123 research outputs found
“Let’s Dance”: A Dialogical Proposal for Analyzing Interactions and Positions in Couples Therapy
The dialogical self theory, based on the metaphor of the self as a dialogue between different voices and I-positions, conceptualizes the structure and functioning of the self as a product of communication and relational processes. The dynamics of the dialogical self imply the articulation between the individual self and the self in
relationship with others. Yet, the dialogical self theory has been seldom applied to couples therapy. Therefore, in order to understand changes in relationships from a dialogical perspective, we investigated a case study of a couple – Victoria and Alfonso – evolving through four sessions of couple’s therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A regulação das responsabilidades parentais e a autonomia das crianças
A regulação das responsabilidades parentais e aautonomia das criança
Base de dados do potencial eólico em Portugal Continental
Portugal é um dos países com maior capacidade eólica instalada a nível mundial e tem mantido uma tendência de crescimento. A aposta nas renováveis tem permitido aos países reduzir a sua dependência energética do exterior. Neste âmbito, os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica constituem uma mais-valia para o mapeamento georreferenciado do potencial eólico em plataformas padrão, permitindo a gestão e actualização da elevada qualidade de informação disponível.
A presente dissertação propõe-se apresentar uma nova e actualizada base de dados do potencial eólico em Portugal Continental, georreferenciada, com a possibilidade de seleccionar dados informativos por zonas de interesse e detalhar informação por parque ou zona de potencial eólico. Torna-se, assim, uma ferramenta útil para empresas, decisores e outros potenciais interessados em explorar este recurso no país. É um projecto inovador que combina duas tecnologias empreendedoras: os sistemas eólicos e os SIG. A relevância deste projecto é do interesse público, possibilitando recolha de informação de forma fácil e sistemática, evidenciando, por isso, a pertinência da sua consecução
A reciclagem na Indústria do Calçado Português: O caminho de um Sistema Linear para um Sistema Circular
O ano de 2022 surge na indústria como o ano da inovação e recuperação para a
crise económica causada pela Covid-19. Sendo a indústria do calçado uma das indústrias
que contribui para a economia do país, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de modo a
compreender o estado atual desta indústria, como pode evoluir de forma mais
sustentável e continuar a ser uma mais-valia para o país.
A indústria do calçado português tem sido reconhecida externamente pela sua
qualidade de produção. Ao mesmo tempo, esta indústria tem vindo a demonstrar a sua
preocupação com os impactos socioeconómicos e ambientais, desenvolvendo linhas de
produção e produtos cada vez mais sustentáveis, melhorando a imagem do sector.
A indústria do calçado portuguesa é conhecida pelo uso de matérias-primas
naturais como as peles. Porém, novos materiais são cada vez mais comuns, estando
muitos relacionados com economias circulares. Esses materiais surgem a partir do
aproveitamento de resíduos gerados pelo próprio processo produtivo ou são materiais de
outras indústrias, que são aproveitados para a criação de componentes para o calçado.
Para uma melhor compreensão dos tipos de materiais usados na atualidade,
iniciou-se este trabalho por uma análise histórica, seguida por uma descrição da evolução
de diferentes tendências relacionadas com as fases de produção, tipos de calçado e seus
componentes. Desse modo, compreendeu-se as fases do ciclo do produto. A escolha de
materiais para um dado tipo de calçado tem um grande impacto no produto final. Foram
analisados os materiais usados no fabrico de diferentes tipos de calçado, a gestão de
desperdícios durante a produção, o uso de materiais reciclados e o seu papel na
divulgação de marcas conhecidas pela sustentabilidade.
Da compreensão da cadeia produtiva e das novas tendências foi proposta uma
solução prática e sustentável para a indústria do calçado, em uma das fases da economia
circular: - a reciclagem. Assim, sugere-se a criação de uma empresa de recolha e
tratamento de calçado usado com a finalidade de redução de desperdícios em aterros.The year 2022 comes in industry as the year of innovation and recovery for the
economic crisis caused by Covid-19. Since the footwear industry is one of the industries
that contributes to the country's economy, a research was developed to understand the
current state of this industry, how it can evolve more sustainably and continue to be an
added value for the country.
