65 research outputs found

    Supply Optimization Model of Nature Tourism at Ciwidey Tourism Destination, Wets Java

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    Evaluation of tourism destinatios based on supplier and demand-side perception is very important in tourism, mainly to determinate the future policy of investment. Evaluation from the demand’s side indicates the level of satisfaction and their revisit effect of the tourist at any certain tourism object while determining the lack of supply factors can be used to optimize the future supply. This research aimed to study the supplier and demand group perception at Ciwidey nature tourism destination. Two main steps were used during the study, the first is an interview and the second is a preparation of an optimization model, which both used to analyze the recent supply factors. The results show that three variables are needed to be optimized, including the availability of information, transportation, and religious facilities. Each variable consists of components where the optimization should be done collaboratively by all stakeholders involved: government, bureau of transportation, bureau of forestry, management, and local people surrounding the tourist resort

    Uji Standar Kinerja Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak pada Prinsip Kelestarian Fungsi Sosial Budaya

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    The current national park management did not fully take into account the sustainability of socio cultural benefits, particularly for indigenous communities. Therefore the park's performance achievement on the aspect of socio cultural required to be assessed by using tested management standards. The research objectives were: (1) to measure the actual verifier and assess the indicators formulated by the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation and Bogor Agricultural University in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP), (2) to analyze the validity of management performance indicators of GHSNP (3) to measure the achievement of each indicator based on a minimum standard of performance, and (4) to formulate recommendations for improving management standards. The results showed that: (1) the actual value of management performance indicators for GHSNP was good for one indicator and fair for four indicators. There were four indicators that could not be measured and assessed; (2) eight of the nine indicators which have been tested in the field were valid; (3) the achievement of performance indicators for GHSNP management on the principle of socio-cultural sustainability has achieved its minimum values; and (4) the standard management of national park should be completed because field results showed that, there were difficulties measuring the verifiers and assessing the indicators. This research found that there were inconsistency on the terminology used in the standards, lack of operational definition, difficulty in using the norm, and verifier inappropriate with actual condition

    Population Of Rafflesia Patma At Leuweung Cipeucang Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi

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    Rafflesia is a largest flower in its species in the world. The main issues which threatened this species were cause by; the destruction of therainforest as its natural fragmentation habitat and for its land conversion moreover the lack of conservation effort and understanding from thestakeholder. This plant belongs to endemic and protect species in Indonesia. This research purpose is to analyze Rafflesia patma population andecology at Leuweung Cipeucang Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi. Purposive sampling was used to collect data in this research by using 1.000 meter plotplotwhich involve Rafflesia patma population and ecological data. The population data covering size, shape, quantity and inflorescence phase ofRafflesia patma while the ecological data covering the plant vegetation and physical habitat. 21 individual Rafflesia patma were found at LeweungCipeucang, and at the high of 196-217 m dpl Tetrastigma papilosum were located. Rafflesia patma population consists of 13% blooming flower, 9%inanimate after blooming, 26% living knop, 52% dead knop. The Highest significant index value (INP) occur in seeding level and stake on Streblusilicifolius species from Moraceae Family with 58,5% INP value at seeding level, 28% at stake level, at the tree vegetation level occur at Ficustinctoria species from Moracea family with 37,45% INP value. The highest diversity index occurs on seeding level vegetation is at 9,54

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Perambahan Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

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    Gunung Ciremai National Park (GCNP) is one of the conservation areas that has been facing forest land coverchanges due to uncontrolled activities of people around the area. They have been practicing shifting cultivation system for horticulture that can lead to forestdegradation in GCNP area. The aim of this research was to analyzesocio-economic factors that influence expansion in GCNP. Data on sosio-economic were taken in GCNP for one month in August 2010. Collected attributed data including socio-economic conditions, knowledge and attitude of people. The results of image processing were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using the attribute data to determine its impact on land cover changes. Socio-economic factors that influenced expansion of land cultivation into the park areas were rate of income in outside area, knowledge especially on cover function and attitude of people to the existing forest. To anticipate expansion of land cultivation into the forest area, the national park should create alternative beneficial projects in order to improve people income outside national park zone, rehabilitation of zone of national park and supervise the activities to people about national park

