2,370 research outputs found

    Experimental balance to estimate efficiency in the use of nitrogen in rabbit breeding

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    [EN] Defining the composition and properties of manure in livestock production is critical in order to minimise possible environmental impacts stemming from its management. In this study, a nitrogen balance was carried out during two identical fattening periods (Experiments 1 and 2) in growing rabbits from weaning (age 28 d and live weight about 0.6 kg) to slaughter (age 61 d and live weight about 1.8 kg). The breeding conditions were typical for Spanish rabbit production. The objectives were to quantify the total nitrogen excreted by the animals and to estimate the average efficiency in the use of this nutrient, in comparison to other species. Animal weight, feed intake, and the production of faeces and urine were monitored weekly in a set of eight cages with nine rabbits in each, performing weekly analyses for nitrogen content in feed, urine and faeces. The overall nitrogen excretion was 50.2 g N per animal in Experiment 1 and 46.9 g N per animal in Experiment 2, which corresponded to about 58% of the total nitrogen intake. Urine and faeces contributed to overall nitrogen excretion in approximately the same proportions. The nitrogen excretion ratio was 40 grams per kilogram of animal produced. According to this ratio, rabbit breeding is less efficient in the use of nitrogen than raising broilers, but more than fattening pigs.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science for the economic support to conduct this study (Project GASFARM AGL2005-07297).Calvet Sanz, S.; Estellés Barber, F.; Hermida, B.; Blumetto, O.; Torres Salvador, AG. (2008). Experimental balance to estimate efficiency in the use of nitrogen in rabbit breeding. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2008.615SWORD16

    Avaliação da germinação de sementes de açaízeiro (Euterpe oleracea M.) Submetidas à inoculação de 19 linhagens de bactérias isoladas no semiárido / Evaluation of seeds germination of açaízeiro (Euterpe oleracea M.) Submitted to the inoculation of 19 lines of semi-arid isolated bacteria.

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    O açaizeiro é uma fruteira nativa da Amazônia que vem conquistando o mercado nacional e internacional mediante comercialização da bebida in natura (suco), bem como da congelada. Essa bebida é obtida pelo processamento da parte comestível dos seus frutos, que são denominados açaí. A aplicação de reguladores de crescimento via semente tem sido proposta por várias empresas. Esses reguladores são definidos como substâncias naturais ou sintéticas que podem ser aplicadas diretamente nas plantas, em sementes e no solo, com a finalidade de incrementar a produção e melhorar a germinação das sementes. As classes de reguladores vegetais reconhecidas são as auxinas, giberelinas, citocininas, retardadores e inibidores, e o etileno. As auxinas também são produzidas durante o processo de germinação e estão envolvidas na permeabilidade das membranas e possuem relação direta com o crescimento de plântulas. Objetivou-se avaliar a germinação das sementes de açaízeiro inoculadas com 19 linhagens de bactérias coletadas na região do Semiárido potiguar capazes de fixar nitrogênio, solubilização de fosfato e produzir auxinas. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Nanobiotecnolgia e Biorreatores – LABIN e no Laboratório de Análises de Sementes ambos pertencentes a Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido. Foram inoculadas três sementes de açaí para cada grupo de bactéria, sendo que em uma amostra foi administrada sem a inoculação a fim de verificar a evolução. O teste de germinação foi conduzido em papel toalha (Germitest®) que foi acondicionado em sacos plásticos transparente e colocados em câmaras de germinação do tipo Biochemical Oxigen Demand (B.O.D.), com fotoperíodo artificial adequado. Dez 10 dias após a semeadura, verificou-se que grande parte das sementes inoculadas com bactéria germinaram. As que foram inoculadas com as de número BAC 5, BAC 13 e BAC 15 tiveram crescimento acelerado (mais vigorosas) apresentando nodulação nas raízes e liberando exudado de cor roseado. Equanto que as inoculadas com os números 0, BAC 1, BAC 2, BAC 3, BAC 4, BAC 6, BAC 9, BAC 12 e BAC 14 resultaram em germinação lenta e menos vigorosas. Já as de números BAC 7, BAC 8, BAC 10, BAC 11, BAC 17, BAC 18, BAC 20 e BAC 27 obtiveram crescimento moderado. Com relação ao período previsto para a germinação, as sementes que foram inoculadas com as bactérias germinaram em tempo muito inferior ao previsto em média (90 dias)

