Ulrich
- SH Teng
- SJ Lee
- SV Kothiwale
- SY Shin
- T Oh
- T von Arx
- TV Scantlebury
- TW Bauer
- V Thomaidis
- V Viateau
- W Becker
- WC Pederson
- WY Ip
- WY Ip
- Y Amano
- Y Kinoshita
- Y Kinoshita
- Y Kinoshita
- Y Ueyama
- Y Ueyama
- Y Zubery
- YM Kolambkar
- YM Kolambkar
- YZ Cai
- Z Gugala
- Z Gugala
- Z Gugala
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study