    Manajemen Kolaborasi dalam Rangka Resolusi Konflik di Taman Nasional Kelimutu

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    The management of Kelimutu National Park (KNP), who applied preservationist paradigm and centralized policy, had caused a conflict of interest among stakeholders. Therefore, the management strategies of the park by co-management approach were needed to conserve the park and resolve the conflict. The aims of this research were to analyze the application of the principle of co-management at the time, to identify relevant stakeholders, and to determine the management strategies of the park through co-management approach. The results showed that application of the principle of co-management in the Wologai Tengah village fell in the high/good category, while those applied in the Saga village fell in the category of middle. The results also showed that there were 15 (fifteen) stakeholders who were or could be affected by the decisions and the actions of the park's management. Based on the expert's assessment, the cores of the stakeholders were both the park management and the local community. They could influence the successful management of the park. The management strategies of the park was to implement some activities in the following priorities: 1) conduct a continuous meeting among the core stakeholders, provide assistance to increase the community of economic business, and conduct the KNP conservation extension; 2) coordinate stakeholders forum, establish stakeholders agreement, and conduct socialization of the programs

    Biomassa Tumbuhan Bawah Pada Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Pohon Eksotik Cepat-Tumbuh Pada Lahan Bekas Ladang Di Jambi

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    Establishment of exotic fast-growing tree plantation is one of ways ofrehabilitating unproductive forest lands, which is usually covered by bushes, weeds or alang-alang grass (imperaia Cylindrica). The study was aimed at quantifying biomass of the undergrowth vegetation and its relation with the rates of growth of the exotic fast-growing trees. Measurement of light intensities and growth rates of planted Acacia mangium, Paraverianihesfakataria. and Gmelina arborea were carried out at 29 and 4 I months after planting. Plots of 1 m x Im in size 3 plots per block, were established to measure the undergrowth biomass, in each of the tree plantations. Biomass were identified and weighed for their fresh as well as dry weight biomass. Results show that 41 months after planting, the undergrowth biomass below the canopy of A.narwhal: (3.72 ton/ha) was significantly lower than those of under lidcalaria (12.33 ton/ha) and under G. arhore.a. The undergrowth vegetation were dominated by Gleichenia linearis contributing to 35.96% of the total biomass followed by Melaskuna palyanthum (34.96%), climbers (17.6 I %), and others (12.0 I %). The mean relative intensities under the canopy of A. mangium. P. Pk- Maria and G. arborea were 11.38%,66.51%, and 72.96 % respectively. A mangium growth better in height than the other species, with averaged height of I 3.32m Ibl lowed by Plidcotaria (8.10 m) and G. arhorea (3.64m). The same tendency also shown by their diameter growth i.e. 12.78 cm, 6.43, and 3.91 respectively. The biomass of undergrowth vegetation and relative light intensities had a significant correlation with the mean height and diameter of the exotic species. The coefficient of correlation (r) between that with total biomass and mean height --0.74, and that with of relative light intensity -0.87while correlation between total biomass of undergrowth vegetation with mead diameter 0.83, and that with relative light intensity -0.93. Key words : Undergrowth vegetation, biomass, growth rate, and fast-growing specie

    Komunikasi Pendek Koleksi Tumbuhan Dari Semenanjung Bomberai [Plant Collections From Bomberai Peninsula, Papua]

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    Eksplorasi tumbuhan dengan Metoda Pengkajian Biologi Secara Cepat (Rapid Biological Assessment) (Takeuchi dan Wiakabu 2001) telah dilakukan pada wilayah dengan batas 2°25\u27dan 2°30\u27LS dan 133°6\u27 dan 133°10\u27 BT di Desa Saengga,Kecamatan Babo, Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni.Areal eksplorasi mencakup 5 (lima) komunitas ekologi utama yakni hutan lahan pamah, hutan rawa, hutan pantai, savana dan hutan mangrove.Ketinggian tempat lokasi survei adalah 0 - 100 m di atas permukaan laut

