6 research outputs found

    Uso de harina de papa roja (Oxalis tuberosa) en la elaboración de pan tipo danés (croissant), con actividad funcional, reducido en grasa saturada libre de gluten.

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    En la actualidad, la creciente demanda de productos libres de gluten ha creado la necesidad de formular alimentos libres de gluten que cubran con las características de sus homólogos elaborados con trigo. Han sido buscadas distintas fuentes para la elaboración de productos de panificación libres de gluten, donde es importante mantener aspectos de calidad sensorial y nutricional del producto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue utilizar la papa roja (Oxalis tuberosa) en una harina compuesta, para la elaboración de pan tipo danés (croissant) libre de gluten, con la finalidad de incrementar su calidad y valor nutricional, además de evaluar su posible efecto funcional

    Application of Nanoemulsions (W/O) of Extract of Opuntia oligacantha C.F. Först and Orange Oil in Gelatine Films

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    Over the past decade, consumers have demanded natural, completely biodegradable active packaging serving as food containers. Bioactive plant compounds can be added to biopolymer-based films to improve their functionality, as they not only act as barriers against oxidation, microbiological, and physical damage, they also offer functionality to the food they contain. A water-in-oil (W/O) nanoemulsion was produced by applying ultrasound to xoconostle extract and orange oil, and was incorporated into gelatine films in different proportions 1:0 (control), 1:0.10, 1:0.25, 1:0.50, 1:0.75, and 1:1 (gelatine:nanoemulsion). The nanoemulsions had an average size of 118.80 ± 5.50 nm with a Z-potential of −69.9 ± 9.93 mV. The presence of bioactive compounds such as phenols, flavonoids, and betalains in the films was evaluated. The 1:1 treatment showed the highest presence of bioactive compounds, 41.31 ± 3.71 mg of gallic acid equivalent per 100 g (GAE)/100g for phenols, 28.03 ± 3.25 mg of quercetin equivalent per 100 g (EQ)/100g flavonoids and 0.014 mg/g betalains. Radical inhibition reached 72.13% for 2,20-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS), and 82.23% for 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The color of the films was influenced by the incorporation of nanoemulsions, showing that it was significantly different (p < 0.05) to the control. Mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, Young’s modulus, and percentage elongation, were affected by the incorporation of nanoemulsified bioactive compounds into gelatine films. The obtained films presented changes in strength and flexibility. These characteristics could be favorable as packaging material

    Bioactive Compounds of Opuntia spp. Acid Fruits: Micro and Nano-Emulsified Extracts and Applications in Nutraceutical Foods

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    The acid fruit of the "xoconostle" cactus belongs to the genus Opuntia family of cacti. It is used as a functional food for its bioactive compounds. Several studies reported that xoconostle fruits have a high amount of ascorbic acid, betalains, phenols, tannins, and flavonoids. These compounds confer antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective gastroprotective activity. Xoconostle fruit extracts were tested by in vitro assays where the digestion conditions were simulated to measure their stability. At the same time, the extracts were protected by encapsulation (microencapsulation, multiple emulsions, and nanoemulsions). Applications of encapsulated extracts were probed in various food matrices (edible films, meat products, dairy, and fruit coatings). The xoconostle is a natural source of nutraceutical compounds, and the use of this fruit in the new food could help improve consumers’ health

    The Addition of Microencapsulated or Nanoemulsified Bioactive Compounds Influences the Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of a Fresh Cheese

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    The objective of this study was to compare the effects of the incorporation of microcapsules or nanoemulsions with Opuntiaoligacantha on the quality of fresh cheese. Three treatments were established: Control, cheese with microcapsules (Micro), and cheese with nanoemulsion (Nano). The parameters evaluated were physicochemical (moisture, ash, fat, proteins, and pH), microbiological (mesophilic aerobic bacteria, mold–yeast, and total coliforms), functional (total phenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity), and texture (hardness, elasticity, cohesion, and chewiness) during storage for 45 days at 4 °C. The results showed that adding microcapsules and nanoemulsion did not affect the physicochemical parameters of the cheese. Total coliforms decreased in all samples from the first days of storage (Control: 4.23 ± 0.12, Micro: 3.27 ± 0.02, and Nano: 2.68 ± 0.08 Log10 CFU), as well as aerobic mesophiles and mold–yeast counts. Regarding the functional properties, an increase in total phenols was observed in all treatments. The texture profile analysis showed that the addition of microcapsules and nanoemulsion influenced hardness (Control: 8.60 ± 1.12, Micro: 1.61 ± 0.31, and Nano: 3.27 ± 0.37 N). The antimicrobial effect was greater when nanoemulsions were added, while adding microcapsules influenced the antioxidant activity more positively