The footwear industry has Portuguese been recognized externally for its quality
of production. At the same time, this industry has been showing its concern about socioeconomic and environmental impacts by developing increasingly sustainable production
lines and products, improving the image of the sector.
The Portuguese footwear industry is known for the use of natural raw materials
such as fur. However, new materials are increasingly common, with many related to
circular economies. These materials arise from the use of waste generated by the
production process itself or are materials from other industries, which are used for the
creation of components for footwear.
For a better understanding of the types of materials used today, this work was
initiated by a historical analysis, followed by a description of the evolution of different
trends related to the production phases, types of footwear and their components. Thus,
the phases of the product cycle were understood. The choice of materials for a given type
of footwear has a great impact on the final product. We analyzed the materials used in
the manufacture of different types of footwear, the management of waste during
production, the use of recycled materials and their role in the dissemination of brands
known for sustainability.
From the understanding of the production chain and new trends, a practical and
sustainable solution was proposed for the footwear industry, in one of the phases of the
circular economy: - recycling. Thus, it is suggested the creation of a company for the
collection and treatment of used footwear for the purpose of reducing waste in landfills
Os sistemas de Informação e a eficiência da auditoria
Este estudo tem como principal propósito perceber se os sistemas de informação/tecnologias de informação ajudam na eficiência da realização de uma auditoria.
A revisão da literatura foi feita através da pesquisa em diversas fontes, nomeadamente: livros, artigos científicos/académicos, jornais e revistas. A investigação baseou-se
essencialmente sobre temáticas relacionadas com o tema em estudo, ou seja, definição de
sistemas de informação/tecnologias de informação, relação entre as tecnologias de
informação e a auditoria e a formação dos auditores em TI. Procuramos obter várias
opiniões sobre o assunto em questão, quer estas fossem coincidentes ou divergentes.
Posteriormente, na parte metodológica, optamos pela realização de um questionário, dado
que consideramos que o método quantitativo seria o mais assertivo e indicado para dar
resposta à problemática em análise. A formulação das questões foi baseada na literatura
anteriormente investigada.
O questionário foi dirigido a indivíduos que ocupassem cargos relacionados com a
profissão de auditoria, incluindo os Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Auditores e Assistentes
de Auditoria.
Uma vez que a amostra obtida no inquérito não é considerável não devemos generalizar as conclusões retiradas.The purpose of this study is to understand if the information systems/information
technologies help in the efficiency of an audit.
The literature review was obtained through relentless research from various sources,
including books, scholarly/scholarly articles, newspapers and magazines, essentially on
topics related to the topic under study, that is definition of information
systems/information/technologies, relation between information technologies and
auditors and the training of auditors in IT. We try to obtain various opinions on the same
subject, whether coincident or divergent.
Subsequently, in a methodological part, we decided to prepare a questionnaire because
we considered that the quantitative method would be the most the most correct and
indicated to answer the a problematic. The formulation of the questions was based on a
review of the literature presented.
The survey was aimed at individuals who are in charge of the auditor profession,
including Certified Official Auditor, Auditors and Audit assistants.
Since the sample is not large, this limitation should be considered, not generalizing the
conclusions drawn from this study
Implementação do Kaizen Diário e de ferramentas Lean no processo de encerramento contabilístico: estudo de caso numa empresa nacional do ramo da celulose
Na conjuntura económica atual, é crucial que as empresas tenham a capacidade de se adaptar às constantes mudanças do meio no qual operam, para manter e alcançar uma vantagem competitiva. Através da introdução da filosofia Lean é possível conquistar essa vantagem, pois esta permite melhorar os processos, reduzir os desperdícios, obter uma melhor organização e aumentar os níveis de qualidades.
O presente projeto enquadra-se na Direção de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade (DCF) de uma Empresa Nacional do ramo da Celulose e tem como objetivo avaliar os resultados da implementação do Kaizen Diário e de Ferramentas Lean no processo de encerramento contabilístico mensal.
O presente trabalho, com duração de 12 meses, iniciou-se por uma análise exaustiva dos processos da DCF, identificando os desperdícios e as oportunidades de melhoria. De seguida, é explicado como foram implementadas as ferramentas Lean, nomeadamente, 5S’s; Kanban; normalização; quadro de gestão visual, entre outras.
Assim, foi possível concluir que este projeto contribuiu significativamente para a Direção.
