4,187 research outputs found

    Wrong sign and symmetric limits and non-decoupling in 2HDMs

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    We analyse the possibility that, in two Higgs doublet models, one or more of the Higgs couplings to fermions or to gauge bosons change sign, relative to the respective Higgs Standard Model couplings. Possible sign changes in the coupling of a neutral scalar to charged ones are also discussed. These \textit{wrong signs} can have important physical consequences, manifesting themselves in Higgs production via gluon fusion or Higgs decay into two gluons or into two photons. We consider all possible wrong sign scenarios, and also the \textit{symmetric limit}, in all possible Yukawa implementations of the two Higgs doublet model, in two different possibilities: the observed Higgs boson is the lightest CP-even scalar, or the heaviest one. We also analyse thoroughly the impact of the currently available LHC data on such scenarios. With all 8 TeV data analysed, all wrong sign scenarios are allowed in all Yukawa types, even at the 1σ\sigma level. However, we will show that B-physics constraints are crucial in excluding the possibility of wrong sign scenarios in the case where tanβ\tan \beta is below 1. We will also discuss the future prospects for probing the wrong sign scenarios at the next LHC run. Finally we will present a scenario where the alignment limit could be excluded due to non-decoupling in the case where the heavy CP-even Higgs is the one discovered at the LHC.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Hubbard-model description of the high-energy spin-spectral-weight distribution in La(2)CuO(4)

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    The spectral-weight distribution in recent neutron scattering experiments on the parent compound La2_2CuO4_4 (LCO), which are limited in energy range to about 450\,meV, is studied in the framework of the Hubbard model on the square lattice with effective nearest-neighbor transfer integral tt and on-site repulsion UU. Our study combines a number of numerical and theoretical approaches, including, in addition to standard treatments, density matrix renormalization group calculations for Hubbard cylinders and a suitable spinon approach for the spin excitations. Our results confirm that the U/8tU/8t magnitude suitable to LCO corresponds to intermediate UU values smaller than the bandwidth 8t8t, which we estimate to be 8t2.368t \approx 2.36 eV for U/8t0.76U/8t\approx 0.76. This confirms the unsuitability of the conventional linear spin-wave theory. Our theoretical studies provide evidence for the occurrence of ground-state d-wave spinon pairing in the half-filled Hubbard model on the square lattice. This pairing applies only to the rotated-electron spin degrees of freedom, but it could play a role in a possible electron d-wave pairing formation upon hole doping. We find that the higher-energy spin spectral weight extends to about 566 meV and is located at and near the momentum [π,π][\pi,\pi]. The continuum weight energy-integrated intensity vanishes or is extremely small at momentum [π,0][\pi,0]. This behavior of this intensity is consistent with that of the spin waves observed in recent high-energy neutron scattering experiments, which are damped at the momentum [π,0][\pi,0]. We suggest that future LCO neutron scattering experiments scan the energies between 450 meV and 566 meV and momenta around [π,π][\pi,\pi].Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Thumb reach of Portuguese young adult when interacting with a touchscreen of one-handed device

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    The main purpose of this study was to identify the thumb reach envelope of Portuguese young adults for a one-handed device. The correlation between the thumb reach versus the hand length and thumb length was also analyzed. One hundred and forty-two Portuguese young adults participated in the study. The thumb reach envelope of Portuguese young adults was identified. The results of this study also found that people with a larger hand length and thumb length tend to have a larger thumb reach. However, few other factors, such as the way participants hold the mobile phone, participant’s experience with touchscreen device and possibility of misunderstood the instructions during the survey were suspected to influence the thumb reach envelope. The results of this study also showed the thumb reach area of participants is displaying elliptical shape that runs from top right to bottom left areas of the device screen.This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the scope of the AREAS Project of the Erasmus Mundus program. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein