154 research outputs found
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Etos Kerja Dan Budaya Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Bina Marga Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah
This research intends to explore and analyze simultaneous and partial impacts workenvironment, work ethics, and work culture on employee performance in Bina Marga Agency of Central Sulawesi. It Involves 116 employees as respondentsand applies multiple linear regressions analysis with descriptive approach. The results show that work environment, work ethics, and work culture simultaneously and partially have significant influence on employees\u27performance in Bina Marga Agency of Centra Sulawes
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Tema Es Loli Rasa Durian Kelas VII Di SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri
Model pembelajaran terpadu merupakan salah satu model implementasi kurikulum yang dianjurkan untuk diaplikasikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan mulai dari tingkat Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD/MI) sampai dengan Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA), namun pelaksanaannya terkendala oleh belum terdapat perangkat IPA Terpadu secara luas, buku referensi IPA Terpadu pada sekolah, dan kesiapan guru mengajar IPA Terpadu. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan dan menganalisis efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran IPA Terpadu tema es loli rasa durian. Model pengembangan perangkat IPA Terpadu dipilih model keterhubungan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Produk yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini adalah silabus, RPP, LKS, Materi ajar, dan soal tes. Produk divalidasi oleh ahli pembelajaran IPA, guru IPA, dan teman sejawat. Setelah dilakukan revisi, produk diujicobakan pada kelas kecil, kemudian produk diujicobakan pada kelas besar. Uji kelayakan produk digunakan angket dan dinilai oleh ahli pembelajaran IPA, guru IPA, dan teman sejawat. Hasil uji kelayakan produk diperoleh rata-rata 94,11%, artinya bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA Terpadu tema es loli rasa durian kategori baik. Pengukuran efektivitas produk dilakukan pembelajaran IPA Terpadu pada kelas VIIC sebagai kelas eksperimen dan pembelajaran IPA Terpisah di kelas VIIB sebagai kelas kontrol. Kedua kelas diberi pretes dan postes, kemudian dianalisis N-Gain hasil pretes postes kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Hasil uji homogenitas dan normalitas kelas eksperimen dan kontrol adalah homogen dan normal, maka dianalisis dengan uji-t. Hasil untuk uji-t diperoleh thitung= 0,224 dan ttabel= 2,000, maka disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara penguasaan konsep dengan IPA Terpadu atau IPA Terpisah
Manajemen Komunikasi “Bidan Delima” Kota Bandung
To become a private midwife with the tittle of bidan delima, one\u27s should be able not only to communicate both in verbal and non verbal communication but also able to manage a positive impression management. The study is conducted in qualitative method by the perspective of phenomenology and it is aimed to know about bidan delima\u27s effort in managing their communication act. The result of study has shown that midwives and their clients performed the communication management in form of interpersonal and intrapersonal communication both in a verbal and nonverbal manner. Then, in forms of verbal communication, the informants used mother tongue, informal language, warnings, greetings, and motivation. While in forms of nonverbal communication, the informants performed body gesture, touch, time management, status mark, competition, and identification. Moreover, the bidan delima performed their verbal communication mostly in spoken language, friendly greetings, and as the symbols of their nonverbal communication towards their client, they performed face expression, touch, time schedule, status mark, competition, and identification board. The other result of the study has shown that in terms of the bidan delima\u27s value of communication competence, the informants have enriched their value by adding ethics, experiences, and positive self-concepts into their communication act. Therefore, based on the result above, the author created a model of bidan delima\u27s communication management
Peningkatan Kepekaan Ritme melalui Latihan Jepin Tabuh di SMP
