339 research outputs found

    Potential for small ruminants under coconut

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    Use of Gliricidia as an animal feed in coconut lands

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    Aflatoxins in coconut products

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    The Researcher and the Future

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    Research is a life-long activity generating new knowledge for the benefit of mankind. It aims at new trends, new processes, new products and new activities adding value to human life. Universities as centers for generation and dissemination of knowledge possess the advantage of having active young minds willing to take challenges and curious to move in new directions under the guidance of well-read, experienced and disciplined senior Faculty. A perfect blend of the two groups could lead to success in research. Research is an unending knowledge hunt by the intellectuals through the exercise of their minds to be converted into new practices

    Consumer demand for coconut oil

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    Use of ebulliometer for alcohol determination in coconut toddy

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    Ebulliometers are used in the industry for estimation of Alcohol in toddy. This method was compared with hydrometer and pycnometer methods for estimation of alcohol in toddy. The ebulliometer method appeared to be accured to be accurate for toddy containing 6 to 8perc. (v/v) alcohol. A calibration curve is presented for reading the actual alcohol content when the estimated value using the ebulliometer is known. The readings obtained by the hydrometer method did not vary significantly from those obtained by the ebulliometer method


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    This study assesses the impacts of BSE crisis on the Canadian economy at the provincial level using an input-output model. The impacts of reductions in exports of beef and cattle on Gross Domestic Product at provincial level, employment, labor income and industrial production are evaluated for Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan provinces. The results show that a reduction of value of exports by 10millionwouldreduceaverageGrossDomesticProductandlaborincomeinaboveprovincesby10 million would reduce average Gross Domestic Product and labor income in above provinces by 8.7 and 3.7millions.Approximately145jobsperprovincewouldbelostandindustrialproductionwouldbereducedby3.7 millions. Approximately 145 jobs per province would be lost and industrial production would be reduced by 19.7million. The sizes of the impacts on various industries are different in different provinces reflecting the heterogeneity in intra-industrial linkages among provinces. A reduction in beef exports has significant adverse effects on animal slaughtering, rendering and meat processing, cattle and animal food manufacturing industries while a reduction in cattle exports has significant adverse effects on cattle, feed grain and animal food manufacturing industries in most of the cases.Agribusiness, Financial Economics,