    Inflammatory response in mixed viral-bacterial community-acquired pneumonia

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    BACKGROUND: The role of mixed pneumonia (virus+bacteria) in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has been described in recent years. However, it is not known whether the systemic inflammatory profile is different compared to monomicrobial CAP. We wanted to investigate this profile of mixed viral-bacterial infection and to compare it to monomicrobial bacterial or viral CAP. METHODS: We measured baseline serum procalcitonin (PCT), C reactive protein (CRP), and white blood cell (WBC) count in 171 patients with CAP with definite etiology admitted to a tertiary hospital: 59 (34.5%) bacterial, 66 (39.%) viral and 46 (27%) mixed (viral-bacterial). RESULTS: Serum PCT levels were higher in mixed and bacterial CAP compared to viral CAP. CRP levels were higher in mixed CAP compared to the other groups. CRP was independently associated with mixed CAP. CRP levels below 26 mg/dL were indicative of an etiology other than mixed in 83% of cases, but the positive predictive value was 45%. PCT levels over 2.10 ng/mL had a positive predictive value for bacterial-involved CAP versus viral CAP of 78%, but the negative predictive value was 48%. CONCLUSIONS: Mixed CAP has a different inflammatory pattern compared to bacterial or viral CAP. High CRP levels may be useful for clinicians to suspect mixed CAP

    Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis with AQP4 antibodies revealing ovarian teratoma.

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    Paraneoplastic myelitis is a rare inflammatory disorder most frequently associated with solid tumors or lymphoproliferative disorders. Patients often harbor onconeuronal antibodies and their prognosis is usually poor. Here we report a 42-year old woman with longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis and aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibodies that led to the diagnosis of ovarian teratoma. After tumor removal and immune therapy (including corticosteroids, plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulins and rituximab) the patient progressively improved achieving complete recovery. Histological study of the teratoma demonstrated neural tissue containing AQP4 expressing cells and intense inflammatory infiltrates, providing evidence for a possible paraneoplastic link between both disorders

    An Engineered extraplastidial pathway for carotenoid biofortification of leaves

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    Carotenoids are lipophilic plastidial isoprenoids highly valued as nutrients and natural pigments. A correct balance of chlorophylls and carotenoids is required for photosynthesis and therefore highly regulated, making carotenoid enrichment of green tissues challenging. Here we show that leaf carotenoid levels can be boosted through engineering their biosynthesis outside the chloroplast. Transient expression experiments in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves indicated that high extraplastidial production of carotenoids requires an enhanced supply of their isoprenoid precursors in the cytosol, which was achieved using a deregulated form of the main ratedetermining enzyme of the mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway. Constructs encoding bacterial enzymes were used to convert these MVA-derived precursors into carotenoid biosynthetic intermediates that do not normally accumulate in leaves, such as phytoene and lycopene. Cytosolic versions of these enzymes produced extraplastidial carotenoids at levels similar to those of total endogenous (i.e. chloroplast) carotenoids. Strategies to enhance the development of endomembrane structures and lipid bodies as potential extraplastidial carotenoid storage systems were not successful to further increase carotenoid contents. Phytoene was found to be more bioaccessible when accumulated outside plastids, whereas lycopene formed cytosolic crystalloids very similar to those found in the chromoplasts of ripe tomatoes. This extraplastidial production of phytoene and lycopene led to an increased antioxidant capacity of leaves. Finally, we demonstrate that our system can be adapted for the biofortification of leafy vegetables such as lettuce

