98 research outputs found

    Kinetic Anomalies in Addition-Aggregation Processes

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    We investigate irreversible aggregation in which monomer-monomer, monomer-cluster, and cluster-cluster reactions occur with constant but distinct rates K_{MM}, K_{MC}, and K_{CC}, respectively. The dynamics crucially depends on the ratio gamma=K_{CC}/K_{MC} and secondarily on epsilon=K_{MM}/K_{MC}. For epsilon=0 and gamma<2, there is conventional scaling in the long-time limit, with a single mass scale that grows linearly in time. For gamma >= 2, there is unusual behavior in which the concentration of clusters of mass k, c_k decays as a stretched exponential in time within a boundary layer k<k* propto t^{1-2/gamma} (k* propto ln t for gamma=2), while c_k propto t^{-2} in the bulk region k>k*. When epsilon>0, analogous behaviors emerge for gamma<2 and gamma >= 2.Comment: 6 pages, 2 column revtex4 format, for submission to J. Phys.

    Renormalisation-theoretic analysis of non-equilibrium phase transitions I: The Becker-Doring equations with power law rate coefficients

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    We study in detail the application of renormalisation theory to models of cluster aggregation and fragmentation of relevance to nucleation and growth processes. We investigate the Becker-Dorging equations, originally formulated to describe and analyse non-equilibrium phase transitions, and more recently generalised to describe a wide range of physicochemical problems. In the present paper we analyse how the systematic coarse-graining renormalisation of the \BD system of equations affects the aggregation and fragmentation rate coefficients. We consider the case of power-law size-dependent cluster rate coefficients which we show lead to only three classes of system that require analysis: coagulation-dominated systems, fragmentation-dominated systems and those where coagulation and fragmentation are exactly balanced. We analyse the late-time asymptotics associated with each class.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in J Phys A Math Ge

    Extreme Fermi surface smearing in a maximally disordered concentrated solid solution

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    We show that the Fermi surface can survive the presence of extreme compositional disorder in the equiatomic alloy Ni0.25Fe0.25Co0.25Cr0.25. Our high-resolution Compton scattering experiments reveal a Fermi surface which is smeared across a significant fraction of the Brillouin zone (up to 40% of 2Ï€/a). The extent of this smearing and its variation on and between different sheets of the Fermi surface have been determined, and estimates of the electron mean free path and residual resistivity have been made by connecting this smearing with the coherence length of the quasiparticle states

    Glyphosate does not substitute for glycine in proteins of actively dividing mammalian cells

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    Glyphosate (N-phosphonomethyl glycine) and its commercial herbicide formulations have been shown to exert toxicity via various mechanisms. It has been asserted that glyphosate substitutes for glycine in polypeptide chains leading to protein misfolding and toxicity. However, as no direct evidence exists for glycine to glyphosate substitution in proteins, including in mammalian organisms, we tested this claim by conducting a proteomics analysis of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells grown in the presence of 100 mg/L glyphosate for 6 days. Protein extracts from three treated and three untreated cell cultures were analysed as one TMT-6plex labelled sample, to highlight a specific pattern (+/+/+/−/−/−) of reporter intensities for peptides bearing true glyphosate treatment induced-post translational modifications as well as allowing an investigation of the total proteome

    Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Uranium Compounds

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    Recent advances on ferromagnetic superconductors, UGe2, URhGe and UCoGe are presented. The superconductivity (SC) peacefully coexists with the ferromagnetism (FM), forming the spin-triplet state of Cooper pairs. The striking new phenomena, such as SC reinforced by the magnetic field, are associated with Ising-type ferromagnetic fluctuations. A variety of ferromagnetic ordered moments between UGe2, URhGe and UCoGe affords to understand the relation between FM, tricriticality and SC.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. as a review article of Special Topics of "Recent developments in superconductivity

    Mitochondrially targeted ceramide LCL-30 inhibits colorectal cancer in mice

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    The sphingolipid ceramide is intimately involved in the growth, differentiation, senescence, and death of normal and cancerous cells. Mitochondria are increasingly appreciated to play a key role in ceramide-induced cell death. Recent work showed the C16-pyridinium ceramide analogue LCL-30 to induce cell death in vitro by mitochondrial targeting. The aim of the current study was to translate these results to an in vivo model. We found that LCL-30 accumulated in mitochondria in the murine colorectal cancer cell line CT-26 and reduced cellular ATP content, leading to dose- and time-dependent cytotoxicity. Although the mitochondrial levels of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) became elevated, transcription levels of ceramide-metabolising enzymes were not affected. In mice, LCL-30 was rapidly absorbed from the peritoneal cavity and cleared from the circulation within 24 h, but local peritoneal toxicity was dose-limiting. In a model of subcutaneous tumour inoculation, LCL-30 significantly reduced the proliferative activity and the growth rate of established tumours. Sphingolipid profiles in tumour tissue also showed increased levels of S1P. In summary, we present the first in vivo application of a long-chain pyridinium ceramide for the treatment of experimental metastatic colorectal cancer, together with its pharmacokinetic parameters. LCL-30 was an efficacious and safe agent. Future studies should identify an improved application route and effective partners for combination treatment

    Kinetics of rouleau formation. I. A mass action approach with geometric features.

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    In the presence of certain macromolecules, such as fibrinogen, immunoglobulin, dextran, and polylysine, erythrocytes tend to aggregate and form cylindrical clusters called "rouleaux" in which cells resemble coins in a stack. The aggregates may remain cylindrical or they may branch, forming tree, and networklike structures. Using the law of mass action and notions from polymer chemistry, we derive expressions describing the kinetics of the early phase of aggregation. Our models generalize work initiated by Ponder in 1927 who used the Smoluchowski equation to predict the concentration of rouleaux of different sizes. There are two novel features to our generalization. First, we allow erythrocytes that collide near the end of a stack of cells to move to the end of the cylinder and elongate it. Second, we incorporate geometric information into our models and describe the kinetics of branched rouleau formation. From our models we can predict the concentration of rouleaux with n cells and b branches, the mean number of cells per rouleau, the mean number of branches per rouleau, and the average length of a branch. Comparisons are made with the available experimental data
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