4 research outputs found

    Examining the moderating effect of entrepreneurs� demographic characteristics on strategic entrepreneurial orientations and competitiveness of SMEs

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    The focus of this study was to examine the moderating effects of entrepreneurs� demographic characteristics on strategic entrepreneurial orientation and competitiveness of SMEs. The theoretical underpinning of the study was based on existing literature to reflect the moderating effects of entrepreneurs� demographic characteristics on strategic entrepreneurial orientation and competitiveness of SMEs. The study adopted quantitative approach with a descriptive research design to describe the moderating effects of entrepreneurs� demographic characteristics on the relationship between strategic entrepreneurial orientation and competitiveness of SMEs based on the objective of the study. Data was gathered from 159 owners/managers of micro, small and medium agro-based firms that were randomly selected and surveyed through the use of structured questionnaire. Hierarchical multiple regression was adopted in analysing the research instrument. The findings from the statistical analysis suggest that analysis, future oriented strategies, proactive initiatives, risk-taking attitudes, defensive strategies over their niche and ensuring integration of their various functional units are significant strategic entrepreneurial orientations that enhance SMEs competitiveness. © 2018, Allied Business Academies. All rights reserved

    Data on perception of faculty members on the influence of faculty support initiatives on the efficacy of job responsibilities

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    The main objective of this survey is to present data on the perception of the influence of faculty support initiatives on efficacy of job responsibilities using six private university in Nigeria as case study. The population of the study included all faculty members of selected private universities with a total of 1912 faculty members. A sample size of 500 were selected to participate in the survey based on the outcome of the sample size determination formula suggested by Falola et al. (2016) [5]. The validity and reliability of the research instrument were carried out. Regression analysis and structural equation modeling were used as statistical tool of analysis. It is believed that when the data is analysed, it will give insight into how faculty support initiatives of various universities can help in enhancing the effectiveness of job responsibilities

    Job design and behavioural outcome of employees in agricultural research training, Ibadan, Nigeria

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    This study focused on the relationship between job design and behavioural outcomes of employees in Agricultural Research Training, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study was quantitative and the items in the questionnaire were adapted from previous studies. A total of 227 respondents were surveyed and statistical regression models were used to examine the relationship between the independent variables (job design) and dependent variables (employee behavioural outcomes). The findings showed that 14.4% of the variance in job design dimensions can explain the variance in employee behavioural outcome. The model revealed that task identity, sense of autonomy and skill variety had more statistical significance in predicting employee behavioural outcome, recording the highest beta value than other variables such as task significance and feedback mechanisms. The model indicates that the strength of regression weights of paths has a strong direction. Keywords: Task identity, Autonomy, Feedback, Skill variety, Task significance, Behaviour, Desig