    Miasis cutánea masiva que simula invasión cerebral. Presentación de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    ABSTRACTMyiasis is the infestation or parasitism of the humans or animals host´s living or necrotic tissues and organs caused by larvae of Diptera, it is endemic to tropical and subtropical regions of America and Africa; more common in men than in women and in middle and old age, looking mainly affected patients with any medical or anatomical predisposing condition. The differential diagnosis includes common diseases such as cellulitis and furunculosis; treatment is aimed at complete removal of larvae, either by manual pressure or surgical and most feared complication is secondary infection. A review of the literature in the context of the presentation of a clinical case of massive cutaneous myiasis, which mimicked brain invasion and required prolonged hospitalization under medical-surgical treatment is performed; in order to highlight the importance of knowledge of the disease, its evolution and emphasize on the most significant epidemiological, clinical, surgical and preventive aspects on this entity. In conclusion we assume that the myiasis is a preventable disease with a goodprognosis for cure, if detected and diagnosed early. MÉD.UIS. 2016;29(2):145-53.Keywords: Myiasis. Díptera. Larvae. Brain diseases. Treatment.La miasis es la infestación o parasitismo de los tejidos vivos o necróticos y órganos de humanos y animales provocada por larvas de dípteros, es endémica de zonas tropicales y subtropicales de América y África; más frecuente en hombres que en mujeres y en personas de mediana y tercera edad, viéndose afectados principalmente pacientes con alguna condición médica o anatómica predisponente. El diagnóstico diferencial incluye enfermedades comunes como la celulitis y forunculosis; su tratamiento está dirigido a la remoción total de las larvas, ya sea por presión manual o quirúrgica y su complicación más temida es la infección secundaria. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura en el contexto de la presentación de un caso clínico de miasis cutánea masiva, que simuló invasión cerebral y requirió hospitalización prolongada bajo tratamiento médico-quirúrgico, con el objetivo de resaltar la importancia del conocimiento de la enfermedad, su evolución y hacer énfasis sobre los aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, quirúrgicos y preventivos más importantes en relación con esta entidad. Como conclusión se asume que la miasis es una enfermedad prevenible, con un buen pronóstico de curación, si es detectada y diagnosticada a tiempo. MÉD.UIS. 2016;29(2):145-53.Palabras clave: Miasis. Dípteros. Larvas. Encefalopatías. Tratamiento

    Trajectories of alcohol consumption during life and the risk of developing breast cancer

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    Background: Whether there are lifetime points of greater sensitivity to the deleterious effects of alcohol intake on the breasts remains inconclusive. Objective: To compare the influence of distinctive trajectories of alcohol consumption throughout a woman’s life on development of breast cancer (BC). Methods: 1278 confirmed invasive BC cases and matched (by age and residence) controls from the Epi-GEICAM study (Spain) were used. The novel group-based trajectory modelling was used to identify different alcohol consumption trajectories throughout women’s lifetime. Results: Four alcohol trajectories were identified. The first comprised women (45%) with low alcohol consumption (<5 g/day) throughout their life. The second included those (33%) who gradually moved from a low alcohol consumption in adolescence to a moderate in adulthood (5 to <15 g/day), never having a high consumption; and oppositely, women in the third trajectory (16%) moved from moderate consumption in adolescence, to a lower consumption in adulthood. Women in the fourth (6%) moved from a moderate alcohol consumption in adolescence to the highest consumption in adulthood (=15 g/day), never having a low alcohol consumption. Comparing with the first trajectory, the fourth doubled BC risk (OR 2.19; 95% CI 1.27, 3.77), followed by the third (OR 1.44; 0.96, 2.16) and ultimately by the second trajectory (OR 1.17; 0.86, 1.58). The magnitude of BC risk was greater in postmenopausal women, especially in those with underweight or normal weight. When alcohol consumption was independently examined at each life stage, =15 g/day of alcohol consumption in adolescence was strongly associated with BC risk followed by consumption in adulthood. Conclusions: The greater the alcohol consumption accumulated throughout life, the greater the risk of BC, especially in postmenopausal women. Alcohol consumption during adolescence may particularly influence BC risk. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Parámetros para la evaluación del impacto de los morteros de revestimiento en las condiciones acústicas de los espacios históricos

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    Se realiza una evaluación del efecto que produce en el acondicionamiento acústico de recintos históricos los diferentes tiois de morteros utilizado en el revestimiento