29 research outputs found

    Dialectic Process in History and Constitutive Politics

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    Critical philosophy can be very complex. But this does not mean it is abstracted  from historical and social development in an elitist manner. It has profound ideological content that is connected to understanding the contradictions of domination and alienation produced by dialectical process. Hegelian contradictions are not ontologically connected to the material contradiction of historical reality. Marx’s materialistic dialectic has not resolved the idealist problems of Hegel’s dialectic because the role of absolute spirit. Habermas undermines the Kantian role for philosophy and bring them into fully cooperate relation to social sciences. A theory is critical to the extent that it seeks human emancipation to liberate human being from circumstances that enslaves them especially in developing countries. We have to take productive power of universalist reason beyond object and order to from a constitutive outside. The refusal to bring normativity to autonomy by linking it to well-being as positive human value is the basic question. A practical approach to critical theory responds to pluralism in the social sciences in two ways once again embracing and reconciling both side of traditional opposition between epistemic explanatory and non-epistemic interpretive approach to normative claim. History presents certain regularities and permits of certain generalization which can serve as a guide to future action. It is not that determinism is false but it is a fallacy to make impersonal forces responsible for what men had done. Dialectic has no remainder and history left no room for loser

    Beyond Redemption: Is Human Perfection Rational or National?

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    ‘Know then thyself not God to scan, The proper study of Mankind is man. It says how man achieves perfection by knowing himself. Plato in his ‘Republic’ says that know thyself is doctrine of enlighten despotism. Truth, beauty and goodness are fundamental virtue realized through unique system of equation with Plato’s which is fulfilled by rationalism. For him, the ultimate reality is change. We cannot step twice into the same stream. For Plato, the unchanging thing in the world is called idea. Plato discusses how man achieves perfection through education and realizes it through division of labor which makes man rational. This chapter analyses Richard Wagner and Frederick Nietzsche’s opinion regarding advent of Christianity and romanticism. It also describes how Hitler comes between two. This also discusses how Hitler of Germany abandoned rationality. Hitlerism explains his ideals of creating a better world by using the full coercive power of the state to eliminate obnoxious.  Nazism therefore appears as a form of slavery because it based on conformism. Richard Wagner was a German Philosopher. His extensive writing on music, drama and politics have attracted extensive comment in the recent decade, he wrote a notable essay ‘The Art Work of Future’ (1849). Nietzsche set himself in opposition to German Culture as expressed in Hegel and Wagner, In being anti- Wagner, he was very deeply opposed to the whole way of thought and feeling that relates to fascism and Hitler. There is essentially survival need for redemption and salvation. But Nietzscheism is an explicit rejection of Wagnerism (an extension of Hitlerism) as essentially a doctrine of subjugation. Frederic Nietzsche proposed Wagner’s music as Dionysian rebirth of European culture in opposition to Apollonian rationalist decadence. There is a bourgeois false consciousness and alienation of art from its social context. Adolf Hitler was an admirer of Wagner’s music and saw it as an embodiment of his own vision of German Nation. There continues the debate about the extent to which Wagner view might have influenced Nazi thinking or supposed the rest

    Culture of Conspiracy: An Explanation of Politics.

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    Conspiracy appears to make sense out of a world that is otherwise confusing. New World Order conspiracies were limited to two sub-cultures, primarily the military anti-government right and secondly Christian fundamentalist concerned with end of the emergence of anti-Christ culture of conspiracy. Our society is rotten with secrets. Since the working of government and multinational rapidly lead us into areas which are truly occult. Where does the occult fit in? Some times people bored by rationalism and drawn to stigmatized Knowledge. It is said globalists who plot on behalf of new world order are simply misusing occultism for Machiavellian ends. Adolf Hitler’s New Order which reverses the ‘Decline of West’ and ushers a golden age of white supremacy. Skeptics argue that conspiracy theorist grossly overestimate ex-Nazis of Neo-Nazi on American Society and point out that political repression at home and imperialism abroad have a long history in the United States that predates the 20th century.- Anti-scientist say conspiracy theorist emphasized technology forecasting in their New World Order conspiracy theories. They analyze the rapid change in the world around through technology.-Herman and Chomsky emphasizes that the propaganda model presents a ‘free market analysis of mainstream media with the result largely the outcome of working of market forces. In the view of Lang, media not only mouth piece of elites interests, it also present alternative point of view particularly when division within elites and significant political movement exist. Herman and Chomsky had ignored the insight generated by cultural studies like Marcuse on ideology and Foucault on Discourse

    Abnormal uterine bleeding in adolescence

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    Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), which is defined as excessively heavy, prolonged and/or frequent bleeding of uterine origin, is a frequent cause of visits to the Emergency Department and/or health care provider. While there are many etiologies of AUB, the one most likely among otherwise healthy adolescents is dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), which is characterizing any AUB when all possible underlying pathologic causes have been previously excluded. The most common cause of DUB in adolescence is anovulation, which is very frequent in the first 2-3 post-menarchal years and is associated with immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Management of AUB is based on the underlying etiology and the severity of the bleeding and primary goals are prevention of complications, such as anemia and reestablishment of regular cyclical bleeding, while the management of DUB can in part be directed by the amount of flow, the degree of associated anemia, as well as patient and family comfort with different treatment modalities. Treatment options for DUB are: combined oral contraceptives (COCs), progestogens, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tranexamic acid (anti-fibrinolytic), GnRH analogues, Danazol and Levonorgestrel releasing intra uterine system (LNG IUS)

