4 research outputs found

    Sister Mary Joseph nodule due to carcinosarcoma

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    The Sister Mary Joseph Nodule is an eponymous term which describes a palpable umbilical nodule occurring as a result of metastasis of an intra-abdominal or pelvic malignancy. In approximately 50% of cases, this sign is associated with gastrointestinal malignancies. These include gastric, colonic and pancreatic (mainly body and tail) carcinoma. Gastrointestinal malignancy is found in 52% of the metastatic cases and gynecologic and genitourinary origin in 28%, with gastric and ovarian cancers being the most common. The next report is about a 62 year-old woman whose was referred to the surgery department due a painful mass on the abdominal wall that has appeared 3 months before as a fast-growing, with suspicious diagnosis of strangulated umbilical hernia

    Intestinal cystic pneumatosis: a rare entity

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    Pneumatosis intestinalis is the presence of gas within the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. The gas forms bubbles containing nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in most cases is intramural. Many factors are associated with this entity such as bacterial gas production (Clostridium difficile), increased intraluminal pressure (vomiting), mucosal injury (inflammatory bowel disease and immunosuppression), pulmonary gas (pulmonary obstruction and chronic cough) and combination of factors. The most frequent symptom is abdominal pain however physical examination is not very helpful in the diagnosis, the reason why computed tomography is the best imaging modality for this disease. The treatment depends in the underlying cause and is debated

    Microvascular skin coverage in wounds that expose the Achilles tendon

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    Achilles tendon rupture is one of the most frequent tendon ruptures. Surgical intervention is the best option, but it has a high rate of complications leading to skin infections and necrosis. Extensive and aggressive debridement is necessary, producing tendon exposure and large skin defects. There are many alternatives for the skin coverage of the Achilles tendon, like sequential closures, vacuum assisted closure, local flaps, regional flaps, and more recently and efficiently microsurgery flaps. Skin defects in the Achilles tendon region have many peculiarities in comparison with other parts of the body: it is a zone that is always under mechanical stress due to footwear, this is why it must be highly resistant but thin. Its coverage must have sensitive properties, endure tendon gliding and allow early rehabilitation. Sometimes tendon reinforcement or creation or a neo tendon will be needed. For fulfilling these requirements free flaps by microsurgery are the only option in 90% of the cases. In this review article, we analyze three of the most frequently used free flaps in reconstructive medicine for complex Achilles tendon defects; free radial forearm flap, free radial forearm flap with vascularized flexor carpi radialis tendon and free anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap with vascularized fascia lata. This choice will be determined by the number of tissues involved, size of the defect, etiology of the defect, overall condition of the affected extremity and quality of neighboring tissues

    Diario de Campo: Boletín Interno de los investigadores del área de Antropología. 100 (2008) agosto. Diario de Campo

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    - 68 inédito. El ojo del poder por Revista Diario de Campo. - Mutación chamánica y balance de poderes: curanderos otomíes en la Huasteca veracruzana por Israel Lazcarro Salgado. - Cultura serrana mestiza. Una práctica de campo dirigida en la Sierra Madre Occidental por Andrés Oseguera. - Jerarquía católica y actores sociales en la Arquidiócesis de Yucatán por Iván Franco. - El 68 no es un recuerdo por Margarita Nolasco. - El movimiento del 68 y la antropología por Francisco Javier Guerrero Mendoza. - Mi vivencia del 68 por Andrés Fábregas Puig. - En la mirada de guita se quedó anclada mi memoria por Mariángeles Comesaña. - El artista en (próximo o ya) el 68 por Fernando Curiel. - Derechos indígenas y políticas públicas por Elia Avendaño Villafuente. - Renato Ravelo Lecuona: La historia y la acción por Jaime Salazar Adame. - Entre Ríos y Montañas Sagradas por Raúl Barrera Rodríguez. - Suplemento 50. Margarita Nolasco Armas. Sólido pilar de la Antropología Mexicana. - Cuadernos de Etnología 5. La condición indígena en el siglo XXI. Del indio "indito" a los indígenas mexicano