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29 research outputs found
Preparing for Tomorrow: A Case Study of Workforce Planning in North Carolina Municipal Governments
Abbey Craig W.
Byham William C.
+8 more
Dychtwald K.
Fountaine Dave
Jacobson Willow
Liebowitz Jay
Ritchie Christina
Rivenbark William C.
Selden Sally
Young Mary B.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Which Preferences Can Democracy Serve?
Alon Harel
Andreas Follesdal
+11 more
Andrew Moravcsik
Andrew See Rhys
C Fredrick
E G See
Jeremy Waldron
Lael R Keiser
Moses Shayo
Sally Coleman Selden
Sanford Levinson
See Fredrick
See Keiser
Publication venue
'Elsevier BV'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
City-county Consolidation and Local Government Expenditures
Faulk D.
Feiock R. C.
+8 more
Leland Suzanne M.
Leland Suzanne M.
Nelson M. A.
Oates W. E.
Oates W. E.
Selden Sally Coleman
Taylor Lori L
Zax J. S.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Representative Bureaucracy: Rethinking Substantive Effects and Active Representation
Burke John P
Hadwiger Don F
+21 more
Henderson Lenneal J
Herbert Adam W
Hindera John J
Hindera John J.
Keiser Lael R.
Kim Pan S
Kingsley J. Donald
Kranz Harry
Larson Arthur D
Long Norton E
Meier Kenneth J
Meier Kenneth J.
Mosher Frederick C
Rosenbloom David H.
Saltzstein Grace Hall
Selden Sally Coleman
Selden Sally Coleman
Selznick Philip
Subramaniam V
Thielemann Gregory S.
Thompson Frank J
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A Checklist for Alternatives in City–county Consolidation Decisions
Bacot Hunter
Campbell Richard W.
+12 more
Consolidation Commission of Topeka Kansas and Shawnee County
Durning Dan
Feiock Richard C.
Indiana Commission on Local Government Reform
Johnson Gary Alan
Johnson Linda S.
Krane Dale
Leland Suzanne M.
Leland Suzanne M.
Murphy Kathryn
Selden Sally C.
Stephens G. Ross
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
City–County Consolidations
Baird Robert
Bell Christopher
+19 more
Benton J. Edwin
Bloomquist William
Carl Vinson Institute of Government
Clarke Kristen
Eberts Randal
Forbes Kevin
Johnson Linda
Johnson Linda
Kent Calvin
Mattoon Richard H.
Miller David
Nelson Michael
Oates Wallace E.
Parks Roger
Pennsylvania Economy League (PEA)
Selden Sally C.
Yasuoka Masaharu
Zax Jeffery
Zax Jeffery
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Rolling Back State Civil Service Systems: Assessing the Erosion of Employee Rights and Protections, and Their Impacts
A Bertelli
A D Kulger
+64 more
A Gore
A Ichino
A Light
A P Morriss
A V S Ruhil
C Gill
D Coursey
D G Carnevale
D Goodman
D H Autor
D H Autor
D H Autor
D H Autor
D J Elazar
D J Walsh
D P Moynihan
D W Moynihan
E Crowell
E P Lazear
G A Brewer
G A Brewer
G A Brewer
G B Lewis
Gene A. Brewer
H G Rainey
H Y Park
I Sharkandky
J Bowman
J D Coggburn
J D Coggburn
J D Coggburn
J D Shaw
J E Kellough
J E Kellough
J G March
J Hausknecht
J L Cotton
J L D J Perry
J L Price
J Walters
K G Naff
K J Meier
K M Morrell
K S Lyness
L G Nigro
L G Nigro
L G Nigro
P W Ingraham
R Battaglio
R Green
R L Williams
R W Griffeth
R W Griffeth
S C Selden
S C Selden
S C Selden
S E Condrey
S E Condrey
S Kim
S W Hays
Sally C. Selden
T Blair
W H Mobley
W H Mobley
Publication venue
'Elsevier BV'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Representative Bureaucracy: The Theoretical Implications of Statistical Interaction
Argyris Chris.
Cheryl D. Young
+20 more
Day Susan E.
Day Susan E.
Erikson Robert S.
Henderson Lenneal J.
Hindera John J.
John J. Hindera
Kadushin Alfred.
Kahn Robert L.
King Gary
Kingsley J. Donald.
McClain Paula D.
Meier Kenneth J.
Meier Kenneth J.
Meier Kenneth J.
Meier Kenneth J.
Mosher Frederick.
Selden Sally C.
Simon Herbert A.
Turnbull Colin.
Weaver Suzanne.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Expanding the Reach of Representativeness, Discretion, and Collaboration: The Unrealized Potential of Public Administration Research in Atrocity Prevention
Adams Guy B.
Arendt Hannah
+31 more
Bach Tobias
Beagles Jonathan E.
Bellamy Alex J.
Browning Christopher
Davis Benjamin G.
Gawthrop Louis C.
Gooden Susan
Gooden Susan
Hodgkinson Christopher
Jones Adam
Jun Jong S.
Kerry Whigham
Krislov Samuel
Meier Kenneth J.
Nabatchi Tina
Nadia Rubaii
Niskanen William A.
Olivieri Cecília
Painter Martin
Power Samantha
Pressman Jeffrey L.
Roberts Christopher
Rourke Francis E.
Selden Sally C.
Stivers C
Straus Scott
Susan Appe
Waldo Dwight
Waller James
Yates Douglas
Zamudio Laura
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Administrative Discretion and Active Representation: An Expansion of the Theory of Representative Bureaucracy
Aiken Michael
Brodkin Evelyn Z.
+58 more
Brudney Jeffrey L.
Bryner Gary C.
Denhardt Robert B.
Dodd Lawrence C.
Dolan Julie
Edward Kellough J.
Edward Kellough J.
Frederickson H. George
Hadwiger D.F.
Herbert Adam W.
Hindera John J.
Hindera John J.
Ingraham Patricia W.
Ingraham Patricia W.
Ingraham Patricia W.
Kahn Robert L.
Karnig Albert K.
Kaufman Herbert
Keiser Lael R.
Kellough J. Edward
Kelly Marisa
Kingsley J. Donald
Krislov Samuel
Krislov Samuel
Levitan David. M.
Lipsky Michael
Long Norton
Mazmanian Daniel A.
Meier Kenneth J.
Meier Kenneth J.
Meier Kenneth J.
Meier Kenneth J.
Meier Kenneth J.
Mosher Frederick C.
Nachmias David
Nathan Richard P.
O'Sullivan Elizabeth A.
Pindyck Robert S.
Prottas Jeffrey M.
Riper Paul P.
Romzek Barbara S.
Rosenbloom David H.
Rosenbloom David H.
Rourke Francis E.
Salanick Gerald R.
Saltzstein Grace H.
Sandfort Jodi R.
Scott Patrick G.
Selden Sally C.
Selden Sally C.
Squires Gregory D.
Stein Lana
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Vinzant Janet C.
Weick Karl E.
Weick Karl E.
Wood B. Dan
Wyatt Nancy
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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