94 research outputs found

    Studies on ethnoveterinary practice of ruminants in Ekiti State Nigeria

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    A survey was conducted in Ekiti State on ethnoveterinary practice used in rural areas against parasitic diseases of ruminants. A questionnaire was used for the survey among the rural people and pastorals. The result revealed the effect of socioeconomic characteristics such as age, sex, marital status, educational status, religion and occupation on the ethnoveterinary practice by the rural people of Ekiti State. The rural people should be more educated on how to improve on the use of traditional method to treat diseases to provide better health care for the animals. The most common diseases of goat in Ekiti State include mange and diarrhea. A total of 51 plants were observed to be in used by the people of Ekiti State. These plants came from 28 families. The various ethnoveterinary practice used in the study includes: palm oil, medicinal plants, cold water, hot ash, palm kernel oil, sand from stream water, kerosene, fire, Locust bean to treat diseases such as mange, respiratory diseases, neck problem, lameness, lice, diarrhea, parasite in the hoof, swollen body, mouth problem and so on. The government should fund research to test the findings (validation) in this study to further clarify them. And there should be biodiversity conservation

    Makroskopska građa maloga mozga afričkoga divovskog štakora kesičara (Cricetomys gambianus - Waterhouse, 1840).

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    The degree of folding or foliation and its functional implication is one of the major difference in the cerebellar cortex of rodents. The enlargement / reduction of individual lobules is thought to account for their specific behavioural differences. The macroscopic anatomy of the cerebellum in ten mature African Giant pouched rats (AGPR) is detailed here for the first time. The results showed that the division of the cerebellum in this species followed the same general pattern of having three lobes (anterior, posterior and flocculonodular) lobes. Also on the ventral aspect, three cerebellar peduncles that connected the cerebellum to the brain stem were observed. The lobule VI and its principal lateral continuation corresponds to the lobulus simplex. The lateral extension of lobule VII corresponds to the well developed lobulus ansiformis, consisting of Crus I (crus rostrale), Crus II (crus caudale) and the anterior part of the lobulus paramedianus. The largest lobule in the anterior lobe is lobule V and it is subfoliated into Va, Vb, Vc and Vd by small fissures, while the smallest lobule is lobule I, which is not sublobulated. As for the posterior lobe, lobules VI and IX are the broadest and are sublobulated into five and three sublobules, respectively. Lobule X is subfoliated into two lobules, Xa and Xb, and it was observed to be the smallest of the posterior lobes. The primary fissure was the deepest and most prominent fissure, followed by the precuminate fissure, while the precentral fissure was the smallest. In conclusion, the well-developed ansiform lobe of Crus I and Crus II in AGPR smay help in the excellent climbing strategies and the manipulative use of the forelimbs in grasping objects.Stupanj vijuganja i njegova funkcionalna svrhovitost čine glavnu razliku u građi maloga mozga glodavaca. Pretpostavlja se da rast ili smanjenje pojedinačnih režnjeva pridonosi specifičnim razlikama u ponašanju. U radu je prviput iscrpnije opisana makroskopska anatomija malog mozga u 10 odraslih afričkih divovskih štakora kesičara. Rezultati su pokazali da podjela malog mozga kod te vrste slijedi uobičajeni oblik koji podrazumijeva postojanje 3 režnja (prednjeg, stražnjeg i flokulonodularnog). Također, u donjem dijelu opažene su tri moždana stabla (pedunkuli) koja povezuju mali mozak i veliki mozak. VI. režanj i njegov glavni postrani nastavak odgovaraju režnjiću lobulus simplex. Postrano proširenje VII. režnja odgovara dobro razvijenom lobulus ensiformis, koji se sastoji od crus I (crus rostrale), crus II (crus caudale) i prednjeg dijela lobulus paramedianus. Najveći dio prednjeg režnja čini režnjić V. koji je malom usjeklinom razgranat na Va, Vb, Vc i Vd. Najmanji je I. režnjić koji nije podijeljen na manje dijelove. U stražnjem režnju najprostraniji su režnjići: VI. podijeljen na 5 podrežnjića i IX. koji je podijejen na 3 podrežnjića. Režnjić X. je podijeljen u dva dijela, Xa i Xb, a najmanji je u stražnjem dijelu. Primarna usjeklina bila je najdublja i najizraženija, a nakon nje slijedi usjeklina, a zatim najmanja presredišnja. U zaključku, dobro razvijen ensiformni režanj crus I i crus II kod afričkoga divovskog štakora kesičara omogućuje izvrsne penjačke sposobnosti i vještu uporabu prednjih nogu pri hvatanju objekata

    Hemotoxicity Induced by Chronic Chlorpyrifos Exposure in Wistar Rats: Mitigating Effect of Vitamin C

