1,039 research outputs found

    Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization: A User Frequency Analysis

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    Matrix factorization (MF) has become a common approach to collaborative filtering, due to ease of implementation and scalability to large data sets. Two existing drawbacks of the basic model is that it does not incorporate side information on either users or items, and assumes a common variance for all users. We extend the work of constrained probabilistic matrix factorization by deriving the Gibbs updates for the side feature vectors for items (Salakhutdinov and Minh, 2008). We show that this Bayesian treatment to the constrained PMF model outperforms simple MAP estimation. We also consider extensions to heteroskedastic precision introduced in the literature (Lakshminarayanan, Bouchard, and Archambeau, 2011). We show that this tends result in overfitting for deterministic approximation algorithms (ex: Variational inference) when the observed entries in the user / item matrix are distributed in an non-uniform manner. In light of this, we propose a truncated precision model. Our experimental results suggest that this model tends to delay overfitting

    Collaborative Filtering in a Non-Uniform World: Learning with the Weighted Trace Norm

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    We show that matrix completion with trace-norm regularization can be significantly hurt when entries of the matrix are sampled non-uniformly. We introduce a weighted version of the trace-norm regularizer that works well also with non-uniform sampling. Our experimental results demonstrate that the weighted trace-norm regularization indeed yields significant gains on the (highly non-uniformly sampled) Netflix dataset.Comment: 9 page

    The More You Know: Using Knowledge Graphs for Image Classification

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    One characteristic that sets humans apart from modern learning-based computer vision algorithms is the ability to acquire knowledge about the world and use that knowledge to reason about the visual world. Humans can learn about the characteristics of objects and the relationships that occur between them to learn a large variety of visual concepts, often with few examples. This paper investigates the use of structured prior knowledge in the form of knowledge graphs and shows that using this knowledge improves performance on image classification. We build on recent work on end-to-end learning on graphs, introducing the Graph Search Neural Network as a way of efficiently incorporating large knowledge graphs into a vision classification pipeline. We show in a number of experiments that our method outperforms standard neural network baselines for multi-label classification.Comment: CVPR 201
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