1,605 research outputs found

    Study of continuous-time quantum walks on quotient graphs via quantum probability theory

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    In the present paper, we study the continuous-time quantum walk on quotient graphs. On such graphs, there is a straightforward reduction of problem to a subspace that can be considerably smaller than the original one. Along the lines of reductions, by using the idea of calculation of the probability amplitudes for continuous-time quantum walk in terms of the spectral distribution associated with the adjacency matrix of graphs [Jafarizadeh and Salimi (Ann. Phys 322(2007))], we show the continuous-time quantum walk on original graph Γ\Gamma induces a continuous-time quantum walk on quotient graph ΓH\Gamma_H. Finally, for example we investigate continuous-time quantum walk on some quotient Cayley graphs.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Markovianity by Quantum Loss

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    In the study of open quantum systems, information exchange between system and its surrounding environment plays an eminent and important role in analysing the dynamics of open quantum system. In this work, by making use of the quantum information theory and intrinsic properties such as \emph{entropy exchange}, \emph{coherent information} and using the notion of \emph{quantum loss} as a criterion of the amount of lost information, we will propose a new witness, based on information exchange, to detect non-Markovianity. Also a measure for determining the degree of non-Markovianity, will be introduced by using our witness. The characteristic of non-Markovianity is clarified by means of our witness, and we emphasize that this measure is constructed based on the loss of information or in other word the rate of \emph{quantum loss} in the environment. It is defined in term of reducing correlation between system and ancillary. Actually, our focus is on the information which be existed in the environment and it has been entered to the environment due to its interaction with the system. Remarkably, due to choosing the situation which the "system +ancillary" in maximal entangled pure state, optimization procedure does not need in calculation of our measure, such that the degree of non-Markovianity is computed analytically by straightforward calculations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Mixing-time and large-decoherence in continuous-time quantum walks on one-dimension regular networks

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    In this paper, we study mixing and large decoherence in continuous-time quantum walks on one dimensional regular networks, which are constructed by connecting each node to its 2l2l nearest neighbors(ll on either side). In our investigation, the nodes of network are represented by a set of identical tunnel-coupled quantum dots in which decoherence is induced by continuous monitoring of each quantum dot with nearby point contact detector. To formulate the decoherent CTQWs, we use Gurvitz model and then calculate probability distribution and the bounds of instantaneous and average mixing times. We show that the mixing times are linearly proportional to the decoherence rate. Moreover, adding links to cycle network, in appearance of large decoherence, decreases the mixing times.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processin

    Tightening the entropic uncertainty bound in the presence of quantum memory

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    The uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle in quantum physics. It implies that the measurement outcomes of two incompatible observables can not be predicted simultaneously. In quantum information theory, this principle can be expressed in terms of entropic measures. Berta \emph{et al}. [\href{http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nphys1734}{ Nature Phys. 6, 659 (2010) }] have indicated that uncertainty bound can be altered by considering a particle as a quantum memory correlating with the primary particle. In this article, we obtain a lower bound for entropic uncertainty in the presence of a quantum memory by adding an additional term depending on Holevo quantity and mutual information. We conclude that our lower bound will be tighten with respect to that of Berta \emph{et al.}, when the accessible information about measurements outcomes is less than the mutual information of the joint state. Some examples have been investigated for which our lower bound is tighter than the Berta's \emph{et al.} lower bound. Using our lower bound, a lower bound for the entanglement of formation of bipartite quantum states has obtained, as well as an upper bound for the regularized distillable common randomness.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure to appear in PRA 201

    Perfect state transfer via quantum probability theory

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    The transfer of quantum states has played an important role in quantum information processing. In fact, transfer of quantum states from point AA to BB with unit fidelity is very important for us and we focus on this case. In recent years, in represented works, they designed Hamiltonian in a way that a mirror symmetry creates with with respect to network center. In this paper, we stratify the spin network with respect to an arbitrary vertex of the spin network o then we design coupling coefficient in a way to create a mirror symmetry in Hamiltonian with respect to center. By using this Hamiltonian and represented approach, initial state that have been encoded on the first vertex in suitable time and with unit fidelity from it's antipodes vertex can be received. In his work, there is no need to external control.Comment: 23 pag

    Investigation of Continuous-Time Quantum Walk Via Spectral Distribution Associated with Adjacency Matrix