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    The study evaluated the ameliorative effect of vitamin C on chronic chlorpyrifos-induced hematological alterations in Wistar rats. Twenty adult male rats divided into 4 groups of 5 animals each were exposed to the following regimens: group I (S/oil) was administered soya oil (2 mL/kg b.w.), while group II (VC) was given vitamin C (100 mg/kg b.w.); group III was dosed with CPF (10.6 mg/kg b.w.); group IV was pretreated with vitamin C (100 mg/kg) and then exposed to CPF (10.6 mg/kg b.w.), 30 minutes later. The regimens were administered by oral gavage once daily for a period of 17 weeks. Blood samples collected at the end of the study revealed reduction in the levels of pack cell volume, hemoglobin, red blood cells, leukocytes (attributed to neutropenia, lymphopenia, and monocytopenia), and platelets in the CPF group, which were ameliorated in the vitamin C- pretreated group. The elevated values of malonaldehyde, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in the CPF group were restored in those pretreated with vitamin C. The study has shown that chronic CPF-induced adversity on hematological parameters of Wistar rats was mitigated by pretreatment with vitamin C

    Effect of heat treatment on wear behaviour of rolled carbon steel in DOT4 brake fluid

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    Abstract : The wear of heat-treated rolled carbon steels (HTRCSs) were performed under dry and wet sliding in DOT4 brake fluid is successfully investigated and reported in the study. The HTRCSs samples were obtained by heating to and soaking the as-rolled carbon steel (ARCS) at 950 oC prior to quenching or cooling in different media at different selected temperatures between (20 and 250 oC) and atmospheric conditions. The microstructures and wear track patterns of specimens were evaluated using SEM and high-resolution metallurgical microscope. The sliding wear behaviour and wear track patterns of the specimens impressed under 10N normal loads and reciprocating mode was used to assess the wear damages. The obtained wear properties were compared in air and DOT4 fluid environments using Anton Paar TRB tribometer. The results obtained showed that enhanced wear behaviours were obtained from the oil and water quenched samples as compared with the air and furnace cooled samples. The HTRCSs samples are more tolerable than as-rolled sample (ARCS) under dry sliding. However, beside the influences of the heat treatments, the lubricating effect of DOT4 is more pronounced in the results. The CoF ranges from 0.105 to 0.137 for wet sliding while higher CoF values (0.378-0.934) were obtained in the dry sliding

    Characterisation and wear behaviour of rolled carbon steel in Dot 4 brake fluid

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    Abstract : The wear behaviour of as-rolled carbon steel (ARCS) in DOT4 brake fluid is investigated and reported in this study. Sample was characterised using chemical analysis, hardness, impact and tensile strength tests. Arc-spectrometry and the Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDS) facilities were used to ascertain the chemical compositions. The microstructures and wear track patterns of samples were evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and High-resolution metallurgical microscope. The wear of as-rolled carbon steel (ARCS) samples subjected to reciprocating motion of loads at room temperature and constant wear time were compared in air, DOT4 fluid and water. The frictional behaviour and wear track patterns of the specimens subjected to varied normal loads (3, 5 and 10N) under reciprocating sliding wear were employed to assess the wear damage of samples in the three different environments. The coefficient of friction (CoF) obtained tends to be in the order of µDOT4 brake fluid < µwater < µair comparatively for the three test environments

    Review on heavy metals contamination in the environment.

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    ArticleReview was made on heavy metals, the various organs that they affect in human body, their sources, effects and control. Heavy metals that are of environmental importance include cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury. The various sources of these metals in the environment include mining, industry, exhaust fumes of vehicle, soil, food, water and so on. These metals affect various organs in human body such as kidney, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, liver and so on. So in other to experience safety of living in the environment, the way these metals are released in to the environment should constantly be monitored and controlled. And there should be remediation for heavy metals in contaminated soils

    Assessing Impacts of the School Clinic on Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Oyo State

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    Background%253A School Clinic is a health care facility within school intended to provide basic health care for students and refer them to the specialist or primary health center, these appreciate efforts and consideration to protect the health of children and other children with whom they may come in contact. This study was to assessing the impacts of the school clinic on academic performance on selected secondary schools in Oyo state. Methods%253A The target populations of the study comprised only Senior Secondary School one to three (SSS 1-3) students within Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State. The study adopted non-experimental survey using quantitative approach. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the sample. Assessing the Impacts of the School Clinic on Academic Performance on Selected Secondary Schools Questionnaire (AISCAPQ) was used to collect data for the study. Frequency and percentage scores of descriptive statistics were used to analyse research questions. Results%253A The findings showed that school clinic is very supportive to teaching and learning outcome of the students through ability to have access to a good source for health information (59%25), able to identify their health needs (57%25), stayed in good physical health (59%25) and mental health environments (41%25). More also, the students have access to obtain test (23%25), good medical treatment (28%25) and also have access to specialist (23%25). The study further showed that the impact of school clinic practices manifested in student academic performances through quick accessibility to drugs for immediate treatment which keeps them healthy for learning (71%25) and provisions of treated bed nets in the school hostel that prevented malaria parasites and also protected the students learning activities (64%25). The result further showed that there was a great relationship between the use of school clinic and student academic performance in the selected secondary schools which have manifested in reduction of students absenteeism (30%25), drop-outs (31%25) and also improved school performance (38%25). Conclusion%253A The study concluded that school clinic was very supportive to teaching and learning, has good impact and also contributed to the students academic performance. The study recommended that each school should have school clinic and psychological care should part of services deliver by health care personnel in the clinic. Government should ensure establishment of school clinic in all government school both in rural and urban area and government should ensure regulation standard of school clinic

