59 research outputs found

    Doctrinal Debate on the Age of Contracting of Marital in Ibero-America

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    The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015, grants fundamental importance to the principles of equality and non-discrimination and aims to realize Human Rights for all. From this perspective, target 3 of Goal no. 5 admonishes States to eliminate harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and child and early marriages. Since adopting the SDGs, the U.N. has promoted raising the age of marriage: in nine countries, marriage is prohibited for children under 18 years; in the rest, it is allowed from the age of 16, with parental or judicial authorisation. This literature review article analyses the doctrinal debate on legislative reforms to raise the age of marriage in 21 Latin American countries, in addition to Spain and Portugal. The searches have been done in Dialnet, Scielo, Scopus, and Google Scholar; most records are in Spanish and Portuguese

    Manual de prácticas de histología humana. Para estudiantes de Diplomaturas en Ciencias de la Salud

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    La Histología es una ciencia experimental. Por lo tanto, requiere para su correcto conocimiento del desarrollo de una serie de habilidades prácticas que intentamos despertar en nuestros alumnos a lo largo del curso académico. Las prácticas constituyen un elemento imprescindible e insustituible para la adquisición de los conocimientos teóricos desarrollados a lo largo de todo el programa. En ellas el alumno obtendrá una visión de la Histología Humana directa y real, que nunca se podrá conseguir de manera aislada con clases teóricas o con el manejo de libros de texto. Con estas consideraciones, las prácticas no son consideradas un mero complemento de las clases teóricas, de carácter secundario o accesorio, sino que constituyen por sí mismas un grupo de conocimientos, diferentes a los teóricos y que el alumno debe adquirir, ya que suponen una oportunidad única para familiarizarse con los instrumentos que han hecho avanzar la Histología, y con ella, el conocimiento de la estructura de los tejidos. En Histología Humana las prácticas van a consistir en la observación de las estructuras fundamentales con un microscopio individual y en el estudio de microfotografías electrónicas que complementarán el examen óptico. Pensamos que el alumno debe poseer un guión de la práctica que va a realizar y que debería haber leído antes de sentarse a examinar sus preparados. En él proponemos una pequeña introducción para recordar los conceptos fundamentales, asi como los objetivos específicos de la sesión práctica, la descripción del material que van a observar y las técnicas histológicas que se han practicado. Posee además espacios para que puedan dibujar algunos campos de la preparación en estudio. Esto tiene por objeto el fijar su atención sobre la imagen y abstraer de la misma los perfiles fundamentales. Finalmente, con la ayuda de las láminas de autoevaluación, el alumno puede comprobar por sí mismo el grado de aprovechamiento de la sesión práctica. Pretendemos, pues, que al finalizar la dotación horaria destinada a las prácticas, el alumno sea capaz de identificar las células y los diferentes tejidos básicos que integran el organismo humano, así como empezar a intuir el ordenamiento y las asociaciones de los diferentes tejidos para formar órganos, aparatos y sistemas con una determinada estructura y función. Nuestro objetivo último será que el alumno no considere esta ciencia básica como algo empírico sin correlación estructural y funcional. El programa práctico de Histología Humana que se expone a continuación está organizado en quince sesiones de una hora de duración que se han agrupado en nueve bloques o prácticas - metodología y estudio de la célula, tejido epitelial, tejido conjuntivo, tejidos esqueletógenos, tejido muscular, tejido nervioso, sistemas de coordinación funcional, sistemas de transporte y defensa, sistemas encargados de la respiración, nutrición y excreción y aparatos reproductores

    Algunos datos nuevos sobre las relaciones Iglesia-Estado durante la Segunda República Española. Documentación inédita del Nuncio Tedeschini en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano

