13 research outputs found
Probing and control of guided exciton-polaritons in a 2D semiconductor-integrated slab waveguide
Guided 2D exciton-polaritons, resulting from the strong coupling of excitons
in semiconductors with non-radiating waveguide modes, provide an attractive
approach towards developing novel on-chip optical devices. These quasiparticles
are characterized by long propagation distances and efficient nonlinear
interaction but cannot be directly accessed from the free space. Here we
demonstrate a powerful approach for probing and manipulating guided polaritons
in a Ta2O5 slab integrated with a WS2 monolayer using evanescent coupling
through a high-index solid immersion lens. Tuning the nanoscale lens-sample gap
allows for extracting all the intrinsic parameters of the system. We also
demonstrate the transition from weak to strong coupling accompanied by the
onset of the motional narrowing effect: with the increase of exciton-photon
coupling strength, the inhomogeneous contribution to polariton linewidth,
inherited from the exciton resonance, becomes fully lifted. Our results enable
the development of integrated optics employing room-temperature
exciton-polaritons in 2D semiconductor-based structures
Effective surface conductivity of optical hyperbolic metasurfaces: from far-field characterization to surface wave analysis
Abstract Metasurfaces offer great potential to control near- and far-fields through engineering optical properties of elementary cells or meta-atoms. Such perspective opens a route to efficient manipulation of the optical signals both at nanoscale and in photonics applications. In this paper we show that a local surface conductivity tensor well describes optical properties of a resonant plasmonic hyperbolic metasurface both in the far-field and in the near-field regimes, where spatial dispersion usually plays a crucial role. We retrieve the effective surface conductivity tensor from the comparative analysis of experimental and numerical reflectance spectra of a metasurface composed of elliptical gold nanoparticles. Afterwards, the restored conductivities are validated by semi-analytic parameters obtained with the nonlocal discrete dipole model with and without interaction contribution between meta-atoms. The effective parameters are further used for the dispersion analysis of surface plasmons localized at the metasurface. The obtained effective conductivity describes correctly the dispersion law of both quasi-TE and quasi-TM plasmons in a wide range of optical frequencies as well as the peculiarities of their propagation regimes, in particular, topological transition from the elliptical to hyperbolic regime with eligible accuracy. The analysis in question offers a simple practical way to describe properties of metasurfaces including ones in the near-field zone with effective conductivity tensor extracting from the convenient far-field characterization
Enhanced Photon–Phonon Interaction in WSe2 Acoustic Nanocavities
Acoustic nanocavities (ANCs) with resonance frequencies much above 1 GHz are prospective to be exploited in sensors and quantum operating devices. Nowadays, acoustic nanocavities fabricated from van der Waals (vdW) nanolayers allow them to exhibit resonance frequencies of the breathing acoustic mode up to f ∼ 1 THz and quality factors up to Q ∼ 103. For such high acoustic frequencies, electrical methods fail, and optical techniques are used for the generation and detection of coherent phonons. Here, we study experimentally acoustic nanocavities fabricated from WSe2 layers with thicknesses from 8 up to 130 nm deposited onto silica colloidal crystals. The substrate provides a strong mechanical support for the layers while keeping their acoustic properties the same as in membranes. We concentrate on experimental and theoretical studies of the amplitude of the optically measured acoustic signal from the breathing mode, which is the most important characteristic for acousto-optical devices. We probe the acoustic signal optically with a single wavelength in the vicinity of the exciton resonance and measure the relative changes in the reflectivity induced by coherent phonons up to 3 × 10–4 for f ∼ 100 GHz. We reveal the enhancement of photon–phonon interaction for a wide range of acoustic frequencies and show high sensitivity of the signal amplitude to the photoelastic constants governed by the deformation potential and dielectric function for photon energies near the exciton resonance. We also reveal a resonance in the photoelastic response (we call it photoelastic resonance) in the nanolayers with thickness close to the Bragg condition. The estimates show the capability of acoustic nanocavities with an exciton resonance for operations with high-frequency single phonons at an elevated temperature
Broadband antireflective coatings based on two-dimensional arrays of subwavelength nanopores
Peer reviewe
Enhanced photonic spin Hall effect with subwavelength topological edge states
Photonic structures offer unique opportunities for controlling light-matter interaction, including the photonic spin Hall effect associated with the transverse spin-dependent displacement of a light beam that propagates in specially designed optical media. However, due to small spin-orbit coupling, the photonic spin Hall effect is usually weak at the nanoscale. Here we suggest theoretically and demonstrate experimentally, in both optics and microwave experiments, the photonic spin Hall effect enhanced by topologically protected edge states in subwavelength arrays of resonant dielectric particles. Based on direct near-field measurements, we observe the selective excitation of the topological edge states controlled by the handedness of the incident light. Additionally, we reveal the main requirements to the symmetry of photonic structures to achieve the topology-enhanced spin Hall effect, and also analyse the robustness of the photonic edge states against the long-range coupling. (Figure presented.) .Thiswork was supported by the Australian Research Council, the Rus-sian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 15-32-20866). The ex-perimental research has been financially supported by RussianScience Foundation (grant No.16-19-10538). ANP acknowledgesa support of the Russian President Grant (MK-8500.2016.2). APSacknowledges support of the IEEE MTT-S Graduate Fellowshipfor 2016. YFY and AIK were supported by the DSI core funds andA*STAR SERC Pharos program (grant No. 152 73 00025)
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