3 research outputs found

    Dual-Tracer Background Subtraction Approach for Fluorescent Molecular Tomography

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    Diffuse fluorescence tomography requires high contrast-to-background ratios to accurately reconstruct inclusions of interest. This is a problem when imaging the uptake of fluorescently labeled molecularly targeted tracers in tissue, which can result in high levels of heterogeneously distributed background uptake. We present a dual-tracer background subtraction approach, wherein signal from the uptake of an untargeted tracer is subtracted from targeted tracer signal prior to image reconstruction, resulting in maps of targeted tracer binding. The approach is demonstrated in simulations, a phantom study, and in a mouse glioma imaging study, demonstrating substantial improvement over conventional and homogenous background subtraction image reconstruction approaches

    Development and Evaluation of a Connective Tissue Phantom Model for Subsurface Visualization of Cancers Requiring Wide Local Excision

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    Wide local excision (WLE) of tumors with negative margins remains a challenge because surgeons cannot directly visualize the mass. Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) may improve surgical accuracy; however, conventional methods with direct surface tumor visualization are not immediately applicable, and properties of tissues surrounding the cancer must be considered. We developed a phantom model for sarcoma resection with the near-infrared fluorophore IRDye 800CW and used it to iteratively define the properties of connective tissues that typically surround sarcoma tumors. We then tested the ability of a blinded surgeon to resect fluorescent tumor-simulating inclusions with ∼1-cm margins using predetermined target fluorescence intensities and a Solaris open-air fluorescence imaging system. In connective tissue-simulating phantoms, fluorescence intensity decreased with increasing blood concentration and increased with increasing intralipid concentrations. Fluorescent inclusions could be resolved at ≥1-cm depth in all inclusion concentrations and sizes tested. When inclusion depth was held constant, fluorescence intensity decreased with decreasing volume. Using targeted fluorescence intensities, a blinded surgeon was able to successfully excise inclusions with ∼1-cm margins from fat- and muscle-simulating phantoms with inclusion-to-background contrast ratios as low as 2∶1. Indirect, subsurface FGS is a promising tool for surgical resection of cancers requiring WLE

    Application of Fluorescence-Guided Surgery to Subsurface Cancers Requiring Wide Local Excision: Literature Review and Novel Developments Toward Indirect Visualization.

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    The excision of tumors by wide local excision is challenging because the mass must be removed entirely without ever viewing it directly. Positive margin rates in sarcoma resection remain in the range of 20% to 35% and are associated with increased recurrence and decreased survival. Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) may improve surgical accuracy and has been utilized in other surgical specialties. ABY-029, an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor Affibody molecule covalently bound to the near-infrared fluorophore IRDye 800CW, is an excellent candidate for future FGS applications in sarcoma resection; however, conventional methods with direct surface tumor visualization are not immediately applicable. A novel technique involving imaging through a margin of normal tissue is needed. We review the past and present applications of FGS and present a novel concept of indirect FGS for visualizing tumor through a margin of normal tissue and aiding in excising the entire lesion as a single, complete mass with tumor-free margins