181 research outputs found

    The parametrized family of metric Mahler measures

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    Let M(α)M(\alpha) denote the (logarithmic) Mahler measure of the algebraic number α\alpha. Dubickas and Smyth, and later Fili and the author, examined metric versions of MM. The author generalized these constructions in order to associate, to each point in t(0,]t\in (0,\infty], a metric version MtM_t of the Mahler measure, each having a triangle inequality of a different strength. We further examine the functions MtM_t, using them to present an equivalent form of Lehmer's conjecture. We show that the function tMt(α)tt\mapsto M_t(\alpha)^t is constructed piecewise from certain sums of exponential functions. We pose a conjecture that, if true, enables us to graph tMt(α)t\mapsto M_t(\alpha) for rational α\alpha

    The Weil height in terms of an auxiliary polynomial

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    Recent theorems of Dubickas and Mossinghoff use auxiliary polynomials to give lower bounds on the Weil height of an algebraic number α\alpha under certain assumptions on α\alpha. We prove a theorem which introduces an auxiliary polynomial for giving lower bounds on the height of any algebraic number. Our theorem contains, as corollaries, a slight generalization of the above results as well as some new lower bounds in other special cases

    Estimating heights using auxiliary functions

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    Several recent papers construct auxiliary polynomials to bound the Weil height of certain classes of algebraic numbers from below. Following these techniques, the author gave a general method for introducing auxiliary polynomials to problems involving the Weil height. The height appears as a solution to a certain extremal problem involving polynomials. We further generalize the above techniques to acquire both the projective height and the height on subspaces in the same way. We further obtain lower bounds on the heights of points on some subvarieties of PN1(Q)\mathbb P^{N-1}(\overline{\mathbb Q})

    Continued fraction expansions in connection with the metric Mahler measure

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    The metric Mahler measure was first studied by Dubickas and Smyth in 2001 as a means of phrasing Lehmer's conjecture in topological language. More recent work of the author examined a parametrized family of generalized metric Mahler measures that gives rise to a series of new, and apparently difficult, problems. We establish a connection between these metric Mahler measures and the theory of continued fractions in a certain class of special cases. Our results enable us to calculate metric Mahler measures in several new examples

    Metric Mahler measures over number fields

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    For an algebraic number α\alpha, the metric Mahler measure m1(α)m_1(\alpha) was first studied by Dubickas and Smyth in 2001 and was later generalized to the tt-metric Mahler measure mt(α)m_t(\alpha) by the author in 2010. The definition of mt(α)m_t(\alpha) involves taking an infimum over a certain collection NN-tuples of points in Q\overline{\mathbb Q}, and from previous work of Jankauskas and the author, the infimum in the definition of mt(α)m_t(\alpha) is attained by rational points when αQ\alpha\in \mathbb Q. As a consequence of our main theorem in this article, we obtain an analog of this result when Q\mathbb Q is replaced with any imaginary quadratic number field of class number equal to 11. Further, we study examples of other number fields to which our methods may be applied, and we establish various partial results in those cases.Comment: 12 page

    The finiteness of computing the ultrametric Mahler measure

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    Recent work of Fili and the author examines an ultrametric version of the Mahler measure, denoted M(α)M_\infty(\alpha) for an algebraic number α\alpha. We show that the computation of M(α)M_\infty(\alpha) can be reduced to a certain search through a finite set. Although it is a open problem to record the points of this set in general, we provide some examples where it is reasonable to compute and our result can be used to determine M(α)M_\infty(\alpha)

    Metric Heights on an Abelian Group

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    Suppose m(α)m(\alpha) denotes the Mahler measure of the non-zero algebraic number α\alpha. For each positive real number tt, the author studied a version mt(α)m_t(\alpha) of the Mahler measure that has the triangle inequality. The construction of mtm_t is generic, and may be applied to a broader class of functions defined on any Abelian group GG. We prove analogs of known results with an abstract function on GG in place of the Mahler measure. In the process, we resolve an earlier open problem stated by the author regarding mt(α)m_t(\alpha)

    Lower bounds on the projective heights of algebraic points

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    If α1,,αr\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_r are algebraic numbers such that N=i=1rαii=1rαi1N=\sum_{i=1}^r\alpha_i \ne \sum_{i=1}^r\alpha_i^{-1} for some integer NN, then a theorem of Beukers and Zagier gives the best possible lower bound on i=1rlogh(αi)\sum_{i=1}^r\log h(\alpha_i) where hh denotes the Weil Height. We will extend this result to allow NN to be any totally real algebraic number. Our generalization includes a consequence of a theorem of Schinzel which bounds the height of a totally real algebraic integer

    On the non-Archimedean metric Mahler measure

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    Recently, Dubickas and Smyth constructed and examined the metric Mahler measure and the metric na\"ive height on the multiplicative group of algebraic numbers. We give a non-Archimedean version of the metric Mahler measure, denoted MM_\infty, and prove that M(α)=1M_\infty(\alpha) = 1 if and only if α\alpha is a root of unity. We further show that MM_\infty defines a projective height on Qˉ×/Qˉtors×\bar{\mathbb Q}^\times/ \bar{\mathbb Q}^\times_\mathrm{tors} as a vector space over Q\mathbb Q. Finally, we demonstrate how to compute M(α)M_\infty(\alpha) when α\alpha is a surd

    The tt-metric Mahler measures of surds and rational numbers

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    A. Dubickas and C. Smyth introduced the metric Mahler measure M1(α)=inf{n=1NM(αn):NN,α1αN=α}, M_1(\alpha) = \inf\left\{\sum_{n=1}^N M(\alpha_n): N \in \mathbb N, \alpha_1 \cdots \alpha_N = \alpha\right\}, where M(α)M(\alpha) denotes the usual (logarithmic) Mahler measure of αQ\alpha \in \overline{\mathbb Q}. This definition extends in a natural way to the tt-metric Mahler measure by replacing the sum with the usual LtL_t norm of the vector (M(α1),,M(αN))(M(\alpha_1), \dots, M(\alpha_N)) for any t1t\geq 1. For αQ\alpha \in \mathbb Q, we prove that the infimum in Mt(α)M_t(\alpha) may be attained using only rational points, establishing an earlier conjecture of the second author. We show that the natural analogue of this result fails for general αQ\alpha\in\overline{\mathbb Q} by giving an infinite family of quadratic counterexamples. As part of this construction, we provide an explicit formula to compute Mt(D1/k)M_t(D^{1/k}) for a square-free DND \in \mathbb N