58 research outputs found

    Potential impact of microbial activity on the oxidant capacity and organic carbon budget in clouds

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    International audienceWithin cloud water, microorganisms are metabolically active and, thus, are expected to contribute to the atmospheric chemistry. This paper investigates the interactions between microorganisms and the reactive oxygenated species that are present in cloud water because these chemical compounds drive the oxidant capacity of the cloud system. Real cloud water samples with contrasting features (marine, continental and urban) were taken from the puy de Dôme mountain (France). The samples exhibited a high microbial biodiversity and complex chemical composition. The media were incubated in the dark and subjected to UV radiation in specifically designed photo-bioreactors. The concentrations of H2O2, organic compounds and the ATP/ADP ratio were monitored during the incubation period. The microorganisms remained metabolically active in the presence of *OH radicals that were photo-produced from H2O2. This oxidant and major carbon compounds (formaldehyde and carboxylic acids) were biodegraded by the endogenous microflora. This work suggests that microorganisms could play a double role in atmospheric chemistry; first, they could directly metabolize organic carbon species, and second, they could reduce the available source of radicals through their oxidative metabolism. Consequently, molecules such as H2O2 would no longer be available for photochemical or other chemical reactions, which would decrease the cloud oxidant capacity

    A fate for organic acids, formaldehyde and methanol in cloud water: their biotransformation by micro-organisms

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    International audienceThe interactions between microbial and chemical contents of cloud water were investigated. First, we observe that the bulk cloud water solution provides a substantial environment where bacteria can develop significantly. Then, a total number of 60 microbial strains originating from seven distinct samples of cloud water and affiliated to various taxonomic groups were looked for their ability to degrade some of the main atmospheric carboxylic compounds: formate, acetate, lactate, succinate, formaldehyde and methanol. Biodegradation tests show that all these compounds can be transformed when used as single carbonaceous substrates, with activities depending on both the strain and the compound. The highest capacities of biodegradation are observed towards formaldehyde, formate and acetate, which are also the more concentrated compounds typically measured in cloud water. Hence, analyses by 1H NMR permitted to establish for instance that compounds like pyruvate or fumarate can be produced and released in the media in relation to the transformation of lactate or succinate. In addition, utilization of 13C labelled formaldehyde showed that it can be transformed through many metabolic pathways, similar to those induced by photochemistry and leading to the production of formate and/or methanol. These results suggest that microorganisms of cloud water can have various behaviours towards the chemical compounds present in the atmosphere: they can represent either a sink or source for organic carbon, and may have to be considered as actors of cloud chemistry

    Microbial population in cloud water at the Puy de Dôme: implications for the chemistry of clouds

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    Airborne micro-organisms are ubiquitous in the atmosphere where they can remain alive and be transported over long distances, thus colonizing new environments. Despite their great importance in relation to ecological and socio-economical issues (bio-terrorism, health, etc.) very few studies have been carried out in this field. In this study, the structure of the microbial community present in atmospheric water samples from clouds at the Puy de Dôme (alt 1465 m, Massif Central, France) is described and the metabolic potential of some bacteria is investigated. The total microflora has been quantified by epifluorescence microscopy, while the cultivable aerobic micro-organisms were isolated. Bacteria were identified by 16S DNA sequencing and fungi by morphological criteria. The total bacterial count reached about 3×104 cells m−3 of cloud volume (1×105 cells mL−1 of cloud water), of which less than 1% are cultivable. Most of the isolated micro-organisms, including 12 fungal and 17 bacterial strains, are described here for the first time in atmospheric water. Many bacterial strains seem to be adapted to the extreme conditions found in cloud water (pH, T°, UV radiations, etc.). Comparison of the two samples (March 2003) shows that pH can be a major factor controlling the structure of this community: an acidic pH (Sample 1: pH=4, 9) favours the presence of fungi and spore-forming bacteria, while a more neutral pH (Sample 2: pH=5, 8) favours greater biodiversity. We have also shown, using in situ 1H NMR, that most of the isolated bacteria are able to degrade various organic substrates such as formate, acetate, lactate, methanol and formaldehyde which represent the major organic compounds present in cloud water. In addition, the detection of intermediates indicated preferential metabolic routes for some of the strains

    Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas syringae PDD-32b-74, a Model Strain for Ice-Nucleation Studies in the Atmosphere

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    International audienceWe report here the whole genome sequence of Pseudomonas syringae PDD-32b-74, a gammaproteobacterium isolated from cloud water. This microorganism is equipped with ice-nucleation protein and biosurfactant genes that could potentially be involved in physicochemical processes in the atmosphere and clouds

    Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas graminis PDD-13b-3, a Model Strain Isolated from Cloud Water

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    International audienceThe whole genome of Pseudomonas graminis PDD-13b-3, a strain of bacteria isolated from cloud water, was sequenced. This showed that this microorganism is equipped with genes that could potentially be involved in its survival in the atmosphere and clouds: those for oxidative stress and carbon starvation responses, DNA repair, and iron uptake

    In situ

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    In situ 1H NMR was used to monitor incubations of Mycobacterium aurum MO1 with thiomorpholine or morpholine in the presence of metyrapone, a specific inhibitor of P450. Unexpected signals were detected and assigned to metyrapol, the reduction product of metyrapone. The inhibitory effects of racemic metyrapol and of its (-)-enantiomer were compared to that of metyrapone. They are similar

    H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> modulates the energetic metabolism of the cloud microbiome

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    Chemical reactions in clouds lead to oxidation processes driven by radicals (mainly HO⚫, NO3⚫, or HO2⚫) or strong oxidants such as H2O2, O3, nitrate, and nitrite. Among those species, hydrogen peroxide plays a central role in the cloud chemistry by driving its oxidant capacity. In cloud droplets, H2O2 is transformed by microorganisms which are metabolically active. Biological activity can therefore impact the cloud oxidant capacity. The present article aims at highlighting the interactions between H2O2 and microorganisms within the cloud system. First, experiments were performed with selected strains studied as a reference isolated from clouds in microcosms designed to mimic the cloud chemical composition, including the presence of light and iron. Biotic and abiotic degradation rates of H2O2 were measured and results showed that biodegradation was the most efficient process together with the photo-Fenton process. H2O2 strongly impacted the microbial energetic state as shown by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) measurements in the presence and absence of H2O2. This ATP depletion was not due to the loss of cell viability. Secondly, correlation studies were performed based on real cloud measurements from 37 cloud samples collected at the PUY station (1465 m a.s.l., France). The results support a strong correlation between ATP and H2O2 concentrations and confirm that H2O2 modulates the energetic metabolism of the cloud microbiome. The modulation of microbial metabolism by H2O2 concentration could thus impact cloud chemistry, in particular the biotransformation rates of carbon compounds, and consequently can perturb the way the cloud system is modifying the global atmospheric chemistry
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