31 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran dalam kursus induksi industri pembinaan Malaysia: sejauh manakah medium pembelajaran sediada berkesan terhadap pekerja asing?

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    Pembelajaran merupakan proses dalaman bagi menghasilkan suatu perubahan tingkah laku yang agak kekal bagi pemerolehan pengetahuan. Dalam industri pembinaan, pembelajaran di kalangan setiap pekerja terutamanya pekerja asing dilaksanakan melalui Kursus Induksi Keselamatan dan Kesihatan (KIKK) iaitu bertujuan bagi menjamin keselamatan diri ketika bekerja di tapak bina. Kursus ini dilihat mempunyai ciri-ciri pembelajaran bukan formal dan pembelajaran dewasa dengan sokongan medium pembelajaran atau penyampaian maklumat. Justeru, kertas ini akan membincangkan mengenai sejauh mana keberkesanan penggunaan kaedah pembelajaran menggunakan medium pembelajaran sedia ada terhadap pekerja asing di dalam kursus. Pelaksanaan kajian ini dilakukan secara kaedah kuantitatif dengan pemilihan sampel secara pensampelan mudah. Hasil kajian mendapati tahap keberkesanan medium pembelajaran sedia ada yang digunakan tidak membantu pekerja asing dalam mengetahui serta memahami mengenai kesan tidak menggunakan kelengkapan pelindung diri. Namun begitu, hanya pelindung kepala, pelindung kaki dan pelindung tangan sahaja menunjukkan tahap kebolehbantuan yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan kelengkapan pelindung diri yang lain

    Methods for improving project of green building in Indonesia construction industry: contractor perspective

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    Green building is an integral part of an organization responsibilities to create green sustainable living and designed of building has environmentally friendly, efficient energy and provide healthy air cycle.The issue of green building factors must be carried out using green building method and can be expected to be a solution for reducing the impact of global warming and environmental damage.This research study is identifying the methods for improving project of green building in the construction industry and explore the way to convince the government about related importance of green building.The research method using qualitative research that consists of two contractors from Indonesia.The finding of this research attains the method for improving green building from the aspect of size building, location and selection of material.The finding also show the way to convince government using green building is applying promotion to minimizing cost and implementing of green building into daily life. The implication of this research can intend the method by the contractor produce treated and stabilized in concept of green building, economize energy use by user of that building and show the new idea from contractor to design green building that can giving best quality standard

    Minimization of pollution from paddy fields activities in Kedah: Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA) Perspective

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    Each sector has its problems. Haze is a common problem in sectors such as the manufacturing sector, and the agricultural sector. The excessive haze will cause problems for the environment and will, in the long run, affect the existing ecosystem. Not only haze becomes a problem for each sector but sometimes air, soil and noise pollution also happen in each sector. Therefore, this study aims to minimize pollution in the paddy field. Agriculture industry benefits in economic growth. However, it contributes to the negative impact on the environment. Thus, this study focused on identifying the types, factors, and solutions to pollution in the agriculture industry based on the pollution from paddy field activity in Kedah. This study conducted qualitative research methods. The respondents are top management from the Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA) which located in Kedah. The result showed that activity from the paddy field has various types of pollution such as water, air, and soil. Meanwhile, the pollution caused by the open burning, the use of inorganic fertilizers, less use of the latest technology and the technology available is very limited and inadequate due to high demand. The results of this study provide a solution to the pollution caused by activities in paddy fields such as using the ‘Jerami Gulung’ Method, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, using the incinerator, makes it a compost, turning straw into livestock and using the straw grinding machine. As implications, this study of raising farmers' awareness to reduce excessive use of chemical fertilizers, not burning straw and raising awareness among MADA and Environment Agency on smart ways to conserving and preserving the environment

    The adoption of green innovation in the scottish construction industry context

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    The growing interest in environmental innovation has led to an increase in the number of research studies around that area in different industries (Dutz & Sharma, 2012). The construction industry is a critical industry for the study of environmental- or sustainability related issues, considering that, it is responsible for some of the most serious impacts on the environment. Indeed, there is a growing concern regarding environmental impacts resulting from construction activities. By comparison with other industries, its activities are considered as making a major contribution to environmental problems (Ball, 2002; Tam, Tam & Tsui, 2004; Tam & Tam, 2008). In the United Kingdom (UK), specifically, the construction sector contributed 11.2% of the total of UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2013 (Office for National Statistics, 2015) while around 420 million tonnes of construction material is consumed by the construction industry each year, whereby approximately 120 million tonnes is wasted (EISC, 2012). It shows that, by its nature, construction is not an environmentally-friendly activity. Conversely, the construction industry plays a vital role in meeting the needs of society and enhancing the quality of life. Its activities directly affect the nature, function and appearance of the place in which people live. In addition, it contributes to a better standard of living by offering employment to people all over the world. Specifically, the UK construction industry employs 2.1 million people (Rhodes, 2015), accounting for 6.3% of total UK employment in 2014. The industry’s output was increased to £92 billion (6.4% of the total economy) in 2014 (Office for National Statistics, 2015), which makes a valuable contribution to the UK economy. Hence, the economic significance of the construction industry cannot be underestimated

    Maklumat keselamatan pekerjaan industri pembinaan Malaysia: Sejauh mana tahap kebolehbantuan dan kepuasan pekerja asing terhadap medium penyampaian sedia ada?

