30 research outputs found


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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite an active sensor offering unique high spatial resolution regardless of weather conditions can operate both day and night time with wide area coverage. Therefore, SAR satellite can be used for monitoring ship on sea surface. This study showed on an alternative method for ship detection of SAR data using Pi-SAR-L2 (L-band, JAXA-Airborne SAR) data. The ship detection method is this study was consisted of eight main stages. After the Pi-SAR data was registered and speckle was filtered, then the land was masked using SRTM-DEM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-Digital Elevation Model) data since most ship detectors produced false detections when it applied to land areas. A ship sample image was then selected (cropped). The next step was to detect some unique keypoints of ship sample image using Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) detector. The maximum distance (‘MaxDist’) of keypoints was also calculated. The same detector was then applied to whole Pi-SAR imagery to detect all possible keypoints. Then, for each detected keypoint, we calculated distance to other keypoint (‘Dist’). If ‘Dist’ was smaller than ‘MaxDist’, then we marked these two (or more) keypoints as neighboring keypoints. If the number of neighbor keypoints was equal or greater than two, finally we marked these keypoints as ‘Detected Ship’ (draw rectangle and show its geographic position). Results showed that our method can detect successfully 32 ‘possible ships’ from Pi-SAR-L2 data acquired on the area of North Sulawesi, Indonesia (August 8, 2012)


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    Land cover classification is  one  of  the  extensive  used  applications in  the  field  of remote sensing. Recently, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data has become an increasing popular data source because  its  capability  to  penetrate  through  clouds,  haze,  and  smoke.  This  study  showed  on  an alternative  method  for  land  cover  classification  of  ALOS-PALSAR  data  using  Support  Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. SVM discriminates two classes by fitting an optimal separating hyperplane to the training data in a multidimensional feature space, by using only the closest training samples. In order  to  minimize  the  presence  of  outliers  in  the  training  samples  and  to  increase  inter-class separabilities,  prior  to  classification,  a  training  sample  selection  and  evaluation  technique  by identifying its position in a horizontal vertical–vertical horizontal polarization (HV-HH) feature space was applied. The effectiveness of our method was demonstrated using ALOS PALSAR data (25 m mosaic, dual polarization) acquired in Jambi and South Sumatra, Indonesia. There were nine different classes  discriminated:  forest,  rubber  plantation,  mangrove  &  shrubs  with  trees,  oilpalm  &  coconut, shrubs,  cropland,  bare  soil,  settlement,  and  water.  Overall  accuracy  of  87.79%  was  obtained,  with producer’s accuracies for forest, rubber plantation, mangrove & shrubs with trees, cropland, and water class were greater than 92%


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    Recently, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imaging has become an increasing popular data source especially for land cover mapping because its sensor can penetrate clouds, haze, and smoke which a serious problem for optical satellite sensor observations in the tropical areas. The objective of this study was to determine an alternative method for land cover classification of ALOS-PALSAR data using Random Forest (RF) classifier. RF is a combination (ensemble) of tree predictors that each tree predictor depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. In this paper, the performance of the RF classifier for land cover classification of a complex area was explored using ALOS PALSAR data (25m mosaic, dual polarization) in the area of Jambi and South Sumatra, Indonesia. Overall accuracy of this method was 88.93%, with producer’s accuracies for forest, rubber, mangrove & shrubs with trees, cropland, and water classes were greater than 92%

    Temporal Decorrelation Effect in Carbon Stocks Estimation Using Polarimetric Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolInSAR) (Case Study: Southeast Sulawesi Tropical Forest)

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    This paper was aimed to analyse the effect of temporal decorrelation in carbon stocks estimation. Estimation of carbon stocks plays important roles particularly to understand the global carbon cycle in the atmosphere regarding with climate change mitigation effort. PolInSAR technique combines the advantages of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) and Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique, which is evidenced to have significant contribution in radar mapping technology in the last few years. In carbon stocks estimation, PolInSAR provides information about vertical vegetation structure to estimate carbon stocks in the forest layers. Two coherence Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of ALOS PALSAR full-polarimetric with 46 days temporal baseline were used in this research. The study was carried out in Southeast Sulawesi tropical forest. The research method was by comparing three interferometric phase coherence images affected by temporal decorrelation and their impacts on Random Volume over Ground (RvoG) model. This research showed that 46 days temporal baseline has a significant impact to estimate tree heights of the forest cover where the accuracy decrease from R2=0.7525 (standard deviation of tree heights is 2.75 meters) to R2=0.4435 (standard deviation 4.68 meters) and R2=0.3772 (standard deviation 3.15 meters) respectively. However, coherence optimisation can provide the best coherence image to produce a good accuracy of carbon stocks.

    Temporal Decorrelation Effect in Carbon Stocks Estimation Using Polarimetric Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolInSAR) (Case Study: Southeast Sulawesi Tropical Forest)

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    This paper was aimed to analyse the effect of temporal decorrelation in carbon stocks estimation. Estimation of carbon stocks plays important roles particularly to understand the global carbon cycle in the atmosphere regarding with climate change mitigation effort. PolInSAR technique combines the advantages of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) and Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique, which is evidenced to have significant contribution in radar mapping technology in the last few years. In carbon stocks estimation, PolInSAR provides information about vertical vegetation structure to estimate carbon stocks in the forest layers. Two coherence Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of ALOS PALSAR full-polarimetric with 46 days temporal baseline were used in this research. The study was carried out in Southeast Sulawesi tropical forest. The research method was by comparing three interferometric phase coherence images affected by temporal decorrelation and their impacts on Random Volume over Ground (RvoG) model. This research showed that 46 days temporal baseline has a significant impact to estimate tree heights of the forest cover where the accuracy decrease from R2=0.7525 (standard deviation of tree heights is 2.75 meters) to R2=0.4435 (standard deviation 4.68 meters) and R2=0.3772 (standard deviation 3.15 meters) respectively. However, coherence optimisation can provide the best coherence image to produce a good accuracy of carbon stocks

    Pengembangan Modul Penghitungan Sudut Datang (Incidence Angle) untuk Keperluan Koreksi Radiometrik Data TerraSAR-X

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    ?Dewasa ini data Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) menjadi sumber data yangpotensial dalam berbagai aplikasi penginderaan jauh dikarenakan kemampuannya dapatmengamati permukaan bumi baik dalam keadaan siang, malam maupun dalam keadaanberawan.Sebelum data SAR diolah lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan koreksi radiometrik yangbertujuan untuk mengembalikan nilai piksel yang masih mempunyai kesalahan bias karenapengaruh backscatter dari objek lain menjadi nilai backscatter dari objek yang sebenarnyapada tiap piksel. Tipe data SAR pada level 1 umumnya tidak terkoreksi secara radiometriksehingga masih terdapat bias radiometrik yang signifikan pada setiap pikselnya. Untukmelakukan koreksi radiometrik diperlukannilai incidence anglepada setiap piksel data SAR.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat data incidence angle yang dapat digunakan untukkeperluan koreksi radiometrik dengan menggunakan data TerraSAR-X. Nilai incidenceangle setiap piksel dihitung dengan cara menginterpolasi secara linier dari nilai incidenceanglepada setiap sudut scene yang diperoleh dari metadata. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalahdata incidence anglepada setiap pikselscene TerraSAR-Xdengan mengasumsikan bumisebagai bidang yang datar (flat).Hal.818-82