107 research outputs found

    Effects of white matter microstructure on phase and susceptibility maps

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects on quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and susceptibility tensor imaging (STI) of the frequency variation produced by the microstructure of white matter (WM). Methods: The frequency offsets in a WM tissue sample that are not explained by the effect of bulk isotropic or anisotropic magnetic susceptibility, but rather result from the local microstructure, were characterized for the first time. QSM and STI were then applied to simulated frequency maps that were calculated using a digitized whole-brain, WM model formed from anatomical and diffusion tensor imaging data acquired from a volunteer. In this model, the magnitudes of the frequency contributions due to anisotropy and microstructure were derived from the results of the tissue experiments. Results: The simulations suggest that the frequency contribution of microstructure is much larger than that due to bulk effects of anisotropic magnetic susceptibility. In QSM, the microstructure contribution introduced artificial WM heterogeneity. For the STI processing, the microstructure contribution caused the susceptibility anisotropy to be significantly overestimated. Conclusion: Microstructure-related phase offsets in WM yield artifacts in the calculated susceptibility maps. If susceptibility mapping is to become a robust MRI technique, further research should be carried out to reduce the confounding effects of microstructure-related frequency contribution

    Effects of white matter microstructure on phase and susceptibility maps

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects on quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and susceptibility tensor imaging (STI) of the frequency variation produced by the microstructure of white matter (WM). Methods: The frequency offsets in a WM tissue sample that are not explained by the effect of bulk isotropic or anisotropic magnetic susceptibility, but rather result from the local microstructure, were characterized for the first time. QSM and STI were then applied to simulated frequency maps that were calculated using a digitized whole-brain, WM model formed from anatomical and diffusion tensor imaging data acquired from a volunteer. In this model, the magnitudes of the frequency contributions due to anisotropy and microstructure were derived from the results of the tissue experiments. Results: The simulations suggest that the frequency contribution of microstructure is much larger than that due to bulk effects of anisotropic magnetic susceptibility. In QSM, the microstructure contribution introduced artificial WM heterogeneity. For the STI processing, the microstructure contribution caused the susceptibility anisotropy to be significantly overestimated. Conclusion: Microstructure-related phase offsets in WM yield artifacts in the calculated susceptibility maps. If susceptibility mapping is to become a robust MRI technique, further research should be carried out to reduce the confounding effects of microstructure-related frequency contribution

    Susceptibility mapping in high field MRI

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    Phase images of the human brain acquired using gradient echo based Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques show excellent contrast at 7T. This contrast is attributed to small variations in magnetic susceptibility that perturb the main magnetic field and thus yield a spatial variation of the NMR frequency. The work described in this thesis is primarily concerned with mapping the distribution of magnetic susceptibility within the human brain using these phase images. The main technical challenges of the project were first to extract accurate field maps based on phase data, and then to solve the ill-posed problem of inverting these field maps to reconstruct susceptibility (ϰ) maps. In initial work, simulations of field shifts based on known ϰ -distributions are compared to field maps acquired in vivo to highlight the non-local relationship between measured field offsets and the underlying susceptibility. These simulations were carried out using a recently derived Fourier method. The bulk of the thesis is then devoted to a detailed study of the process of inverting field maps generated from phase data using the Fourier relationship to yield quantitative 3D ϰ -maps. Unfortunately, the inversion problem is ill-posed and requires careful conditioning, either through rotation of the sample being imaged or through regularisation. A simple k-space threshold is introduced to condition the inversion and the preliminary results of applying this method to brain data from healthy subjects and patients with Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis are presented. The results suggest that susceptibility mapping is sensitive to iron deposition and could be a useful tool in investigating the progression of neurodegeneratived diseases. Iterative inversion algorithms, which deal with noise more robustly and allow more sophisticated filtering techniques to be employed, are then presented. These powerful regularisation methods are compared to previously described techniques, and are shown to yield high quality whole-brain ϰ -maps

    Effects of white matter microstructure on phase and susceptibility maps

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects on quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and susceptibility tensor imaging (STI) of the frequency variation produced by the microstructure of white matter (WM).Methods: The frequency offsets in a WM tissue sample that are not explained by the effect of bulk isotropic or anisotropic magnetic susceptibility, but rather result from the local microstructure, were characterized for the first time. QSM and STI were then applied to simulated frequency maps that were calculated using a digitized whole-brain, WM model formed from anatomical and diffusion tensor imaging data acquired from a volunteer. In this model, the magnitudes of the frequency contributions due to anisotropy and microstructure were derived from the results of the tissue experiments.Results: The simulations suggest that the frequency contribution of microstructure is much larger than that due to bulk effects of anisotropic magnetic susceptibility. In QSM, the microstructure contribution introduced artificial WM heterogeneity. For the STI processing, the microstructure contribution caused the susceptibility anisotropy to be significantly overestimated.Conclusion: Microstructure-related phase offsets in WM yield artifacts in the calculated susceptibility maps. If susceptibility mapping is to become a robust MRI technique, further research should be carried out to reduce the confounding effects of microstructure-related frequency contribution

    Global intravascular and local hyperoxia contrast phase-based blood oxygenation measurements

