16 research outputs found

    Radar and Optical Images Fusion Using Stripmap SAR Data with Multilook Processing

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    The paper presents the real-life data results of SAR and optical images data fusion. The fusion has been carried out for SAR images obtained in stripmap SAR mode using multilook processing with different methods of final image creation. The aim of the fusion was to enhance the target recognition capabilities on the Earth surface for a simple single-channel SAR receiver

    Radar Cross-Section of Sport Balls in 0.8–40-GHz Range

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    Identification of Building Wall Orientation Angle with Multilook Synthetic Aperture Radars Processing

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    A new technique of identifying orientation angles of walls of buildings has been proposed in this paper. The present method is based on multilook processing. The aim of this work is to find the relationships between the received signals reflected from uniform targets (e.g. walls, parts of buildings, etc.) positioned at different orientation angles towards the radar platform. The technique is dedicated for synthetic aperture radars systems. It can be used to extend target identification in synthetic aperture radars images obtained by a single-channel antenna. In this paper, theoretical analysis is presented and verified with simulated radar data

    DETOUR trials: The mission and its results

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    In this paper DMPAR Evaluation Trials for Operationally Upgraded Radar (DETOUR) and their results for a selected scenario are described. The DETOUR trials were conducted by the SET-195 research task group (RTG) under an umbrella of NATO Science and Technology Organization from September 1 to 4, 2014 as a part of the DMPAR (Deployable Multi-band Passive/Active Radar) algorithms' evaluation process. An idea of DMPAR was to combine active and passive surveillance components in a collocated and distributed net of sensors, which would bring multiple benefits. By focusing on one of the trial scenarios, the paper describes all of them, in a form of the measured data analysis. Beside the trials, positive aspects of the combined active and passive surveillance components are discussed