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    Se pretende mostrar la importancia que para el estudio y la investigación de las relaciones entre la Iglesia católica y la Segunda República tendrán los fondos puestos a consulta recientemente en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano. Se han seleccionado dos momentos de especial trascendencia. En primer lugar, la proclamación de la Segunda República. Los telegramas cifrados cruzados ente la Secretaría de Estado y Tedeschini, aportan datos no conocidos y de bastante relieve. En segundo lugar la aprobación por las Cortes, del que habría de ser el artículo 26 de la Constitución de 1931. En un extenso informe (que se transcribe íntegramente) el Nuncio Tedeschini relata cómo fueron los acontecimientos. Los testimonios históricos sobre la existencia (Alcalá-Zamora) o no (Azaña) de un acuerdo entre el Gobierno provisional y la jerarquía eclesiástica, eran contradictorios. Este nuevo testimonio corrobora su existencia: el Nuncio no duda en hablar de traición, refiriéndose en especial a Azaña. ------ It aims to show the importance of the collections recently available in the Vatican Secret Archive for the study and investigation of the relations between the Catholic Church and the Second Republic. Two moments of special transcendence have been selected. First is the proclamation of the Second Republic. The encoded telegrams exchanged between tge Secretary of State and Tedeschini offer unknown data of quite relevance. Second is the approval by the 'Cortes', of which the article 26 of the Constitution of 1931 would have been. In an extensive report (which is transcribed completely), Nuncio Tedeschini relates how the events were. The historical testimonies about the existence (Alcalá-Zamora) or non-existence (Azaña) of an agreement between the provisional government and the ecclesiastical hierarchy were contradictories. This new testimony corroborates its existence: the Nuncio does not doubt in speaking about betrayal, specially referring to Azaña

    Doctrinal Debate on the Age of Contracting of Marital in Ibero-America

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    In this article, I intend to identify, within the frame of the semiotic theories of C.S. Peirce and U. Eco, some indications that may help to shed light on a remarkable phenomenon of constitutional interpretation, namely the influence exerted, in the determination process of the constitutional provisions which attribute fundamental rights, by the set of beliefs, expectations, purposes, etc., sedimented within a socially oriented linguistic practice. Through this operation of analogical transposition, I aim to highlight how the identification of the theoretical-doctrinal backgrounds related to the complex of ethical-political conceptions incorporated by the constitutions is strongly influenced by various elements of an intra- and extra-textual nature. Furthermore, by placing the interpretative processes in a broader hermeneutic-semiotic framework that considers legal cases as sign functions, the text seeks to demonstrate in a relatively easy-to-understand manner that the theoretical complications present in the legal field are ultimately not dissimilar to those found in any other interpretative activity that involves the use of a natural-historical language

    Mitochondrial bioenergetics and distribution in living human osteoblasts grown on implant surfaces

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    Osseointegration of implants is crucial for the long-term success of oral implants. The periimplant bone formation by osteoblasts is strongly dependent on the local mechanical environment in the interface zone. Robust demands for energy are placed on osteoblasts during the adhesion process to solid surfaces, and mitochondria are capital organelles in the production of most of the ATP needed for the process. We have assessed the relationship between osteoblast differentiation and mitochondrial bioenergetics in living cells grown on two different titanium surfaces, in order to provide valuable information for the design of material surfaces required for the development of the most appropriate osteogenic surface for osteoblastic anchorage. Combined backscattered and fluorescence confocal microscopy showed that in flat cells grown on a machined surface, highly energized mitochondria were distributed along the cell body. In contrast, cells grown on the rough surface emitted long protrusions in search of surface roughness, with actin stress fibers clearly polarized and highly energized mitochondria clustered at focal adhesion sites. This report using normal human osteoblastic cells indicates that these cells are especially sensitive to surface cues through energy production that enhances the necessary adhesion required for a successful osseointegration

    Actin cytoskeletal organization in human osteoblasts grown on different dental titanium implant surfaces

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    The understanding of the cellular basis of osteoblastic cell-biomaterial interaction is crucial to the analysis of the mechanism of osseointegration. Cell adhesion is a complex process that is dependent on the cell types and on the surface microtopography and chemistry of the substrate. We have studied the role of microtopography in modulating cell adhesion, in vitro, using a human osteoblastic cell line for the assessment of actin cytoskeletal organization. Through application of CLSM combining reflection and fluorescence, 2D or 3D images of cytoskeleton were obtained. On smooth surfaces, Ti CP machined, predominantly planar bone cells with an axial ratio of 1.1 were randomly oriented, with stress fibers running in all directions, and thin filopodia. On T iCP Osseotite ® surfaces the osteoblastic cells conformed to the irregular terrain of the sustrate with focal adhesion sites only established on the relative topographical peaks separated for a longer distance than in the machined surface, and defined wide lamellopodia and long filopodia, with enhanced expression of stress fibers, forming large clear focal contacts with the rough surface. The cytoskeletal organization of cells cultured on rough titanium supports an active role for the biomaterial surface in the events that govern osteoblastic cell adhesion. The results enforce the role of the rough sustrate surface in affecting osteoblastic cell adhesion and provide valuable information for the design of material surfaces that are required for the development of an appropriate osteogenic surface for osteoblastic anchorage, compared to machined surface, in dental implants

