38 research outputs found

    Dynamique des variants de l'histone H3 en réponse aux dommages de l'ADN induits par les UVC dans les cellules humaines

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    In eukaryotic cells, the DNA damage response involves a reorganization of chromatin structure. This structure, in which DNA is associated with histone proteins, conveys the epigenetic information, which is critical for cell identity. However, we are still far from understanding the mechanisms underlying chromatin dynamics in response to DNA damage, which challenges both the structural and functional integrity of chromatin architecture. During my PhD, I thus decided to explore this issue in human cells, by deciphering the dynamics of histone H3 variants and their dedicated chaperones in response to UVC lesions. By combining local UVC irradiation with an innovative technology that allows specific tracking of parental and newly synthesized histones, I revealed that the histone chaperone HIRA (Histone Regulator A) is recruited early to UVC-damaged chromatin regions, where it promotes local deposition of new histone H3.3 variant and facilitates transcription recovery upon repair completion. We also demonstrated that old H3 histones are initially redistributed around the damaged chromatin zone, this conservative redistribution requiring the UVC damage sensor DDB2 (DNA Damage Binding protein 2). Later in the repair process, most parental histones recover and mix with newly deposited histones in repairing chromatin regions. The recovery of pre-existing histones may contribute to preserve the integrity of the epigenetic information conveyed by chromatin before genotoxic stress.Dans les cellules eucaryotes, la rĂ©ponse aux lĂ©sions de l'ADN s'accompagne d'une rĂ©organisation de la chromatine. Cette structure, associant l'ADN aux protĂ©ines histones, est porteuse de l'information Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique, qui dĂ©finit l'identitĂ© cellulaire. Cependant, nos connaissances concernant les mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©organisation de la chromatine dont l'intĂ©gritĂ© structurale et fonctionnelle a Ă©tĂ© menacĂ©e par un stress gĂ©notoxique sont encore limitĂ©es, en particulier dans les cellules humaines. Au cours de ma thĂšse, je me suis donc intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  cette thĂ©matique en me concentrant sur l'Ă©tude de la dynamique des variants de l'histone H3 et de leurs chaperons associĂ©s aprĂšs dommages UVC. En combinant une technologie innovante de suivi spĂ©cifique des histones parentales ou nĂ©o-synthĂ©tisĂ©es Ă  des techniques de pointe d'induction de dommages locaux dans l'ADN, j'ai ainsi mis en Ă©vidence que le chaperon HIRA (Histone Regulator A) est recrutĂ© tĂŽt aux sites de lĂ©sions oĂč il stimule l'incorporation locale de nouveaux variants H3.3 et assure la reprise de la transcription aprĂšs rĂ©paration des dommages UVC. Nous avons aussi dĂ©montrĂ© que les anciennes histones sont initialement redistribuĂ©es dans la chromatine autour des sites de lĂ©sions par un mĂ©canisme faisant appel au facteur de dĂ©tection des dommages DDB2 (DNA Damage Binding protein 2). A plus long terme, des histones parentales " reviennent " dans les rĂ©gions de chromatine en cours de rĂ©paration oĂč elles se mĂ©langent aux nouvelles histones incorporĂ©es. Le " retour " d'histones prĂ©existantes contribuerait ainsi au maintien de l'intĂ©gritĂ© de l'information Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique vĂ©hiculĂ©e par la chromatine avant stress gĂ©notoxique

    The CIP2A-TOPBP1 complex safeguards chromosomal stability during mitosis

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    The accurate repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), highly toxic DNA lesions, is crucial for genome integrity and is tightly regulated during the cell cycle. In mitosis, cells inactivate DSB repair in favor of a tethering mechanism that stabilizes broken chromosomes until they are repaired in the subsequent cell cycle phases. How this is achieved mechanistically is not yet understood, but the adaptor protein TOPBP1 is critically implicated in this process. Here, we identify CIP2A as a TOPBP1-interacting protein that regulates TOPBP1 localization specifically in mitosis. Cells lacking CIP2A display increased radio-sensitivity, micronuclei formation and chromosomal instability. CIP2A is actively exported from the cell nucleus in interphase but, upon nuclear envelope breakdown at the onset of mitosis, gains access to chromatin where it forms a complex with MDC1 and TOPBP1 to promote TOPBP1 recruitment to sites of mitotic DSBs. Collectively, our data uncover CIP2A-TOPBP1 as a mitosis-specific genome maintenance complex