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pendeskripsian peningkatan kepekaan ritme melalui latihan jepin tabuh 1 dan 2 siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Mentebah Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas), serta sifat penelitian kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di SMP Negeri 1 Mentebah Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Jalan Lintas Selatan. Nanga Mentebah. Subjek penelitian siswa SMP Negeri 1 Mentebah, dengan jumlah siswa 25 orang, terdiri dari 11 orang putra dan 14 orang putri. Teknik pengumpul data lebih banyak pada observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian antara lain nilai rata-rata siswa pada latihan jepin tabuh 1 dan 2 pada siklus 1 adalah 66,6, pada siklus II setelah dilakukan tindakan kedua nilai rata-rata siswa menjadi meningkat yaitu 7,8. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi jepin tabuh 1 dan 2 dapat meningkatkan kepekaan ritme dalam memainkan gendang rebana sebagai media yang cocok untuk diterapkan pada siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Kepekaan Ritme, Jepin Tabuh, 1 dan 2 Abstrack: The purpose of this study is the description of an in crease in sensitivity of percussi onr hythms through he xercise jepin1 and 2 students of class VII SMP Negeri 1 Mentebah Kapuas Hulu. This study used adescrip tive method with the type of research PTK (Class room Action Research), as well as the nature of qualitati vere search. Location research in SMP Negeri 1 Mentebah Kapuas Hulu, South Cross Road. Nanga Mentebah. The subject of research students of SMP Negeri 1 Mentebah, the number of students 25 people, consisting of 11 sons and 14 daughters. Techni ques collecting more data on observation, interviews, and documentation.The results ofthe study include the average valueof student sinexercises 1 and 2 percussion jepin in cycle1was 66.6, in the second cycleafter the action boththe average value of 7.8 student sbeincreased. From these resultsit can be concluded that the implementati on of percussion jepin 1 and 2 canincrease the sensitivity of the drum rhythmin playing tambourine as a medium whic his suitable to be applied to the studentin learning activities
Improving Students' Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text by Using Movie Posters
This study concerns on Improving Students' Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text by Using Movie Posters. The underlying objective of this study is to investigate whether teaching descriptive by using movie posters potentially improves students' skill. The research was conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of the research was class X of SMA SWASTA UTAMA MEDAN. The number of the students was 28. The procedure of the research was administrated into two cycles which each cycle consisted of three meetings. Each meeting included four steps namely: planning, action, observation and reflection. There were two kinds of data collected during the study, qualitative and quantitative data. The instrument for collecting the quantitative data was the writing of descriptive text. The qualitative data were gathered by using diary notes, observation sheet and questionnaire sheet. Based on the data analysis, the mean of students' scores in Test I was 45.71; Test II was 62.32 and Test III was 81.96. The quantitative & qualitative data showed that the students were interested in using movie poster as a media in learning descriptive text. The conclusion is the using of movie poster as a media in teaching-learning process improves students' achievement in writing descriptive text
A decentralized proportional-integral sliding mode tracking controller for a 2 D.O.F robot arm
Trajectory tracking with high accuracy is a very challenging topic in direct drive robot control. This is due to the nonlinearities and input couplings present in the dynamics of the arm. This paper deals with the tracking control of a class of direct-drive robot manipulators. A robust Proportional-Integral (PI) sliding mode control law is derived so that the robot trajectory tracks a desired trajectory as closely as possible despite the highly non-linear and coupled dynamics. The controller is designed using the decentralized approaches. Application to a two degree of freedom direct drive robot arm is considered
Efektivitas Penyuluhan terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Guru SD di Jakarta Mengenai Pencegahan Cacingan, Tahun 2011
Cacingan merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia terutama pada anak. Pengetahuan mengenaipencegahan berperan penting dalam menanggulangi cacingan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahuiefektivitas penyuluhan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar (SD) mengenai cacingan.Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan metode pre-post study. Pengambilandata dilaksanakan di Jakarta pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2011 terhadap 67 orang guru SD yang dimintauntuk mengisi kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Kuesioner berisi lima pertanyaan mengenaipencegahan infeksi A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura dan O. vermicularis. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasilbahwa sebelum penyuluhan guru yang mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan baik adalah 12 orang (17,9%),cukup 21 orang (31,3%), dan kurang 34 orang (50,7%). Setelah penyuluhan, guru dengan tingkatpengetahuan baik adalah 39 orang (58,2%), cukup 24 orang (35,8%), dan kurang 4 orang (6,0%).Sebelum penyuluhan, pertanyaan yang paling banyak tidak dimengerti responden adalah kapan waktumemberikan obat cacing (hanya 6% yang menjawab benar). Berdasarkan uji marginal homogeneitydidapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,01) pada tingkat pengetahuan guru sebelum dan sesudahpenyuluhan kesehatan. Disimpulkan bahwa penyuluhan efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuanguru SD mengenai pencegahan cacingan
