4 research outputs found

    Malay Symbols In Malaysian Visual Art From 1970 - 2003

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    A search for national identity in visual art begins from the resolution of National Congress of Culture in 1970s. The congress changed the local artist’s attitude and has developed awareness to in-depth study on Malay culture and Malay symbols. Traditional forms of art such as batik, woodcarving, songket, tales, legends, literature and Malay architecture has provided visual references to the artist and as a result, various styles have emerged from exploring the Malay culture in the context of form and content, which has later reshaped the Malaysian Art scene. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of Malay symbols in the Malaysian Visual Art from 1970s until 2003 and factors that contribute to it. This paper will establish the transformation of idea on the Malay culture and tradition in visual art as the art movement that was neglected in the development of Malaysian Contemporary Art. Observation will be employed, as well as books, catalogues and articles reviewed as references to investigate the development of visual art. The artwork will be examined from the Permanent Collection Inventory from 1958 to 2003 of the National Visual Art Gallery publication. A total of 298 artworks have been identified and using judgmental sampling methods, 72 artworks has been retrieved. The final data were compiled and analyzed using Minitab version The analyses results of histogram and bar chart as well as pareto chart year are used to summarize the findings. The finding indicates that the decades of 90s has appeared to be the most active period of the resurgence of the Malay symbols in Malaysian Visual Art. However in the year 2000 to 2003, studies indicate a decline on the depiction of idea from Malay symbols by Malaysian artist. This research provides information on the development of visual art specifically on Malay symbols in Malaysian Art History and to persuade young artists to persistently utilize Malay symbols in the work of art as to preserve the national heritage

    Falsafah perkerisan dalam masyarakat Melayu

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    Keris sebagai artifak dalam budaya masyarakat Melayu menganjurkan pelbagai rahsia dan falsafah yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan dan penempaannya. Keunikan yang berada pada keris menampilkan ciri-ciri kekuatan, kehebatan, kemuliaan, kegerunan dan kemistikan yang diperjelaskan menerusi aspek fizikal dan non-fizikalnya. Dalam menyatakan keris, falsafah perkerisan tidak dapat dipisahkan hubung kaitnya dengan klasifikasi, struktur, bilah, ricikan/anatomi dan pamor keris yang direkacipta oleh Emp

    Classification of knowledge in the Islamic civilization: from al-Ghazālī to al-Faṭānī

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    Intellectual discourse on classification of knowledge is a sub-topic in epistemology. In Islamic tradition, the philosophy of epistemology has its own uniqueness, besides being a distinguishing landmark in historical perspective between the Islamic and other civilizations. This study attempts to understand the concept of knowledge classification based on the perspectives of Abu Ḥāmid Muḥammad (hereafter mentioned as al-Ghazālī) (d. 1111CE) and Aḥmad bin Muḥammad Zayn (hereafter mentioned as al-Faṭānī) (d. 1908CE). In order to relate the purpose and objectives of knowledge to the Islamic Civilization, this study will identify the continuation of the idea on classification of knowledge in historical perspective. In addition, the comparison is to understand the connection between the classical knowledge classification in the Middle East to contemporary classification in the Malay World. Understanding al-Ghazālī’s perspective based on primary and secondary resources found that the general classification divided knowledge into two major categories, namely, ʿilm muʿāmalah (knowledge/science of transactions/proper conduct) and ʿilm mukāshafah (knowledge/science of unveiling). al-Faṭānī’s concept of classification was understood through his work entitled Fatāwā al-Faṭāniyyah which discussed 107 fatwas. Early content analysis of al-Faṭānī’s works showed that he indirectly followed the classification of knowledge conceived by al-Ghazali. This study is important to understand the role of knowledge as an essential foundation of the Islamic Civilization and its relevance to Islamization of contemporary knowledge

    Jati diri kebangsaan dalam kalangan pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi

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    Kekukuhan jati diri dalam kalangan generasi muda sering kali menjadi kebimbangan masyarakat, perkara tersebut memandangkan generasi muda lazimnya terkenal dengan sifat-sifat seperti ingin mencuba suatu yang baru dan mudah terikut-ikut sedangkan generasi muda merupakan generasi harapan bangsa yang bakal menerajui negara pada masa akan datang. Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti tahap jati diri pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) terpilih di sekitar Lembah Kelang. Komponen jati diri yang dinilai dalam kajian ini ialah bahasa, adat, budaya, agama, patriotisme, integriti, idealisme dan sumbangan institusi. Semua komponen tersebut diteliti manifestasinya melalui pengetahuan, tingkah laku, emosi, nilai dan kepercayaan. Reka bentuk kajian ini menggunakan kaedah tinjauan melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Borang soal selidik merupakan alat pengumpulan data kajian. Alat ukuran jati diri dibina oleh kumpulan penyelidik. Seramai 800 mahasiswa lelaki dan perempuan dari empat IPTA terpilih dengan pelbagai tahun dan aliran pengajian dan terdiri daripada tiga etnik utama terpilih sebagai responden kajian ini. Hasil kajian ini mendapati hanya 54.6 peratus responden mempunyai tahap jati diri yang tinggi. Selain itu, terdapat perbezaan signifikan dari segi jati diri berdasarkan etnik (k<0.001). Kesimpulannya, tahap jati diri sampel kajian adalah agak membimbangkan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pihak berkuasa harus mengambil tindakan serius supaya ia tidak mengancam integriti nasional negara. Usaha berterusan perlu dilakukan untuk mengukuhkan jati diri rakyat negara ini