    Powder Bed Fusion of nickel-based superalloys: A review

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    Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) techniques constitute a family of Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes, which are characterised by high design flexibility and no tooling requirement. This makes PBF techniques attractive to many modern manufacturing sectors (e.g. aerospace, defence, energy and automotive) where some materials, such as Nickel-based superalloys, cannot be easily processed using conventional subtractive techniques. Nickel-based superalloys are crucial materials in modern engineering and underpin the performance of many advanced mechanical systems. Their physical properties (high mechanical integrity at high temperature) make them difficult to process via traditional techniques. Consequently, manufacture of nickel-based superalloys using PBF platforms has attracted significant attention. To permit a wider application, a deep understanding of their mechanical behaviour and relation to process needs to be achieved. The motivation for this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the mechanical properties of PBF nickel-based superalloys and how process parameters affect these, and to aid practitioners in identifying the shortcomings and the opportunities in this field. Therefore, this paper aims to review research contributions regarding the microstructure and mechanical properties of nickel-based superalloys, manufactured using the two principle PBF techniques: Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and Electron Beam Melting (EBM). The ‘target’ microstructures are introduced alongside the characteristics of those produced by PBF process, followed by an overview of the most used building processes, as well as build quality inspection techniques. A comprehensive evaluation of the mechanical properties, including tensile strength, hardness, shear strength, fatigue resistance, creep resistance and fracture toughness of PBF nickel-based superalloys are analysed. This work concludes with summary tables for data published on these properties serving as a quick reference to scholars. Characteristic process factors influencing functional performance are also discussed and compared throughout for the purpose of identifying research opportunities and directing the research community toward the end goal of achieving part integrity that extends beyond static components only

    The CIP2A–TOPBP1 axis safeguards chromosome stability and is a synthetic lethal target for BRCA-mutated cancer

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    BRCA1/2-mutated cancer cells adapt to the genome instability caused by their deficiency in homologous recombination (HR). Identification of these adaptive mechanisms may provide therapeutic strategies to target tumors caused by the loss of these genes. In the present study, we report genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 synthetic lethality screens in isogenic pairs of BRCA1- and BRCA2-deficient cells and identify CIP2A as an essential gene in BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutated cells. CIP2A is cytoplasmic in interphase but, in mitosis, accumulates at DNA lesions as part of a complex with TOPBP1, a multifunctional genome stability factor. Unlike PARP inhibition, CIP2A deficiency does not cause accumulation of replication-associated DNA lesions that require HR for their repair. In BRCA-deficient cells, the CIP2A-TOPBP1 complex prevents lethal mis-segregation of acentric chromosomes that arises from impaired DNA synthesis. Finally, physical disruption of the CIP2A-TOPBP1 complex is highly deleterious in BRCA-deficient tumors, indicating that CIP2A represents an attractive synthetic lethal therapeutic target for BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutated cancers

    Prevalence and risk factors for Giardia duodenalis infection among children: A case study in Portugal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Giardia duodenalis </it>is a widespread parasite of mammalian species, including humans. The prevalence of this parasite in children residing in Portugal is currently unknown. This study intended to estimate <it>G. duodenalis </it>infection prevalence and identify possible associated risk factors in a healthy paediatric population living in the District of the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Between February 2002 and October 2008, 844 children were randomly selected at healthcare centres while attending the national vaccination program. A stool sample and a questionnaire with socio-demographic data were collected from each child. <it>Giardia </it>infection was diagnosed by direct examination of stools and antigen detection by ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The population studied revealed a gender distribution of 52.8% male and 47.2% female. Age distribution was 47.4% between 0-5 years and 52.6% between 6-15 years.</p> <p>The prevalence of <it>Giardia </it>infection was 1.9% (16/844) when estimated by direct examination and increased to 6.8% (57/844) when ELISA results were added. The prevalence was higher among children aged 0-5 years (7.8%), than among older children (5.8%), and was similar among genders (6.9% in boys and 6.5% in girls). The following population-variables were shown to be associated risk factors for <it>G. duodenalis </it>infection: mother's educational level (odds ratio (OR)= 4.49; confidence interval (CI): 1.20-16.84), father's educational level (OR = 12.26; CI: 4.08-36.82), presence of <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>infection (OR = 1.82; CI: 1.05-3.15), living in houses with own drainage system (OR = 0.10; CI: 0.02-0.64) and reported household pet contact, especially with dogs (OR = 0.53; CI: 0.31-0.93).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of giardiasis in asymptomatic children residing in the region of Lisbon is high. Several risk factors were associated with <it>Giardia </it>prevalence and highlight the importance of parents' education and sanitation conditions in the children's well being. The association between <it>G. duodenalis </it>and <it>H. pylori </it>seems an important issue deserving further investigation in order to promote prevention or treatment strategies.</p

