258 research outputs found

    Spatial description of concrete characteristics

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    This work has the objective to simulate the variation of the compressive resistance strength of concrete along the height of a structural member. The concrete compressive strength is calculated with a formula, which has been previously analysed. To calculate the distribution, an exploratory and a statistical analysis of data are carried considering different parameters that can affect. When exploration is completed, a transformed linear regression model is proposed. After, an interval of confidence is considered for the linear regression using the bootstrap method . The most influential variables on the distribution are the day test time and the type of concrete (whether it is self-compacting concrete or not). Others, like the type of test (whether the compressive strength test is destructive or not) affects on the results of the tests but not on the distribution. The obtained model takes into account all the parameters to compute the compressive resistance of the concrete and the distribution along the height of the structural member. Furthermore, an application has been created in order to compute it easily

    De la República al primer franquisme

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    El col·legi d'Humanitats de Figueres (1839-45)

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    Una vida per un poble

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    La repressió franquista en el magisteri gironí (1939-1949)

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    Sobre l'exili del magisteri republicà (1936-39) : reflexions i suggeriments = The exile of the republican teachers (1936-39) : reflections and suggestions

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    Aquest article ofereix una visió general sobre l'exili del magisteri republicà, especialment el que tingué lloc a Catalunya. Juntament amb unes quantes dades quantitatives es mostra la realitat, múltiple i variada, de l'exili del magisteri, des del punt de vista polític, social i professional, així com les activitats culturals que es dugueren a terme fora de la pàtria, en els camps de concentració francesos i, posteriorment, a Europa i a Amèrica, especialment a Mèxic i Veneçuela. L'exili s'inicià poc després de l'alçament contra el govern de la república i els mesos de gener i febrer del 1939 en foren els moments més àlgids. D'altra banda es reflexiona sobre la metodologia usada en aquest tipus d'investigació i les dificultats per dur a terme un estudi basat, pràcticament, en la memòria oral. Al final se suggereixen temes d'investigació relacionats amb l'exili del magisteri.This article presents the exile of the republican teachers due to the revolution against the republican government and civil war in Spain. It follows teachers from Valencia and Catalonia, many of whom migrated to France due to the proximity of Catalonia to the French border. It is estimated that more than 10% of teachers that were working in Catalonia and many others coming from war zones migrated to France. This paper describes social, political, and professional aspects of their life in the exile; as well as their first educational work carried while in the exile in the French concentration camps, cultural shelters, and finally in other European and American countries, like Mexico and Venezuela. Exiled republican teachers contributed significantly in the educational system of these countries, while the dictatorship of Franco diminished the quality of education in Spain, both intellectually and methodologically. Catalan teachers in Mexico taught Catalan to sons and daughters of the exiled thinking they would return to Catalonia after the Second World War. There is also a reference to the cultural work of the Generalitat (the Catalan government) in the exile. Finally, this paper includes a section about issues encountered while researching the subject and the fact that it mainly relied on oral interviews and memories of those who lived the events. It also presents leads to be considered for future research.Se ofrece una panorámica general sobre el exilio del magisterio republicano, especialmente del acaecido en Cataluña. Juntamente con algunos datos cuantitativos se presenta la realidad múltiple y variada del exilio del magisterio desde el punto de vista político, social y profesional así como las actividades culturales que llevaron a cabo fuera de la patria, en los campos de concentración franceses y posteriormente en Europa y en América, especialmente en México y Venezuela. El exilio se iniciará poco después del alzamiento contra el gobierno de la república y tendrá su momento álgido durante los meses de enero y febrero del 1939. Por otra parte se reflexiona sobre la metodología usada en este tipo de investigación y las dificultades para llevar a cabo un estudio basado prácticamente en la memoria oral. Al final se sugieren temas de investigación relacionados con el exilio del magisterio
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