1 research outputs found

    Topographic data collection system for the construction of contour lines using Global Positioning System

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    The construction of contour lines is a daily activity for topography, civil engineering and architecture, with these plans a survey of the information of the earth's surface is carried out. For this process, theodolites are used, which manually go through a determined surface and take the different heights against a reference point. The introduction of electronic systems for data collection would allow this process to be carried out more quickly and efficiently. For this reason, the development of a topographic data collection system that allows the construction of contour lines from a GPS receiver module is proposed. To achieve this goal, an experimental investigation was carried out that includes the theoretical review, followed by the design, the construction of the model, and the construction of the prototype with a validation of the results using descriptive statistics. In this way, a device capable of carrying out the survey of the topographic information necessary for the construction of the contour lines was obtained with a fairly low error in the shots. The information from the global positioning system was obtained in NMEA0183 format from which the specific data necessary to store it was extracted and then delivered to the various software that is normally used for the construction of contour lines.La construcci贸n de curvas de nivel es una actividad diaria y cotidiana para la topograf铆a, la ingenier铆a civil y la arquitectura, con estos planos se realiza un levantamiento de la informaci贸n de la superficie terrestre. Para este proceso se usan teodolitos, que de manera manual van recorriendo una superficie determinada y tomando las diferentes alturas contra un punto de referencia. La introducci贸n de sistemas electr贸nicos para la toma de datos permitir铆a realizar este proceso de manera m谩s r谩pida y eficiente. Por esto se plantea el desarrollo de un sistema de recolecci贸n de datos topogr谩ficos que permita la construcci贸n de curvas de nivel a partir de un m贸dulo receptor GPS. Para alcanzar esta meta, se realiz贸 una investigaci贸n experimental que incluye la revisi贸n te贸rica, seguida del dise帽o, la construcci贸n del modelo y construcci贸n del prototipo con una validaci贸n de resultados utilizando estad铆stica descriptiva. De esta manera, se obtuvo un dispositivo capaz de realizar el levantamiento de la informaci贸n topogr谩fica necesaria para la construcci贸n de las curvas de nivel con un error en las tomas, bastante bajo. La informaci贸n del sistema de posicionamiento global se obtuvo en formato NMEA0183 de la cual se extrajo los datos espec铆ficos necesarios para almacenarlos y luego entregarlos a los diversos softwares que normalmente se usan para la construcci贸n de las curvas de nivel