1,759 research outputs found

    Reply to Comment on Extension of the Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula to light nuclei and some new shell closures

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    Some properties of the modified Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula (BWM) are discussed. As BWM has no shell effect included, the extra-stability or, magicity in nuclei clearly stands out when experimental mass data are compared with BWM predictions. If the shell effect quenches, the BWM predictions come closer to the experimental data.Comment: 2 pages, no figur

    Petdimenzijski LRS Bianchijev model svemira tipa 1 sa strunama u općoj relativnosti

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    Field equations in the presence of cosmic string source are obtained in general theory of relativity in Kaluza-Klein type space-time. An exact inflationary string cosmological model is obtained in which the sum of tension density and rest energy density of strings vanishes. Some physical and geometrical properties of the model are discussed.Izveli smo jednadžbe polja opće teorije relativnosti u Kaluza-Kleinovom prostoruvremenu uz prisustvo svemirskih struna. Dobili smo egzaktan naduvni svemirski model sa strunama u kojemu je zbroj gustoće naprezanja i energije mirovanja struna jednak nuli. Raspravljamo neka fizička i geometrijska svojstva modela

    Folding model analysis of proton radioactivity of spherical proton emitters

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    Half lives of the decays of spherical nuclei away from proton drip line by proton emissions are estimated theoretically. The quantum mechanical tunneling probability is calculated within the WKB approximation. Microscopic proton-nucleus interaction potentials are obtained by single folding the densities of the daughter nuclei with M3Y effective interaction supplemented by a zero-range pseudo-potential for exchange along with the density dependence. Strengths of the M3Y interaction are extracted by fitting its matrix elements in an oscillator basis to those elements of the G-matrix obtained with the Reid-Elliott soft-core nucleon-nucleon interaction. Parameters of the density dependence are obtained from the nuclear matter calculations. Spherical charge distributions are used for calculating the Coulomb interaction potentials. These calculations provide reasonable estimates for the observed proton radioactivity lifetimes of proton rich nuclei for proton emissions from 26 ground and isomeric states of spherical proton emitters.Comment: 6 page

    Peterodimenzijski kozmološki model struna u drugoj samotvornoj teoriji

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    In this paper we have constructed a five-dimensional string cosmological model in Barber\u27s (1982) second self-creation theory of gravitation. When the coupling constant becomes zero, the model degenerates into two different string cosmological models in Einstein\u27s theory corresponding to variable G and constant G. Some physical and geometrical properties of the model are discussed.U ovom smo radu razvili peterodimenzijski kozmološki model struna u okviru druge Barberove samotvorne teorije gravitacije. Kada konstanta vezanja postane jednaka nuli, model se pretvara u dva različita kozmološka modela struna u Einsteinovoj teoriji koji odgovaraju promjenljivom G i stalnom G. Raspravljaju se neka fizička i geometrijska svojstva modela

    Bianchijev kozmološki model tipa V u Lyrinoj mnogostrukosti

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    Bianchi type-V space-time is considered in the presence of a perfect fluid source in the framework of Lyra manifold with pressure equal to energy density (p=ρ). Some physical and geometrical properties of the model are discussed.Razmatramo Bianchijev prostor-vrijeme tipa V uz prisutnost perfektne tekućine u okviru Lyrine mnogostrukosti i jednak tlak i gustoću energije (p = ρ). Raspravljaju se neke fizičke i geometrijske odlike modela