4 research outputs found

    Feminine and religious leadership. a long term company model

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    We analyse a case of successful family business with an ethical and religious management and orientation. Both the founder and her successor are women, so the model of entrepreneurship is very unique, also because the organization is in an emergent economy. Through the Case Study using documentary analysis and quantitative methodology, we have reached empirical keys to understand how a small Peruvian Company can survive over 70 years as leader in a specific market. All this is based on the feminine leadership and the construction of a solid culture created by its founder. We found that it is a company whose growth and sustainability over time is due to the close presence of its founder. A specific leadership followed by her successor who has strong religious values and is managing to add creativity and innovation. The founder has been a leader close to her workers, who has been able to lead by example, always with humility, austerity and showing concern for her collaborators. "Ora et labora" is the motto of the company and highlight its main goals as quality, service and high commitment with the society in which is embedded. Analizamos un caso de empresa familiar de éxito con una gestión y orientación ética y religiosa. Tanto la fundadora como su sucesora son mujeres, por lo que el modelo de empresa es muy singular, también porque la organización se encuentra en una economía emergente. A través del Estudio de Caso utilizando análisis documental y metodología cuantitativa, hemos llegado a claves empíricas para entender cómo una pequeña empresa peruana puede sobrevivir más de 70 años como líder en un mercado específico. Todo esto se basa en el liderazgo femenino y en la construcción de una sólida cultura creada por su fundador. Encontramos que es una empresa cuyo crecimiento y sostenibilidad en el tiempo se debe a la estrecha presencia de su fundador. Un liderazgo específico seguido por su sucesora que tiene fuertes valores religiosos y que consigue añadir creatividad e innovación. La fundadora ha sido una líder cercana a sus trabajadores, que ha sabido dar ejemplo, siempre con humildad, austeridad y preocupación por sus colaboradores. "Ora et labora" es el lema de la empresa y destaca sus principales objetivos como la calidad, el servicio y el alto compromiso con la sociedad en la que está inserta

    Agroecological entrepreneurship, public support, and sustainable development: The case of rural Yucatan (Mexico)

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    This paper offers an approach to Yucatecan social reality in terms of entrepreneurship and the process of creating companies dedicated to the production and/or commercialization of agroecological products, considering its contribution to sustainable rural development. The key actors’ perspective towards the existence of policies that favor land sustainability, assist in the development of rural areas and their population, and support these business initiatives is also presented. Likewise, it illustrates the small entrepreneurs’ standpoint on the role of public institutions in promoting wealth generation and sustainable development in lower growth areas, such as the state of Yucatan, in Mexico. A qualitative methodology was used for this research, based on in-depth interviews with a group of businessmen and-women from the region. The main results give a pessimistic view of institutional concern regarding both production and consumption of agroecological products and, therefore, the promotion of these enterprises for the socioeconomic development of Yucatan. From these findings, we detect: (a) A policy of scarce support for this type of production, due to political priorities; (b) inadequate management that prevents the consolidation of certain structures needed to support agroecological enterprises; (c) a lack of confidence in the Yucatecan government, which does not promote or support a social network of collaboration between agroecological producers and marketers; (d) a difficulty in undertaking agroecological enterprises because of social and cultural norms and poor environmental awareness among the population; (e) significant training deficiencies among entrepreneurs in agroecological agriculture; (f) absence of adequate distribution channels for agroecological products; and (g) excessive bureaucratic obstacles through laws that hinder entrepreneurial processes

    Calculating the carbon footprint:implications for governing emissions and gender relations

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    In this article, we use fresh empirical evidence, and draw on feminist and critical accounting and organisational theories to contend that carbon calculators can be interpreted as discriminatory control technologies. They do this by providing a new and flexible vocabulary for governing expenses, costs and investments at a distance, avoiding a sense of direct intervention by the government. Thus, given our stance that the carbon calculator cannot be considered a neutral tool, we argue that it has the potential to control personal responsibilities regarding both environmental and family‐based issues

    Cuestionario del rol docente en las organizaciones universitarias: diseño y validación en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    El propósito de esta investigación es diseñar y validar un cuestionario para medir las percepciones, actitudes y comportamientos del profesorado universitario res- pecto a su práctica docente y su relación con los estudiantes en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES); considerando ciertos conceptos imprescindi- bles para el desempeño académico incardinados con el objetivo 4 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). El cuestionario se orienta a cumplir una doble finalidad, por un lado, posibilitar vías para incrementar la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza- aprendizaje mediante el autodiagnóstico de los docentes, y, por otro lado, orientar un camino de mejora continua e innovación metodológica y competencial. En un primer momento, se elaboró un borrador inicial de cuestionario con 11 dimensiones compues- tas por 72 ítems, que, tras realizar un análisis psicométrico limitado, se redujo a única- mente 2 dimensiones con 20 ítems, que corresponde al cuestionario testado mediante una muestra de 360 docentes de universidades de toda España. La aplicación del análisis factorial sobre las respuestas arrojó tres factores con una alta fiabilidad: for- mación integral, formación en valores, innovación pedagógica y TIC. A la vista de los resultados, cabe inferir que este cuestionario posee una validez clara y fiable para ser utilizado en el ámbito universitario, dado que posee factores conectados estrechamente tanto con los principios del EEES como con el objetivo 4 de los ODS