37 research outputs found

    Command And Control Simulation Interface Language (ccsil): Status Update

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    : The Command and Control Simulation Interface Language (CCSIL) is a special language for communicating between and among command entities and small units of virtual platforms generated by computers for the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) environment. CCSIL is a component of ARPA's Command Forces (CFOR) program, a concept that incorporates explicit modeling of battlefield command and control (C 2 ) in virtual simulation. ronment. Under the CFOR architecture, a command entity may be represented in one of three ways: . a complex software application (the original goal of the Command Forces program), . a traditional computer generated forces application (e.g., an abstraction of the platoon leader is embedded in the ModSAF application) , . a human working at his/her real world command and control workstation. ARPA recently initiated a contractor effort to develop the first CFOR command entity within the CFOR architecture, using the infrastructure services software and CCSIL. This ..

    ABSTRACT: The Command and Control Simulation

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    Interface Language (CCSIL) is a special language for communicating between and among command entities and small units of virtual platforms generated by computers for the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) environment. CCSIL is a component of ARPA's Command Forces (CFOR) program, a concept that incorporates explicit modeling of battlefield command and control (C 2) in virtual simulation. ARPA recently initiated a contractor effort to develop the first CFOR command entity within the CFOR architecture, using the infrastructure services software and CCSIL. This paper describes in more detail than was previously releasable, the content and proposed usage of CCSIL messages. The paper goes on to describe the status of the CFOR infrastructure services software that enables command entities to send and receive CCSIL messages and the nature of CGF behaviors that can be accomplished with CCSIL now

    A Brief Review of the Command Forces (CFOR) Program

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    The command forces (CFOR) program is implementing a new aspect of warfare simulation: explicit modeling of command and control. The program presents several aspects: (1) a concept of operations where command and control nodes populate the battlespace in the same manner as weapons systems; (2) an architecture where software simulation of command and control interacts with the battlefield through a set of common services; (3) a software design for the services that forms an infrastructure that integrates with underlying Semi-Automated Forces simulation; (4) a mechanism that facilitates automated integration of real world C2 systems with simulations; and (5) an implementation plan that integrates the efforts of multiple developers to produce a functioning multi-service command forces simulation. The CFOR program has passed through the concept and planning phases and is being implemented. Lessons learned from progress to date are presented along with a plan for further development and inte..

    A Brief Review of the Command Forces (CFOR) Program Presented to:

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    A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE COMMAND FORCES (CFOR) PROGRAM The command forces (CFOR) program is implementing a new aspect of warfare simulation: explicit modeling of command and control. The program presents several aspects: (1) a concept of operations where command and control nodes populate the battlespace in the same manner as weapons systems; (2) an architecture where software simulation of command and control interacts with the battlefield through a set of common services; (3) a software design for the services that forms an infrastructure that integrates with underlying Semi-Automated Forces simulation; (4) a mechanism that facilitates automated integration of real world C2 systems with simulations; and (5) an implementation plan that integrates the efforts of multiple developers to produce a functioning multi-service command forces simulation. The CFOR program has passed through the concept and planning phases and is being implemented. Lessons learned from progress to date are presented along with a plan for further development and integration.

    ABSTRACT CFOR Approach to Simulation Scalability

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    ARPA, in its STOW program, expressed a goal of expanding virtual simulation exercises to encompass 100,000 DIS entities. Obvious scalability challenges to meeting this goal are the computer and network issues such as bandwidth and computing power. However, human issues are also relevant; such issues include exercise management, reducing the staffing necessary for an exercise, and maintaining realism while increasing the span of control of human operators.. As a part of STOW, the Command Forces (CFOR) program simulates command and control nodes in software. One of its goals is to address and improve the human aspects of scalability. In particular, it aims to (1) reduce the number of personnel required to operate a training exercise; (2) maintain the fidelity of a DIS exercise; (3) enhance the training value to the operators; and (4) facilitate exercise management

    Command Forces: An Extension Of DIS Virtual Simulation

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    Command Forces (CFOR) is a concept that incorporates explicit modeling of battlefield command and control (C 2 ) in virtual simulation. CFOR extends the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) architecture by adding a new class of DIS entities (command entities) and explicit representation of the information exchanged among these entities (Command and Control Simulation Interface Language). Command entities themselves are structured in a layered architecture separating general DIS interface capabilities, command vehicle representation, command entity information services, and command decision making. CFOR utilizes the basic DIS virtual simulation architecture for platform ground truth information exchange and interaction (e.g., Entity State PDUs) and transmission of CCSIL (i.e., Signal PDUs). 1 Vision and Goal for CFOR Beginning with SIMNET, the promise of entitybased virtual DIS has grown. By providing a realistic, man-in-the-loop synthetic environment for training and concept eval..

    CFOR Approach to Simulation Scalability

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    ARPA, in its STOW program, expressed a goal of expanding virtual simulation exercises to encompass 100,000 DIS entities. Obvious scalability challenges to meeting this goal are the computer and network issues such as bandwidth and computing power. However, human issues are also relevant; such issues include exercise management, reducing the staffing necessary for an exercise, and maintaining realism while increasing the span of control of human operators.. As a part of STOW, the Command Forces (CFOR) program simulates command and control nodes in software. One of its goals is to address and improve the human aspects of scalability. In particular, it aims to (1) reduce the number of personnel required to operate a training exercise; (2) maintain the fidelity of a DIS exercise; (3) enhance the training value to the operators; and (4) facilitate exercise management. INTRODUCTION The Advanced Research Program Agency (ARPA) is engaged in implementing a program called the Synthetic Theater..

    Implementation of Command Forces (CFOR) Simulation

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    The command forces (CFOR) program will implement a new aspect of warfare simulation: explicit modeling of command and control. The program presents several aspects: (1) a concept of operations where command and control nodes occupy the battlespace in the same manner as weapons systems; (2) an architecture where software simulation of command and control interacts with the battlefield through a set of common services; (3) a software design for the services that forms an infrastructure that integrates with the underlying ModSAF wargame; (4) a mechanism that facilitates automated integration of real world C2 systems with simulations; and (5) an implementation plan that integrates the efforts of multiple developers to produce a functioning multiservice command forces simulation. The CFOR program has passed through the concept and planning phases and is now beginning implementation. Lessons learned from progress to date are presented along with a plan for multi-vendor implementation. 2. B..

    Command Forces: An Extension of DIS Virtual Simulation," Eleventh Workshop on Standards for the Interoperability of Defense Simulations

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    Command Forces (CFOR) is a concept that incorporates explicit modeling of battlefield command and control (C 2) in virtual simulation. CFOR extends the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) architecture by adding a new class of DIS entities (command entities) and explicit representation of the information exchanged among these entities (Command and Control Simulation Interface Language). Command entities themselves are structured in a layered architecture separating general DIS interface capabilities, command vehicle representation, command entity information services, and command decision making. CFOR utilizes the basic DIS virtual simulation architecture for platform ground truth information exchange and interactio