    Zona Tradisional Wujud Desentralisasi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional di Indonesia: Pemikiran Konseptual

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    Pemerintah Indonesia telah menyadari pentingnya sistem desentralisasi pengeloaan sumber daya hutan termasuk pengeloaan hutan konservasi. Sejalan dengan Perubahan lingkungan strategis, baik nasional maupun Internasional, pemerintah mengeluarkan PP No. 28 tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan KSA dan KPA. Dalam PP ini di antaranya diatur tentang pemberian akses kepada masyarakat setempat untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya Taman Nasional (TN). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) analisis desentralisasi pengelolaan TN dengan mencermati dimensi hak kepemilikan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat setempat yang diatur dalam PP No. 28 tahun 2011; 2) porsi kekuasaan yang diberikan dari pemerintah pusat kepada masyarakat setempat dan 3)mengetahui desentralisasi pemanfaatan sumber daya kawasan konservasi di India dan Nepal yang berguna bagi langkah-langkah Indonesia ke depan. Pemanfaatan tradisional di zona tradisional disebut sebagai bentuk desentralisasi, sedangkan tingkatan hak yang dapat diberikan kepada masyarakat setempat di zona tradisional adalah proprietors. Pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari pelaksanaan desentralisasi di India dan Nepal adalah bahwa pemberian hak yang terbatas yaitu access dan withdrawal saja tidak dapat memperbaiki kondisi sumber daya dan juga tidak dapat memperbaiki hubungan antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat setempat

    Stakeholders Mapping For Restoration Of Khdtk Samboja

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    Forest and land rehabilitation at kawasan hutan dengan tujuan khusus (KHDTK) Samboja, East Kalimantan had been started in 1988. Many stakeholders were involved in the activities through different mechanisms. However, this program was still far beyond expectation as the success of the rehabilitation program was limited only at the research site of the KHDTK Samboja. Information on potential stakeholders and their roles in the program is needed to formulate a better plan that will be used as a guidance to achieve an effective, efficient and sustainable restoration program in the future. An interview with key informants using snowball sampling method was carried out in BPTKSDA Samboja to identify potential stakeholders that will be involved in the future restoration program, including their interests and possible impacts on the program. The result showed that there was 11 stakeholders that could be engaged in the future Samboja Research Forest Restoration Program; BPTKSDA Samboja, UPTD Tahura Bukit Soeharto, Foresty Officer, Mulawarman University and FOERDIA as key players; Dipterocarp Research Centre and Indonesia Institute of Science as context setter; land manager and forestry industrial companies as subject; non land manager and mining companies as crowd

    Pola Akses Petani Penggarap Lahan di Kawasan Perluasan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Jawa Barat

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    Nature resource utilization by local peoples around the resource have been part of Indonesian culture, occuring at many places, for instance in expansion area of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP). Research was directed to describe the access pattern (way of getting access and access utilization forms) in frame on formulating model and strategy of restoration activities implementation. Research result shown that community access interrelated with history of this area management and dependency of land user to forest resources that is influenced by land property factor, agronomic culture, and local institution; also shown that there are 2 (two) types of community access goals i.e. non woody forest product harvesting and forest land using as agronomic activity that can be differenced into 5 sub-types utilization forms base on kind of commodities (main food, horticulture, trees, Multi Purpose Tree specieses, and medicinal crop); 3 sub-tipes base on time scale of commodities production (seasonal, annual, perenial); and 4 sub-tipes based on agronomic pattern (agronomic system base), i.e: vegetable base, rice-horticulture base, casava-banana base, and agroforestry. Finding 5 kind of access patterns of community to gain access on forest land i.e: land distribution pattern, self-community inisiative pattern, inheritance pattern, compensation cost pattern, and pawning/rental pattern. Necessarily to formulate institution for ensuring restoration object and community access
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