    Introduction of Fluorine and Fluorine-Containing Functional Groups

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    Histone H3 variant dynamics in response to UVC damage in human cells

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    Dans les cellules eucaryotes, la rĂ©ponse aux lĂ©sions de l'ADN s'accompagne d'une rĂ©organisation de la chromatine. Cette structure, associant l'ADN aux protĂ©ines histones, est porteuse de l'information Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique, qui dĂ©finit l'identitĂ© cellulaire. Cependant, nos connaissances concernant les mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©organisation de la chromatine dont l'intĂ©gritĂ© structurale et fonctionnelle a Ă©tĂ© menacĂ©e par un stress gĂ©notoxique sont encore limitĂ©es, en particulier dans les cellules humaines. Au cours de ma thĂšse, je me suis donc intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  cette thĂ©matique en me concentrant sur l'Ă©tude de la dynamique des variants de l'histone H3 et de leurs chaperons associĂ©s aprĂšs dommages UVC. En combinant une technologie innovante de suivi spĂ©cifique des histones parentales ou nĂ©o-synthĂ©tisĂ©es Ă  des techniques de pointe d'induction de dommages locaux dans l'ADN, j'ai ainsi mis en Ă©vidence que le chaperon HIRA (Histone Regulator A) est recrutĂ© tĂŽt aux sites de lĂ©sions oĂč il stimule l'incorporation locale de nouveaux variants H3.3 et assure la reprise de la transcription aprĂšs rĂ©paration des dommages UVC. Nous avons aussi dĂ©montrĂ© que les anciennes histones sont initialement redistribuĂ©es dans la chromatine autour des sites de lĂ©sions par un mĂ©canisme faisant appel au facteur de dĂ©tection des dommages DDB2 (DNA Damage Binding protein 2). A plus long terme, des histones parentales " reviennent " dans les rĂ©gions de chromatine en cours de rĂ©paration oĂč elles se mĂ©langent aux nouvelles histones incorporĂ©es. Le " retour " d'histones prĂ©existantes contribuerait ainsi au maintien de l'intĂ©gritĂ© de l'information Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique vĂ©hiculĂ©e par la chromatine avant stress gĂ©notoxique.In eukaryotic cells, the DNA damage response involves a reorganization of chromatin structure. This structure, in which DNA is associated with histone proteins, conveys the epigenetic information, which is critical for cell identity. However, we are still far from understanding the mechanisms underlying chromatin dynamics in response to DNA damage, which challenges both the structural and functional integrity of chromatin architecture. During my PhD, I thus decided to explore this issue in human cells, by deciphering the dynamics of histone H3 variants and their dedicated chaperones in response to UVC lesions. By combining local UVC irradiation with an innovative technology that allows specific tracking of parental and newly synthesized histones, I revealed that the histone chaperone HIRA (Histone Regulator A) is recruited early to UVC-damaged chromatin regions, where it promotes local deposition of new histone H3.3 variant and facilitates transcription recovery upon repair completion. We also demonstrated that old H3 histones are initially redistributed around the damaged chromatin zone, this conservative redistribution requiring the UVC damage sensor DDB2 (DNA Damage Binding protein 2). Later in the repair process, most parental histones recover and mix with newly deposited histones in repairing chromatin regions. The recovery of pre-existing histones may contribute to preserve the integrity of the epigenetic information conveyed by chromatin before genotoxic stress

    Chromatin Dynamics during Nucleotide Excision Repair: Histones on the Move

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    It has been a long-standing question how DNA damage repair proceeds in a nuclear environment where DNA is packaged into chromatin. Several decades of analysis combining in vitro and in vivo studies in various model organisms ranging from yeast to human have markedly increased our understanding of the mechanisms underlying chromatin disorganization upon damage detection and re-assembly after repair. Here, we review the methods that have been developed over the years to delineate chromatin alterations in response to DNA damage by focusing on the well-characterized Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) pathway. We also highlight how these methods have provided key mechanistic insight into histone dynamics coupled to repair in mammals, raising new issues about the maintenance of chromatin integrity. In particular, we discuss how NER factors and central players in chromatin dynamics such as histone modifiers, nucleosome remodeling factors, and histone chaperones function to mobilize histones during repair