992 research outputs found

    Pisa in the Middle Age: the Dream and the Reality of an Empire

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    Tra XI e XIII secolo Pisa allargò enormemente i confini del suo dominio, esercitando una forte influenza poltitica, culturale ed economica molto al di là del circuito delle mura o del contado. Creò (come anche Venezia e Genova) basi, empori e colonie in tutto il Mediterraneo, organizzò imprese belliche contro realtà politiche ostili, strappò a re e imperatori privilegi di ampia portata, stipulò trattati diplomatici e accordi commerciali con le città, gli emirati e le signorie che punteggiavano le coste del Mare Nostrum. Costruì quindi, in un certo senso, un “impero” e di questa sua particolare potenza fu consapevole al punto di assumere – nei comportamenti, nelle produzioni artistiche e architettoniche – modelli che si richiamavano all’antichità, a Roma e al Sacro Romano Impero.Between the eleventh and thirteenth-century Pisa greatly expanded the boundaries of its domain, exerting a strong poltitical, cultural and economic influence well beyond the the circuit of its walls or its county. The city created (as well as Venice and Genoa) bases, emporiums and colonies throughout the Mediterranean, organized war efforts against hostile political realities, had from kings and emperors extensive privileges, stipulated diplomatic treaties and trade agreements with the cities, the lordships that dotted the shores of the Mediterranean sea. Then it built, in a sense, an "empire" and its particular power was conscious to the point of hiring - in behavior, in artistic productions and architectural - models that recalled roman antiquity

    Attendance to Massive Open On-line Courses: Towards a Solution to Track on-line Recorded Lectures Viewing

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    Massive open on-line courses (MOOC) suchas those by edX.org are digital courses where thousands students are dispersed across the Internet. This new variant for distance learning opens many new challenges including the need to verify the real vision of recorded lectures same as we control the physical presence of scholars in a traditional classroom. We review here a precursor study on the effectiveness of the new Pinvox system (i.e., “Personal Identification Number by Voice”), that aims to ensure“on-line attendance”by confirming that a particular student has actually listened to and watched a complete video lecture

    L'idée de guerre sainte dans les sources pisanes du XIe au XIIe siècle

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    Le celebri imprese antisaracene del secolo XI condotte nel Mediterrano occidentale da Pisa e da Genova ebbero o no un carattere religioso? Furono o no pervase da uno spirito di “precrociata”? Quale peso ha l’idea di “guerra santa” nelle fonti che ce le testimoniano? Quale invece nella cronachistica successiva? Tale marcatura ideologica – quando presente - la si deve intendere come espressione del sentire effettivo della società cittadina o come una veste dottrinale, sostanzialemente estranea agli interessi della civitas, utile solo a coprire interessi di altra natura? The famous anti-Saracen enterprises carried in the eleventh century by Pisa and Genoa had a religious aim? Were they pervaded by a spirit of "pre-crusade"? What weight has the idea of "holy war" in the sources of that period? Which in the chronicles? Such ideological mark - when present - is to be understood as an expression of the mentality of the city, or as doctrinal hat alien to the real interests of the civitas, useful only to cover other businesses?Les célèbres expéditions contre les Sarrasins que menèrent Pise et Gênes au XIe siècle en Méditerranée occidentale eurent-elles ou non un caractère religieux ? Furent-elles ou non envahies par un esprit de « précroisade » ? De quel poids l’idée de guerre pèse-t-elle dans les sources qui en portent témoignage ? Qu’en est-il dans les chroniques qui suivirent ? Faut-il interpréter cette prise de position idéologique – quand elle existe – comme l’expression des véritables sentiments de la société citadine ou n’y voir qu’un vêtement doctrinal, pour l’essentiel étranger aux intérêts de la civitas et ne servant qu’à dissimuler des intérêts d’une autre nature

    Società e istituzioni nelle città dell'Occitania tra XII e XIII : status quaestionis e prospettive di ricerca

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    From a socio-institutional point of view some towns in the south of France, between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, had an evolution similar to the cities of the central-north Italy. The article aims to give an overview of the studies on the topic and to propose future lines of research that take into account, in a comparative way, the autonomous cities of the Midi in order to consider, if possible, a common model of evlution. Dal punto di vista socio-istituzionale alcune realtĂ  cittadine del sud della Francia ebbero tra XI e XIII secolo una evoluzione simile a quella delle cittĂ  dell'Italia centro-settentrionale. L'articolo intende fare una panoramica degli studi dedicati all'argomento e prospettare linee future di ricerca che prendano in considerazione in forma comparata le autonomie urbane del Midi al fine di prospettare, se possibile, un modello evolutivo comune

    Malaspina, Moroello

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    Bibliografia (di Cinzio Violante)

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    bibliografia di Cinzio Violant

    Imperatore e signori nella Lunigiana della prima metĂ  del XIII secolo

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    Il saggio esamina il rapporto tra impero e signori della Lunigiana medievale.The paper examines the relationship between empire and medieval lords of the Lunigiana

    Un’Università senza statuti? Le problematiche del caso pisano

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    Il saggio analizza il caso degli statuti mancanti dell'UniversitĂ  di Pisa nel Trecento.The essay analyzes the case of the missing statutes of the University of Pisa in the fourteenth century

    Interleukin-34 promotes tumorigenic signals for colon cancer cells

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    Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is one of the most common forms of malignancy in the Western world. Accumulating evidence indicates that colon carcinogenesis is tightly controlled by tumour-associated immune cells and stromal cells, which can either stimulate or suppress CRC cell growth and survival, mainly via the production of cytokines. Interleukin-34 (IL-34), a cytokine known to regulate mainly monocyte/macrophage survival and function, is highly produced within the CRC microenvironment by several cell types, including cancer cells, tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), and regulates the pro-tumoural functions of such cells. In this article, we summarize the available data supporting the multiple effects of IL-34 in human CRC

    Non-vascular interventional procedures: effective dose to patient and equivalent dose to abdominal organs by means of dicom images and Monte Carlo simulation

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    This study evaluates X-ray exposure in patient undergoing abdominal extra-vascular interventional procedures by means of Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine (DICOM) image headers and Monte Carlo simulation. The main aim was to assess the effective and equivalent doses, under the hypothesis of their correlation with the dose area product (DAP) measured during each examination. This allows to collect dosimetric information about each patient and to evaluate associated risks without resorting to in vivo dosimetry. The dose calculation was performed in 79 procedures through the Monte Carlo simulator PCXMC (A PC-based Monte Carlo program for calculating patient doses in medical X-ray examinations), by using the real geometrical and dosimetric irradiation conditions, automatically extracted from DICOM headers. The DAP measurements were also validated by using thermoluminescent dosimeters on an anthropomorphic phantom. The expected linear correlation between effective doses and DAP was confirmed with an R(2) of 0.974. Moreover, in order to easily calculate patient doses, conversion coefficients that relate equivalent doses to measurable quantities, such as DAP, were obtained
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