244 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetics in vivo and pharmacodynamics ex vivo/in vitro of meropenem and cefpirome in the Yucatan micropig model: continuous infusion versus intermittent injection

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    ObjectiveTo investigate the pharmacodynamic disposition of two recently developed β-lactam antibiotics, meropenem and cefpirome, in the Yucatan micropig model, and to compare the bactericidal activity of these drugs against bacteria in this in vitro/ex vivo micropig model after administration by both intermittent injection and continuous infusion.MethodsCefpirome (1 g) was given to the micropig over a 12-h period by direct intravenous injection and 6-h continuous infusion (500 mg). Meropenem (250 mg) was administered either by 30-min intravenous and 8-h continuous infusion. The two drugs were assayed by HPLC. The pharmacodynamics of these drugs were evaluated by means of (1) serum killing curve against Klebsiella pneumoniae producing extended-spectrum β-lactamase, stably derepressed Enterobacter cloacae and methicillin-susceptible penicillinase-producing Staphylococcus aureus, and (2) calculations of index of surviving bacteria (ISB).ResultsThe bactericidal activity of meropenem against K. pneumoniae and E. cloacae in this in vitro/ex vivo model was excellent, with a 4 log decrease at peak concentrations. Meropenem produced a mixed concentration- and time-dependent, killing effect against E. cloacae and K. pneumoniae. The ISB value ranged from 25% to 30% for E. cloacae. With concentrations above MIC for S. aureus (1 mg/L), cefpirome has a time-dependent bactericidal activity, as shown by the ISB ranging from 20% to 80% after 4 h and between 20% and 40% after an 8-h drug exposure. For both antibiotics, the higher concentrations obtained just after intermittent injection had a rapid and strong killing effect against the strains tested, but the trough levels had no bactericidal activity. The continuous infusions produce consistent concentrations of antibiotic that can be maintained above the MIC, and the bactericidal activity of which ranges from 2 to 4 log10 decrease of inoculum.ConclusionsIn the present study the micropig has been shown to be an adequate model for the pharmacodynamic investigation of cefpirome and meropenem. In general, continuous infusion appears to optimize the pharmacodynamic profile of the two tested β-lactam antibiotics. However, against Gram-negative bacilli, the administration of a loading dose prior to continuous infusion of β-lactams would eliminate the only potential pharmacokinetic disadvantage of continuous infusion and ensure the rapid onset of antimicrobial activity

    Atopic dermatitis studies through in vitro models

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex inflammatory skin condition that is not fully understood. Epidermal barrier defects and Th2 immune response dysregulations are thought to play crucial roles in the pathogenesis of the disease. A vicious circle takes place between these alterations, and it can further be complicated by additional genetic and environmental factors. Studies investigating in more depth the etiology of the disease are thus needed in order to develop functional treatments. In recent years, there have been significant advances regarding in vitro models reproducing important features of AD. However, since a lot of models have been developed, finding the appropriate experimental setting can be difficult. Therefore, herein, we review the different types of in vitro models mimicking features of AD. The simplest models are two-dimensional culture systems composed of immune cells or keratinocytes, whereas three-dimensional skin or epidermal equivalents reconstitute more complex stratified tissues exhibiting barrier properties. In those models, hallmarks of AD are obtained, either by challenging tissues with interleukin cocktails overexpressed in AD epidermis or by silencing expression of pivotal genes encoding epidermal barrier proteins. Tissue equivalents cocultured with lymphocytes or containing AD patient cells are also described. Furthermore, each model is placed in its study context with a brief summary of the main results obtained. In conclusion, the described in vitro models are useful tools to better understand AD pathogenesis, but also to screen new compounds in the field of AD, which probably will open the way to new preventive or therapeutic strategies

    High current permanent discharges in air induced by femtosecond laser filamentation

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    International audienceFilaments created in air by an intense femtosecond laser pulse in the presence of an electric field generate a highly conductive permanent plasma column

    Revival of femtosecond laser plasma filaments in air by a nanosecond laser

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    International audienceShort lived plasma channels generated through filamentation of femtosecond laser pulses in air can be revived after several milliseconds by a delayed nanosecond pulse. Electrons initially ionized from oxygen molecules and subsequently captured by neutral oxygen molecules provide the long-lived reservoir of low affinity allowing this process. A Bessel-like nanosecond-duration laser beam can easily detach these weakly bound electrons and multiply them in an avalanche process. We have experimentally demonstrated such revivals over a channel length of 50 cm by focusing the nanosecond laser with an axicon

    Proteomic Profiling of Human Keratinocytes Undergoing UVB-Induced Alternative Differentiation Reveals TRIpartite Motif Protein 29 as a Survival Factor

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    BACKGROUND: Repeated exposures to UVB of human keratinocytes lacking functional p16(INK-4a) and able to differentiate induce an alternative state of differentiation rather than stress-induced premature senescence. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A 2D-DIGE proteomic profiling of this alternative state of differentiation was performed herein at various times after the exposures to UVB. Sixty-nine differentially abundant protein species were identified by mass spectrometry, many of which are involved in keratinocyte differentiation and survival. Among these protein species was TRIpartite Motif Protein 29 (TRIM29). Increased abundance of TRIM29 following UVB exposures was validated by Western blot using specific antibody and was also further analysed by immunochemistry and by RT-PCR. TRIM29 was found very abundant in keratinocytes and reconstructed epidermis. Knocking down the expression of TRIM29 by short-hairpin RNA interference decreased the viability of keratinocytes after UVB exposure. The abundance of involucrin mRNA, a marker of late differentiation, increased concomitantly. In TRIM29-knocked down reconstructed epidermis, the presence of picnotic cells revealed cell injury. Increased abundance of TRIM29 was also observed upon exposure to DNA damaging agents and PKC activation. The UVB-induced increase of TRIM29 abundance was dependent on a PKC signaling pathway, likely PKCdelta. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings suggest that TRIM29 allows keratinocytes to enter a protective alternative differentiation process rather than die massively after stress
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