    Asymptomatic rupture of cornual gestation presented as abdominal mass

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    We report a case of mass abdomen secondary to asymptomatic rupture of cornual pregnancy probably occurred 1-2 months prior to her visit. Uterus sparing surgery was performed following which she had spontaneous conception in less than a year with successful outcome

    Lipoleiomyoma in a postmenopausal woman: an incidental finding

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    Lipoleiomyomas are rare variants of uterine leiomyoma, in spite of relatively common occurrence of leiomyomas of uterus. Their reported incidence varies from 0.03 to 0.2%. These tumors generally occur in asymptomatic obese perimenopausal or menopausal women. The presence of fatty tissue in the myometrium is interpreted as lipomatous degeneration, smooth muscle metaplasia or as a benign tumour called as lipoleiomyoma. Imaging can play an important role in determining the intrauterine location and fatty nature of lipoleiomyomas but most of these are detected incidentally in histopathological findings postoperatively. We report a case of lipoleiomyoma in fundus of uterus in 61 years old postmenopausal female, who presented with on and off abdominal pain

    Antepartum myomectomy: a possible procedure for successful outcome

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    Though myomas usually remain asymptomatic during pregnancy, in one third of the cases they may increase in size and develop red degeneration. Majority of the cases will respond to medical management and rarely require surgical intervention. Site, size and number of the fibroids and the placental position are the important factors to be considered before intervention. Our case was having fibroid with placental attachment at its base and had features of rapid growth with red degeneration not responding to medical management and hence myomectomy was done in second trimester. In properly evaluated and carefully selected patients the procedure will be successful and improve the pregnancy outcome

    Obstetric admissions to the intensive care unit: a five year review

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    Background: Care of the critically ill obstetric patients is a unique challenge particularly because of its unpredictability. The outcome in these patients would not only contribute to the assessment of the quality of patient care but would also enhance the risk stratification of pregnant patients in the evaluation of new therapies. This study is intended to review a series of critically ill obstetric patients admitted to our ICU to assess the spectrum of disease, required interventions, and maternal outcome, and to identify conditions associated with maternal death.Methods: This retrospective cohort study was conducted in 16-bed medical and surgical ICU in a 500 bedded tertiary care hospital over a period of 5 years (2009-2013) at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.Results: Only 54 obstetric patients were admitted to the ICU which constitutes 2.09% of all ICU admissions, 0.78% of emergency obstetric admissions and 0.9% of the total deliveries. Majority of patients (79.62%) were admitted during postpartum period. The leading obstetric indication for ICU admission was obstetric hemorrhages (29.6%). Ectopic pregnancy was common (7 patients) among the obstetric hemorrhages. In the present study maternal mortality was 16.6%, while 70.3% were improved after treatment. The main cause of maternal death was obstetric haemorrhage (55.5%). ICU interventions during the stay of the patients in terms of mechanical ventilation were used in 72.2% of cases. Other interventions included blood & blood product transfusion in 30 (55.5%), inotropes in 34 (62.9%), anti-hypertensive in 14 (25.9%), anticonvulsant in 16 (29.6%) & dialysis in 4 (7.4%) cases.Conclusions: The need of ICU management for obstetric conditions is on rising trend. The need for ventilatory or inotropic support may predict poor outcome. An adequate adoption of safe motherhood initiative would reduce obstetric ICU admissions and thereby will also reduce the maternal mortality

    Posterior vaginal wall cyst of Mullerian origin: a case report

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    Cystic lesions of vagina are relatively uncommon and an incidental finding during routine gynaecological examination. Mullerian cysts are congenital cysts of vagina, usually reported during childbearing age group. These cysts mostly arise at the level of cervix and extend anteriorly in relation to bladder, but very rarely they may also extend posteriorly. This is a rare case of posterior vaginal wall cyst of Mullerian origin. A 36-year-old multi para (P2L2 both SVD), presented with a mass descending through vagina since 2-3 months. Pelvic examination revealed a 5x5 cm cystic mass arising from the posterior vaginal wall. Complete excision of the cyst was done. The cyst was filled with chocolate coloured material and histopathology confirmed a Mullerian cyst

    Combined hysterolaparoscopy as an early option for initial evaluation of female infertility: a retrospective study of 135 patients

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    Background: The aim of this study was to find out different causes of female infertility with diagnostic approach using laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.Methods: This retrospective study was done in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of MGMCRI, Puducherry. 135 infertile women aged 19-40 years were enrolled retrospectively for combined laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. These infertile women were confirmed to have normal ovulatory cycles, hormonal assays and seminogram report. Patient with active genital tract infection and any contraindication to hysterolaparoscopy procedure were excluded. Dye studies as well as inspection for abnormal pelvic and intrauterine pathology and necessary therapeutic interventions were done during the procedure. Abnormal pelvic and intrauterine pathology by hysterolaparoscopy were categorized. Data was statistically analyzed using SPSS software version 15; a result of P <0.05 was considered as significant.Results: Out of 135 cases, 65% patients had primary and 34.8% patients had secondary infertility. As a whole pelvic pathology were confirmed in 54.5% and intrauterine pathology in 20.7% patients by hysterolaparoscopy. The most common laparoscopic abnormality detected was tubal pathology 40%, followed by pelvic inflammatory disease 18.5%, ovarian pathology 8.1% pelvic endometriosis 4.4%, and uterine pathology 4.4% in infertile patients. In hysteroscopy, the incidence of uterine anomaly was 9.6% and intrauterine septum is the most common anomaly with a mean incidence of approximately 84% in both the group of infertile patients.Conclusions: Hysterolaparoscopy is an effective diagnostic tool for evaluation of certain significant and correctable abnormalities in pelvis, tubes and the uterus which are usually missed by other imaging modalities.