5 research outputs found

    Role of Microtubules in Fusion of Post-Golgi Vesicles to the Plasma Membrane

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    Biosynthetic cargo is transported away from the Golgi in vesicles via microtubules. In the cell periphery the vesicles are believed to engage actin and then dock to fusion sites at the plasma membrane. Using dual-color total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we observed that microtubules extended within 100 nm of the plasma membrane and post-Golgi vesicles remained on microtubules up to the plasma membrane, even as fusion to the plasma membrane initiated. Disruption of microtubules eliminated the tubular shapes of the vesicles and altered the fusion events: vesicles required multiple fusions to deliver all of their membrane cargo to the plasma membrane. In contrast, the effects of disrupting actin on fusion behavior were subtle. We conclude that microtubules, rather than actin filaments, are the cytoskeletal elements on which post-Golgi vesicles are transported until they fuse to the plasma membrane

    Centrosome Reorientation in Wound-Edge Cells Is Cell Type Specific

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    The reorientation of the microtubule organizing center during cell migration into a wound in the monolayer was directly observed in living wound-edge cells expressing γ-tubulin tagged with green fluorescent protein. Our results demonstrate that in CHO cells, the centrosome reorients to a position in front of the nucleus, toward the wound edge, whereas in PtK cells, the centrosome lags behind the nucleus during migration into the wound. In CHO cells, the average rate of centrosome motion was faster than that of the nucleus; the converse was true in PtK cells. In both cell lines, centrosome motion was stochastic, with periods of rapid motion interspersed with periods of slower motion. Centrosome reorientation in CHO cells required dynamic microtubules and cytoplasmic dynein/dynactin activity and could be prevented by altering cell-to-cell or cell-to-substrate adhesion. Microtubule marking experiments using photoactivation of caged tubulin demonstrate that microtubules are transported in the direction of cell motility in both cell lines but that in PtK cells, microtubules move individually, whereas their movement is more coherent in CHO cells. Our data demonstrate that centrosome reorientation is not required for directed migration and that diverse cells use distinct mechanisms for remodeling the microtubule array during directed migration