A nível dos conhecimentos, o projeto permitiu à equipa desenvolver a cultura de melhoria continua e evidenciar que é possível aplicar esta filosofia a atividades não industriais, com sucesso.
Por outro lado, em termos práticos, o projeto permitiu proceder à normalização de alguns processos, obter uma melhor organização da equipa e dos espaços físicos e digitais, aprofundamento do conhecimento dos processos e identificação das oportunidades de melhoria futuras.
De acordo, com os testemunhos dos stakeholders deste projeto, é evidente que o Lean fez diferença na DCF e melhorou significativamente o seu funcionamento.In the current economic context, it is crucial that companies have the ability to adapt to the changing environment in which they operate to maintain and achieve a competitive advantage. By introducing the Lean philosophy, it is possible to gain that advantage, as it enables the improvement of processes, waste reduction, better organization and increased quality levels.
This project was conducted in the Accounting and Tax Division (DCF) in a Portuguese Pulp Company and aims to evaluate the results of the implementation of the Daily Kaizen and Lean Tools in the process of monthly accounting closure.
This work, carried out 12 months, began with a thorough analysis of the DCF processes, identifying the waste and opportunities for improvement. Then, the Paper explains how the various Lean tools were implemented, namely: 5S's; Kanban; normalization; visual management framework, among others. Thus, it was possible to conclude that this project contributed significantly to the Division.
In terms of knowledge, the project allowed the team to develop a culture of continuous improvement and to show that it is possible to apply successfully this philosophy to non-industrial activities.
On the other hand, in practical terms, the project allowed for the standardization of some processes, better organization of the team and the physical and digital spaces, deeper knowledge of the monthly closing processes and identification of future improvement opportunities.
According to the testimonials of the stakeholders of this project, it is clear that the Lean made a difference in the DCF and significantly improved its functioning
Os trabalhadores de plataformas digitais e o direito à negociação coletiva
O presente estudo versará a possibilidade de os trabalhadores de plataformas digitais terem acesso ao direito de negociação coletiva. Este tema tem especial relevo nos dias de hoje visto assistirmos a uma tendência para o crescimento das plataformas, ao mesmo tempo que a regulação das relações entre os trabalhadores de plataformas e as plataformas é reduzida. Estudaremos também os desafios que este tema suscita no que respeita à classificação destes trabalhadores e à sua relação com o direito da concorrência.The present study will focus on the possibility of digital platform workers
acceding to the right to collective bargaining. Nowadays, this is a particularly pertinent
topic since there is a tendency for platforms to grow, while there is still a lack of
regulation concerning the relationship between the platform workers and platforms.
We will also study the challenges that this issue presents in terms of the
classification of platform workers as well as its relation to competition law
Hydrogels and cell based therapies in spinal cord injury regeneration
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a central nervous system- (CNS-) related disorder for which there is yet no successful treatment. Within the past several years, cell-based therapies have been explored for SCI repair, including the use of pluripotent human stem cells, and a number of adult-derived stem and mature cells such as mesenchymal stem cells, olfactory ensheathing cells, and Schwann cells. Although promising, cell transplantation is often overturned by the poor cell survival in the treatment of spinal cord injuries. Alternatively, the therapeutic role of different cells has been used in tissue engineering approaches by engrafting cells with biomaterials. The latter have the advantages of physically mimicking the CNS tissue, while promoting a more permissive environment for cell survival, growth, and differentiation. The roles of both cell- and biomaterial-based therapies as single therapeutic approaches for SCI repair will be discussed in this review. Moreover, as the multifactorial inhibitory environment of a SCI suggests that combinatorial approaches would be more effective, the importance of using biomaterials as cell carriers will be herein highlighted, as well as the recent advances and achievements of these promising tools for neural tissue regeneration.The authors would like to acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Grant no. PTDC/SAU-BMA/114059/2009; IF Development Grant to António J. Salgado); Prémios Santa Casa Neurociências for funds attributed to António J. Salgado under the scope of the Prize Melo e Castro for Spinal Cord Injury Research; cofunded by Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2—O Novo Norte), ao abrigo do Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN), através do Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER)