    Influence Of Cognitive Styles On Technical Drawing Students’ Achievements In Senior Secondary School In Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

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    There are different cognitive strategies for processing information which in turn influence students’ academic achievement. This paper reports an investigation of cognitive styles and achievement scores of secondary school students. In the study, the standardised Group Embedded Figures Test was used to determine the influence of student’s cognitive styles on Technical Drawing students’ achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. A research question and null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The design of the study was a causal comparative or (expost-facto) design. The sample for the study consisted of 87Senior Secondary School Two (SSSII) Technical Drawing students drawn from the three sampled schools in three Area Councils of FCT. The students were categorized into three groups based on Group embedded figure test (GEFT). The instrument used for data collection was Technical Drawing Achievement test (TDAT). The instrument was face and content validated by three Technical Drawing Lecturers and two experts in Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability coefficient of Basic Electricity Achievement Test (BEAT) was established using Kuder- Richardson formula 20 (K-R20) and this yielded an index of 0.69. Data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation and analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). Results of the study revealed that cognitive style significantly influenced students’ achievements in Technical Drawing. Recommendations made among others were that students’ cognitive styles be adopted for effective teaching of Technical Drawing in Secondary Schools

    Influence Of Cognitive Styles On Technical Drawing Students’ Achievements In Senior Secondary School In Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

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    There are different cognitive strategies for processing information which in turn influence students’ academic achievement. This paper reports an investigation of cognitive styles and achievement scores of secondary school students. In the study, the standardised Group Embedded Figures Test was used to determine the influence of student’s cognitive styles on Technical Drawing students’ achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. A research question and null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The design of the study was a causal comparative or (expost-facto) design. The sample for the study consisted of 87 Senior Secondary School Two (SSSII) Technical Drawing students drawn from the three sampled schools in three Area Councils of FCT. The students were categorized into three groups based on Group embedded figure test (GEFT). The instrument used for data collection was Technical Drawing Achievement test (TDAT). The instrument was face and content validated by three Technical Drawing Lecturers and two experts in Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability coefficient of Basic Electricity Achievement Test (BEAT) was established using Kuder- Richardson formula 20 (K-R20) and this yielded an index of 0.69. Data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results of the study revealed that cognitive style significantly influenced students’ achievements in Technical Drawing. Recommendations made among others were that students’ cognitive styles be adopted for effective teaching of Technical Drawing in Secondary Schools

    Phytochemical and antibacterial properties of <i>Diodia scandens</i> and <i>Phyllanthus amarus</i> on staphylococci isolated from patients in tertiary hospitals in Nigeria

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    Background: The rapidly growing use of herbal drugs or supplements in complementary and alternative medicine as substitute for orthodox medicine both in developed and developing countries is fast gaining ground. Aim: This study evaluated both qualitative and quantitative phytochemical constituents of Diodia scandens and Phyllanthus amarus vis-à-vis their synergistic effects on clinically isolated staphylococci. Methods: A total of 200 wounds and burns samples were obtained from patients in the accident and emergency unit of different tertiary hospitals. Staphylococci were isolated and characterised using standard microbiological procedures. Whole plants of D. scandens and P. amarus were Soxhlet extracted with absolute ethanol. The phytochemical analysis was carried out using standard methods. Also, the minimum inhibitory concentration and bactericidal effect of the combined extracts were determined. Results: The phytochemicals present in D. scandens include saponin (6.58%), tannin (2.27 mg/100g), alkaloids (10.53%) and phytin phosphorus (1.80 mg/g), while phytochemicals in P. amarus include saponin (9.99%), tannin (5.82 mg/100g), alkaloids (9.67%) and phytin phosphorus (2.44 mg/g), revealing their antibacterial properties and phytonutrients. The combination study showed that a synergistic effect exists between the two plants on the isolates tested compared with individual extracts alone at the concentrations used. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that the traditional use of these plants was not only confirmed but the combination of D. scandens and P. amarus also proved more effective as antibacterial agent compared with a previous study on the same plants using single determination