    Serological Findings in a Child with Paroxysmal Cold Haemoglobinuria

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    PCH is a rare autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) but is one of the most common causes of AIAH in children. For the diagnosis, it is important to perform the appropriate methods of serological investigation and show the typical biphasic reaction. This is a case report of a child who presented with features of haemolysis and was diagnosed with PCH of this way

    Effect of Extraction Conditions on the Antioxidant Activity of Olive Wood Extracts

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    An investigation to optimize the extraction yield and the radical scavenging activity from the agricultural by-product olive tree wood (Olea europaea L., cultivar Picual) using six different extraction protocols was carried out. Four olive wood samples from different geographical origin, and harvesting time have been used for comparison purposes. Among the fifty olive wood extracts obtained in this study, the most active ones were those prepared with ethyl acetate, either through direct extraction or by successive liquid-liquid partitioning procedures, the main components being the secoiridoids oleuropein and ligustroside. An acid hydrolysis pretreatment of olive wood samples before extractions did not improve the results. In the course of this study, two compounds were isolated from the ethanolic extracts of olive wood collected during the olives' harvesting season and identified as (7 R)-7 -ethoxyoleuropein (1) and (7 S)-7 -ethoxyoleuropein (2)

    Osteoconductive Potential of Barrier NanoSiO2 PLGA Membranes Functionalized by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition

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    The possibility of tailoring membrane surfaces with osteoconductive potential, in particular in biodegradable devices, to create modified biomaterials that stimulate osteoblast response should make them more suitable for clinical use, hopefully enhancing bone regeneration. Bioactive inorganic materials, such as silica, have been suggested to improve the bioactivity of synthetic biopolymers. An in vitro study on HOB human osteoblasts was performed to assess biocompatibility and bioactivity of SiO2 functionalized poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) membranes, prior to clinical use. A 15 nm SiO2 layer was deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD), onto a resorbable PLGA membrane. Samples were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). HOB cells were seeded on sterilized test surfaces where cell morphology, spreading, actin cytoskeletal organization, and focal adhesion expression were assessed. As proved by the FT-IR analysis of samples, the deposition by PECVD of the SiO2 onto the PLGA membrane did not alter the composition and other characteristics of the organic membrane. A temporal and spatial reorganization of cytoskeleton and focal adhesions and morphological changes in response to SiO2 nanolayer were identified in our model. The novedous SiO2 deposition method is compatible with the standard sterilization protocols and reveals as a valuable tool to increase bioactivity of resorbable PLGA membranes.Junta de Andalucía P09-CTS-5189Junta de Andalucía TEP5283Junta de Andalucía FQM-6900Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CONSOLIDER CSD 2008-00023Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2010-21228Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2010-18447Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS PI 09/0050

    Osteoblasts Interaction with PLGA Membranes Functionalized with Titanium Film Nanolayer by PECVD. In vitro Assessment of Surface Influence on Cell Adhesion during Initial Cell to Material Interaction

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    New biomaterials for Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR), both resorbable and non-resorbable, are being developed to stimulate bone tissue formation. Thus, the in vitro study of cell behavior towards material surface properties turns a prerequisite to assess both biocompatibility and bioactivity of any material intended to be used for clinical purposes. For this purpose, we have developed in vitro studies on normal human osteoblasts (HOB®) HOB® osteoblasts grown on a resorbable Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) membrane foil functionalized by a very thin film (around 15 nm) of TiO2 (i.e., TiO2/PLGA membranes), designed to be used as barrier membrane. To avoid any alteration of the membranes, the titanium films were deposited at room temperature in one step by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition. Characterization of the functionalized membranes proved that the thin titanium layer completely covers the PLGA foils that remains practically unmodified in their interior after the deposition process and stands the standard sterilization protocols. Both morphological changes and cytoskeletal reorganization, together with the focal adhesion development observed in HOB osteoblasts, significantly related to TiO2 treated PLGA in which the Ti deposition method described has revealed to be a valuable tool to increase bioactivity of PLGA membranes, by combining cell nanotopography cues with the incorporation of bioactive factors.Junta de Andalucía P09CTS5189Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS PI 0900508Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CONSOLIDER CSD2008-00023Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2010-2122