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    Sesungguhnya, industri pembinaan merupakan sebuah industri yang kompleks dan merbahaya dengan suasana persekitaran kerja yang berisiko tinggi serta mempunyai kepelbagaian bidang dan tenaga kerja yang berpotensi untuk mengalami kemalangan, kecederaan serta kematian di tapak bina (Mohamed Khodeir & Salaheldine, 2018; Vitharana, Subashi De Silva & Sudhira De Silva, 2015). Namun, dalam memahami dan melaksanakan setiap bidang kerja di tapak bina ini, maka adalah penting pihak yang bertanggungjawab dapat menyampaikan arahan kerja serta maklumat keselamatan ini dengan berkesan. Hal ini adalah bagi memastikan setiap kefahaman yang dicapai dapat diaplikasikan sekaligus menjamin hasil dan kualiti pelaksanaan kerja serta jaminan keselamatan diri. Berhubung risiko kemalangan yang sering berlaku di tapak bina, maka adalah penting maklumat keselamatan ini diketahui terlebih dahulu oleh pekerja sebelum memulakan kerja di tapak bina. Maklumat keselamatan ini sebenarnya adalah melibatkan beberapa aspek perlindungan diri, peraturan serta cara kerja selamat di samping penyediaan persekitaran kerja yang kondusif bagi mencegah individu yang bekerja mengalami kecederaan atau kesan kesihatan dari kerja yang dilakukan. Lazimnya, maklumat keselamatan pekerjaan ini diterima oleh pekerja semasa menghadiri Kursus Induksi Keselamatan dan Kesihatan iaitu satu kursus awal yang wajib dihadiri sebelum memasuki tapak bina. Namun, isunya adalah sejauh manakah maklumat keselamatan di dalam kursus ini difahami oleh pekerja asing? Sebelum itu, mari kita kenali terlebih dahulu siapakah itu pekerja asing dan Kursus Induksi Keselamatan dan Kesihatan

    Green manufacturing industry: Solving of minimization of pollution and waste in Kedah

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    This study aims to minimize pollution and waste in manufacturing industry.Manufacturing industry benefits in economic growth.However, it contributes the negative impact to environment. Thus, this study focused on identifying the types, factors and solution of industry pollution in manufacturing industry based on the manufacturers’ perspective in Kedah.This study design used qualitative research methods.The respondents are the manufacturers which located in Kedah.The results showed that manufacturing industries have various types of pollution such as noise, water, air, soil, heat and radioactive.Meanwhile, the pollution caused by the lack of stringent policies to control the pollution, unplanned industry growth, using of outdated technologies, inefficient waste disposal, leaching of resources from natural, exhausting and from processes from industries.The results of this study provide the solution which occurred in manufacturing industries such as adopt the 3R’s waste hierarchy, wastewater treatment process, prevention and control of pollution, conserve and protect water, NPI data, control radioactive pollution and improve the industrial exhaust system.As implications, this study raises awareness of manufacturer in reducing the use of hazardous materials during the production process and improve the knowledge of manufacturer and the environment agency on the smart in conserving and preserving the environment

    Safety implementation on foreign workers in construction industry - CIDB

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    This study was conducted to develop model to solve problems related to the safety implementation on foreign workers in construction industry.This study was conducted to identify problems that occurred among foreign workers in Malaysia in the construction industry, to propose the best way to reduce the problem of implementation of safety among foreign workers in the construction industry and to develop model for solve the problem of implementation of safety among foreign workers in the construction industry.To get information with precise, the study was conducted using qualitative research methods. The expected finding in this study are found that can alleviate the problems suffered by foreign workers as a result of the proposal and safety workers and can provide a solution to overcome the problem on safety implementation of foreign workers in the construction industry.As a conclusion, the contribution of this study is to provide and develop a model as an effective solutions to reduce the problems among foreign workers in implementation of safety work on construction industry.This study also showed a high level of awareness of successful pervaded by foreign workers from the safety work at the construction site that was successfully implemented. The significant in this study are to help foreign workers to resolve problems on foreign workers, to provide a clear understanding about safety implementation in construction industry meanwhile to provide a best solution to overcome the problem on safety implementation of foreign workers in the construction industry and to emphasize the foreign workers to carry out these methods on an going basic at construction industry

    Driven Factors to Sustainable Paddy Farming Production in Malaysia

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    As the organic food is rising in demand, there are several issues associated with its supply chain capabilities that deserve attention. These include the inadequate supply and increasing cost of rice production. The farmers play a significant role to ensure that the supply of organic products meets the demand of the market, hence understanding the motivation for their practices is crucial. This study explores the driving factors for farmers in sustainable paddy farming in Malaysia. The research is exploratory in nature, using interview and observation approaches. Three sustainability factors are focused in this study; namely the economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The results indicate that early exposure and knowledge, education and experience in sustainable agriculture are the driving force behind shifting attitudes towards sustainable agriculture and sustaining practices. The results of this study are expected to give awareness and motivate the farmers to embark on the alternative practices to sustainable rice cultivation, and also potentially help to optimize the abandoned land for productive farming in the rural area

    A study of safety work methods in the construction industry-perspective CIDB

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    This study about to solve problems related to the safety work method in the construction industry. This study was conducted to identify the problem occurred among workers at the construction industry in Malaysia, to propose the safety work method in the construction industry and to develop a new model of safety work method in the construction industry.Data collection will be conducted by using qualitative methods by interview CIDB construction personnel.The expected finding from this study is can provide a solution for reduced the problem accident among workers construction site for give the best protection while at the site. The conclusion, the contribution from this study is to develop a new model to reduce the problem about safety work in the construction building industry in the Malaysia.This study also can interpret or give scenario the good safety work method in the construction industry can reduce the accident at the site.The significant from this study is can provide a method for safety workers for reduce the accident at construction site, can give a clear picture about the methods use to improve the safety works and to emphasize the personnel construction to carry out these methods on an ongoing basis at the construction site