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    AbstractThe measurement of venous cerebral blood oxygenation (Yv) has potential applications in the study of patient groups where oxygen extraction and/or metabolism are compromised. It is also useful for fMRI studies to assess the stimulus-induced changes in Yv, particularly since basal Yv partially accounts for inter-subject variation in the haemodynamic response to a stimulus. A range of MRI-based methods of measuring Yv have been developed recently. Here, we use a method based on the change in phase in the MR image arising from the field perturbation caused by deoxygenated haemoglobin in veins. We build on the existing phase based approach (Method I), where Yv is measured in a large vein (such as the superior sagittal sinus) based on the field shift inside the vein with assumptions as to the vein's shape and orientation. We demonstrate two novel modifications which address limitations of this method. The first modification (Method II), maps the actual form of the vein, rather than assume a given shape and orientation. The second modification (Method III) uses the intra and perivascular phase change in response to a known change in Yv on hyperoxia to measure normoxic Yv in smaller veins. Method III can be applied to veins whose shape, size and orientation are not accurately known, thus allowing more localised measures of venous oxygenation. Results demonstrate that the use of an overly fine spatial filter caused an overestimation in Yv for Method I, whilst the measurement of Yv using Method II was less sensitive to this bias, giving Yv=0.62±0.03. Method III was applied to mapping of Yv in local veins across the brain, yielding a distribution of values with a mode of Yv=0.661±0.008

    Calibrated BOLD using direct measurement of changes in venous oxygenation

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    Calibration of the BOLD signal is potentially of great value in providing a closer measure of the underlying changes in brain function related to neuronal activity than the BOLD signal alone, but current approaches rely on an assumed relationship between cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral blood flow (CBF). This is poorly characterised in humans and does not reflect the predominantly venous nature of BOLD contrast, whilst this relationship may vary across brain regions and depend on the structure of the local vascular bed. This work demonstrates a new approach to BOLD calibration which does not require an assumption about the relationship between cerebral blood volume and cerebral blood flow. This method involves repeating the same stimulus both at normoxia and hyperoxia, using hyperoxic BOLD contrast to estimate the relative changes in venous blood oxygenation and venous CBV. To do this the effect of hyperoxia on venous blood oxygenation has to be calculated, which requires an estimate of basal oxygen extraction fraction, and this can be estimated from the phase as an alternative to using a literature estimate. Additional measurement of the relative change in CBF, combined with the blood oxygenation change can be used to calculate the relative change in CMRO2 due to the stimulus. CMRO2 changes of 18 ± 8% in response to a motor task were measured without requiring the assumption of a CBV/CBF coupling relationship, and are in agreement with previous approaches

    Functional quantitative susceptibility mapping (fQSM)

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    Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a powerful technique, typically based on the statistical analysis of the magnitude component of the complex time-series. Here, we additionally interrogated the phase data of the fMRI time-series and used quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in order to investigate the potential of functional QSM (fQSM) relative to standard magnitude BOLD fMRI. High spatial resolution data (1 mm isotropic) were acquired every 3 seconds using zoomed multi-slice gradient-echo EPI collected at 7 T in single orientation (SO) and multiple orientation (MO) experiments, the latter involving 4 repetitions with the subject's head rotated relative to B0. Statistical parametric maps (SPM) were reconstructed for magnitude, phase and QSM time-series and each was subjected to detailed analysis. Several fQSM pipelines were evaluated and compared based on the relative number of voxels that were coincidentally found to be significant in QSM and magnitude SPMs (common voxels). We found that sensitivity and spatial reliability of fQSM relative to the magnitude data depended strongly on the arbitrary significance threshold defining “activated” voxels in SPMs, and on the efficiency of spatio-temporal filtering of the phase time-series. Sensitivity and spatial reliability depended slightly on whether MO or SO fQSM was performed and on the QSM calculation approach used for SO data. Our results present the potential of fQSM as a quantitative method of mapping BOLD changes. We also critically discuss the technical challenges and issues linked to this intriguing new technique

    A comparison of phase imaging and quantitative susceptibility mapping in the imaging of multiple sclerosis lesions at ultrahigh field

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    Objective The aim of this study was to compare the use of high-resolution phase and QSM images acquired at ultra-high field in the investigation of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions with peripheral rings, and to discuss their usefulness for drawing inferences about underlying tissue composition. Materials and methods Thirty-nine Subjects were scanned at 7 T, using 3D T2*-weighted and T1-weighted sequences. Phase images were then unwrapped and filtered, and quantitative susceptibility maps were generated using a thresholded k-space division method. Lesions were compared visually and using a 1D profiling algorithm. Results Lesions displaying peripheral rings in the phase images were identified in 10 of the 39 subjects. Dipolar projections were apparent in the phase images outside of the extent of several of these lesions; however, QSM images showed peripheral rings without such projections. These projections appeared ring-like in a small number of phase images where no ring was observed in QSM. 1D profiles of six well-isolated example lesions showed that QSM contrast corresponds more closely to the magnitude images than phase contrast. Conclusions Phase images contain dipolar projections, which confounds their use in the investigation of tissue composition in MS lesions. Quantitative susceptibility maps correct these projections, providing insight into the composition of MS lesions showing peripheral rings