332 Predictors and prognostic value of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing primary angioplasty
PurposeContrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) after coronariography has been associated to increased morbidity and mortality. Patients submitted to primary angioplasty seem to be at higher risk for CIN development, owing in part to hemodynamic status. We sought to determine the prevalence, predictors and prognostic value of CIN occurrence after primary angioplasty.MethodsA total of 141 patients consecutively submitted to primary angioplasty and admitted to our coronary unit were reviewed. CIN was defined as impairment of renal function occurring within 48 hours after administration of contrast media and manifested by an absolute increase in the serum creatinine level of at least 0.5mg/dl or by a relative increase of at least 25% over the baseline value (in the absence of another cause). The primary end points were in-hospital and six-month mortality.ResultsCIN developed in 18.4% of the patients (n=26). Patients with CIN were older (68±13 vs 61±13 years; p<0.05) and more often had diabetes mellitus (38.5% vs 15.7%; p<0.05). Although statistical significance was not reached, there was a trend for higher prevalence of hypertension (61.5% vs 42.6%; p=0.09), female gender (30.8% vs 18.3%; p=0.18) and Killip class higher than one at admission (26.9% vs 16.3%; p=0.1) among patients with CIN. Patients with CIN had an higher mean time from symptoms to reperfusion (304±192 vs 397±206 minutes; p<0.04). By multivariate analysis, independent correlates of CIN were older age (OR=1.04; 95%CI=1.01 − 1.08) and diabetes mellitus (OR=2.99; 95%CI=1.08 − 8.3). Patients with CIN had higher in-hospital (19.2% vs 0.9%; p<0.05) and 6-month mortality (28.6% vs 4.9%; p<0.05).ConclusionsCIN was a frequent complication of primary angioplasty (18.4% of the patients). Independent predictors of CIN after primary angioplasty were older age and diabetes mellitus. Patients with CIN had a worse prognosis, both during in-hospital stay and at 6 months
Exploiting the impact of the secretome of MSCs isolated from different tissue sources on neuronal differentiation and axonal growth
Cell transplantation using Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) secretome have recently been presented as a possible free-based therapy for CNS related disorders. MSC secretome is rich in several bio-factors that act synergically towards the repair of damaged tissues, thus making it an ideal candidate for regenerative applications. Great effort is currently being made to map the molecules that compose the MSC secretome. Previous proteomic characterization of the secretome (in the form of conditioned media - CM) of MSCs derived from adipose tissue (ASC), bone-marrow (BMSC) and umbilical cord (HUCPVC) was performed by our group, where proteins relevant for neuroprotection, neurogenic, neurodifferentiation, axon guidance and growth functions were identified. Moreover, we have found significant differences among the expression of several molecules, which may indicate that their therapeutic outcome might be distinct. Having this in mind, in the present study, the neuroregulatory potential of ASC, BMSC and HUCPVC CM in promoting neurodifferentiation and axonal outgrowth was tested in vitro, using human telencephalon neuroprogenitor cells and dorsal root ganglion explants, respectively. The CM from the three MSC populations induced neuronal differentiation from human neural progenitor cells, as well as neurite outgrowth from dorsal root ganglion explants. Moreover, all the MSC populations promoted the same extent of neurodifferentiation, while ASC CM demonstrated higher potential in promoting axonal growth.The authors acknowledge the financial support by Premios
Santa Casa Neurociencias - Prize Melo e Castro for Spinal Cord ^
Injury Research (MC-17-2013 and MC-04-2017); Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (Doctoral fellowships PDE/
BDE/113596/2015 and SFRH/BD/120124/2016 to R.C Assunçao Silva ~
and B. Mendes-Pinheiro, respectively; Post-doctoral fellowhip to
F.G. Teixeira and Patrícia Patrício - SFRH/BPD/118408/2016 and
SFRH/BPD/116249/2016; IF Starting Grant to L. Pinto and IF Development Grant to A. J. Salgado); Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering (LAB). This work is funded by national funds
through FCT under the scope of grante reference TUBITAK/0007/
2014. This article has been developed under the scope of the project
NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern
Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under
the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European
Regional Development Fund (FEDER). This work has been funded
by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational
Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the
Foundation for Science and Technology, under the scope of the
project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038. HUCPVCs and ASCs were
kindly provided by Prof. John E. Davies (University of Toronto,
Canada) and Prof. Jeff Gimble (LaCell Inc, USA).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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