Cakupan Pemberian Obat Pencegahan Massal Filariasis di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya Tahun 2012-2013
Filariasis merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat terutama di Indonesia Timur antara lain di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya (SBD). Untuk mengeliminasi filariasis, WHO membuat program PemberianObat Pencegahan Masal (POPM) dengan dietilkarbamazin sitrat dan albendazol setiap tahun selama 5tahun berturut-turut. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan POPM, perlu dilakukan evaluasi cakupan POPM setiaptahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui cakupan POPM di SBD pada tahun 2012-2013. Penelitanini menggunakan data POPM Dinas Kesehatan SBD pada tahun 2012 dan 2013. Cakupan POPM filariasisdihitung berdasarkan jumlah penduduk minum obat dibagi penduduk total dan jumlah penduduk sasaran.Target cakupan pengobatan penduduk sasaran adalah >85% dan dari penduduk total adalah > 65%. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan cakupan POPM filariasis berdasarkan penduduk total pada tahun 2012 adalah 1,96%dan tahun 2013 sebesar 1,13%. Cakupan POPM filariasis berdasarkan penduduk sasaran pada tahun 2012adalah 2,51% dan tahun 2013 adalah 1,35%. Disimpulkan bahwa cakupan POPM filariasis berdasarkanpenduduk sasaran dan penduduk total di SBD sangat rendah dan cakupan tahun 2013 lebih rendahdibandingkan tahun 2012
Distribution and Population Structure of the Juvenile of Diospyros Celebica Bakh. Under the Canopy of Their Mother-tree
The distribution pattern and population structure of Diospyros celebica under the conopy of their mother-tree stand were studied in the experimental forest of Hasanuddin University at Maros District. One hectar rectangular plot was established in the secondary natural forest dominated by D. celebica. All individuals of D. celebica found in the plot were recorded their diameter at hight 130 cm above ground level. Individual less than 130 cm in hight were categorized as seedling and measured their total hight from ground level. Analyzes using Morisita's Distribution Index (Iδ) resulted in the distribution pattern of D. celebica was clumped for all life-stages (seedling, sapling, pole and tree). Distribution pattern of seedling was found to be not significanly correlated to the slope, but was positively and significantly correlated with the level of canopy cover of their mother-tree stand. Abundance of seedlings were found under the canopy of the mother trees. However, as the individuals grow taller the correlation became weaker, until then the correlation became negative at the tree stage. This study also indicated that for all life-stages, more individual of D. celebica were found on the habitat with steeper slopes, but the correlation was not significant. The abundant number of seedling indicates that this species has a good ability in the natural regeneration process
The Trend of Diarrhea in Kodi and Kodi Utara Subdistricts, Sumba Barat Daya District in 2013 and Its Related Factors
Diarrhea is one of the most frequent diseases occur globally, including Indonesia, with mostly infected children under five years old. Sumba Barat Daya (SBD) is one of area in Nusa TenggaraTimur (NTT) with limited water sources, including Kodi and Kodi Utara subdistricts. Kodi has riverthat is accessible for the population, while Kodi Utara has no clean water sources. The purpose ofthis study was to know the trend and prevalence of diarrhea in 2013, and its relation with age andthe availability of water sources Kodi and Kodi Utara, SBD district. This study used cross sectionaldesign using secondary data taken from local health service of SBD. This study found that numberof diarrhea cases in 2013 in the two subdistricts were fluctuated, with the highest cases belongedto population less than five years old. Prevalence of diarrhea in Kodi Utara (1.76%) was higherthan in Kodi (1.68%). Analytical test using chi square showed that prevalence of diarrhea in the twosubdistricts was significantly related to age (p<0.05), but it was not significantly related to the area(p>0.05). In conclusion, prevalence of diarrhea in Kodi and Kodi Utara was related to age, howeverit was not related with availability of water sources
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