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    Using the spectral distribution associated with the adjacency matrix of graphs, we introduce a new method of calculation of amplitudes of continuous-time quantum walk on some rather important graphs, such as line, cycle graph CnC_n, complete graph KnK_n, graph GnG_n, finite path and some other finite and infinite graphs, where all are connected with orthogonal polynomials such as Hermite, Laguerre, Tchebichef and some other orthogonal polynomials. It is shown that using the spectral distribution, one can obtain the infinite time asymptotic behavior of amplitudes simply by using the method of stationary phase approximation(WKB approximation), where as an example, the method is applied to star, two-dimensional comb lattices, infinite Hermite and Laguerre graphs. Also by using the Gauss quadrature formula one can approximate infinite graphs with finite ones and vice versa, in order to derive large time asymptotic behavior by WKB method. Likewise, using this method, some new graphs are introduced, where their amplitude are proportional to product of amplitudes of some elementary graphs, even though the graphs themselves are not the same as Cartesian product of their elementary graphs. Finally, via calculating mean end to end distance of some infinite graphs at large enough times, it is shown that continuous time quantum walk at different infinite graphs belong to different universality classes which are also different than those of the corresponding classical ones.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, regular pape

    The role of the total entropy production in dynamics of open quantum systems in detection of non-Markovianity

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    In the theory of open quantum systems interaction is a fundamental concepts in the review of the dynamics of open quantum systems. Correlation, both classical and quantum one, is generated due to interaction between system and environment. Here, we recall the quantity which well known as total entropy production. Appearance of total entropy production is due to the entanglement production between system an environment. In this work, we discuss about the role of the total entropy production for detecting non-Markovianity. By utilizing the relation between total entropy production and total correlation between subsystems, one can see a temporary decrease of total entropy production is a signature of non-Markovianity.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    A Measure of Non-Markovianity for Unital Quantum Dynamical Maps

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    One of the most important topics in the study of the dynamics of open quantum system is information exchange between system and environment. Based on the features of a back-flow information from an environment to a system, an approach is provided to detect non-Markovianity for unital dynamical maps. The method takes advantage of non-contractive property of the von Neumann entropy under completely positive and trace preserving unital maps. Accordingly, for the dynamics of a single qubit as an open quantum system, the sign of the time-derivative of the density matrix eigenvalues of the system determines the non-Markovianity of unital quantum dynamical maps. The main characteristics of the measure is to make the corresponding calculations and optimization procedure simpler.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Add new comments and new co-autho

    Investigation of Continuous-Time Quantum Walk Via Modules of Bose-Mesner and Terwilliger Algebras

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    The continuous-time quantum walk on the underlying graphs of association schemes have been studied, via the algebraic combinatorics structures of association schemes, namely semi-simple modules of their Bose-Mesner and (reference state dependent) Terwilliger algebras. By choosing the (walk) starting site as a reference state, the Terwilliger algebra connected with this choice turns the graph into the metric space, hence stratifies the graph into a (d+1) disjoint union of strata, where the amplitudes of observing the continuous-time quantum walk on all sites belonging to a given stratum are the same. In graphs of association schemes with known spectrum, the transition amplitudes and average probabilities are given in terms of dual eigenvalues of association schemes. As most of association schemes arise from finite groups, hence the continuous-time walk on generic group association schemes have been studied in great details, where the transition amplitudes are given in terms of characters of groups. Further investigated examples are the walk on graphs of association schemes of symmetric SnS_n, Dihedral D2mD_{2m} and cyclic groups. Also, following Ref.\cite{js}, the spectral distributions connected to the highest irreducible representations of Terwilliger algebras of some rather important graphs, namely distance regular graphs, have been presented. Then using spectral distribution, the amplitudes of continuous-time quantum walk on graphs such as cycle graph CnC_n, Johnson and normal subgroup graphs have been evaluated. {\bf Keywords: Continuous-time quantum walk, Association scheme, Bose-Mesner algebra, Terwilliger algebra, Spectral distribution, Distance regular graph.} {\bf PACs Index: 03.65.Ud}Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    Noisy Metrology: A saturable lower bound on quantum Fisher information

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    In order to provide a guaranteed precision and a more accurate judgement about the true value of the Cram\'{e}r-Rao bound and its scaling behavior, an upper bound (equivalently a lower bound on the quantum Fisher information) for precision of estimation is introduced. Unlike the bounds previously introduced in the literature, the upper bound is saturable and yields a practical instruction to estimate the parameter through preparing the optimal initial state and optimal measurement. The bound is based on the underling dynamics and its calculation is straightforward and requires only the matrix representation of the quantum maps responsible for encoding the parameter. This allows us to apply the bound to open quantum systems whose dynamics are described by either semigroup or non-semigroup maps. Reliability and efficiency of the method to predict the ultimate precision limit are demonstrated by {three} main examples.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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